So now I have two different stacks of silver ore in my ME system again
That even NOW, after running into multiple tech mods trying to make the same ores since 125, we *still* don't have a common standard singleton ore generation concept. (1)
That we don't have a really good ore dictionary (as far as I know); there is no way to say "X is usable as Y, but do not let Y be used as X".
That we still have people wanting (often with good reason) to say "My steam is not like their steam, do not unify these two steams".
That we even have good reason to say "Do not unify these two steams". Except when, it's something like the HP turbine / "denser than normal steam". But even then, balance. (see below).
After all, it's not like one mod says "one block of water makes one block of steam", and another mod says "one block of water makes 32 blocks of steam". (Don't get me started on cooling that steam back down into water

That two different mods can both use RPM and Torque, or a torque-like (simplified) concept, and yet be so different from each other that they cannot be converted/compared. (Gears of the machine, which deals with stuff at the hand-cranked level, and RoC, which deals with stuff at the machine-powered level).
That some people want arbitrary machines to be powered by arbitrary power sources, unless it's botania's machines, or RoC's machines. (After all, Botania may be a re-skinned tech mod, but it's got magic power, so it's OK to have no other power source run it's machines / require progress in its tech tree to use its devices); but how dare RoC require you to progress in its tech tree before you can use an RF source to run its machines.
That this divide is even necessary in the first place (all of: RoC's machines being so OP at the high end that anti-griefing has to be built into the mod; RoC being designed from an anti-engine-spam / you have to earn the high-level stuff while RF is basically "spam engines / add a bigger engine / raise a config file multiplier"; that RF has a "number creep" in the first place; that Botania is based around a special power system in the first place).
That even RoC / ReC have this -- you can't just use lots and lots of ordinary steam from lots and lots of engines, cause if you could you wouldn't need the high-end reactors at all. Because you can't have steam track which engine it came from and limit the turbines to only taking in 4 engines worth of steam. (Nor would it make sense when a single small reactor has a lot more than 4 steam boilers).
(1): And no, CofhCore / CofhWorld does not count. Maybe if they actually made "CofhOregen", that *only did ore gen and nothing else*, maybe that would count. Instead, it wants to do all sorts of things, including enforcing a "no water in the nether no matter what" option that I never even saw documented and could not be turned off, etc.
Or, you could say that this is no different than what Custom Ore Gen does -- except that COG only places blocks that someone else has to define / render / etc.
Still, if one mod expects that Tungsten is found as a byproduct of something else, another wants it as a mineable ore, a third wants it first as a byproduct for an unusable raw form, and processed by end-game machines to be made usable; another mod wants Aluminum as ore in the world, another expects you to process Bauxite in a machine to get Aluminum; another expects uranium to be minable, while another expects it to be purified/processed; etc.
Heck, is Redstone dust really just a form of Copper?