While we're exchanging opinions here, I'll add mine - I don't think a unified power API is conducive to creativity and diversity. It's a bit of a catch-22... if you standardize a lot, then you're limiting the designs, but if you're trying to avoid limiting the designs then you can't standardize much at all and the exercise threatens to become pointless.
I also don't feel like I'm missing power conversion in my life. I haven't ever used Power Converters - personally I tend to call it "
ed Converters"

- and I haven't used
any power bridging mod at all ever since the days of 1.2.5, a little over a year ago. I tend to be someone who builds small, efficient setups, just enough to do the job. To do the most I can with as little input as possible, that's my favorite design challenge. As such, I generally build a lot less infrastructure than some others. If I only had one power system to build, I would run out of things to design within a day or two! I rather have a mod environment where I need to build up something new a couple times in any given world in order to access all the features I want.
Example: I've been playing in a 1.6.2 world for the past 2-3 weeks, in order to try out IC2 experimental. It started out with only IC2, Buildcraft (item and fluid transport, quarry, oil), Railcraft (chunkloading, tanks, decorative blocks and other general convenience) and Forestry (multifarms, tree breeding). Over time I've added some supporting content mods like Nuclear Control and Iron Chests, but no other "big" mods with their own power systems.
Right now my base features a big and beefy nuclear reactor with MFSU and several transformers for the IC2 side, and for the Buildcraft side a multifarm supplying wood to a bank of 10 coke ovens which in turn drive a 12 LP solid boiler, an 8 LP liquid boiler and a 1 HP liquid boiler. I technically have a Buildcraft refinery and an ethanol production, but I don't currently use it (beyond 3 combustion engines on my quarry when I need it). And now that I've finished setting all of that up, I sorely wish I had Redpower or Thermal Expansion available to play with yet another power system. Conversely, if I could power every machine with one type of power, then I'd probably drive everything off of my nuke. The entire farm/coke oven/boiler chain wouldn't even exist, and I'd have been bored of that world over a week ago.