Thermal Expansion Status

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately, PowerConvertors got a bad rep. with steam / solar abuse. That, and outputting Charge when Factorization was clearly designed much farther down the power spectrum, i.e. bypassing a huge solar setup with reflective mirrors and a steam boiler when a single early-game MJ engine or LV Solar Panel could power everything in Factorization.
FZ overall doesn't use much power. I'm powering whole early game processing in 1.6 with half of a circle of mirrors. It consists of a grinder, mixer (now 8 times faster for ore processing), 2 slag furnaces, 2 furnaces and about 40 crystalizers. Cost of mirrors is negligible in comparison to cost of furnace heaters. It was beneficial in the beginning, because it allowed for underground factorization system, which I very much appreciated (due to my dislike for griefing I exclusively choose anarchy servers when I want to play SMP). However its advantage diminished when FZ added steam and PC for 1.4.7 weren't balanced around it. Now it is also easy to get early boosts of FZ power with caliometric burner, rotten flesh is surprisingly good source of steam in water boiler.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All of the reasons you mentioned for different power systems are the same reasons i want a combined power ability, I want to use whatever power generation I feel like at the time to run whatever I'm trying to use at the time. If that means building a boiler to run a mass fab or an IC2 nuke to run extra bee processing machines I want that option, making yet "another standard in a growing sea of standards" as KL put it, is a step away from that goal and a removal of some of the options I previously had available.
Universal energy doesn't even exist in real life. Try putting diesel fuel in your gasoline car. Try putting gas in a Tesla. Try ordering a low calorie, low fat, nutrious meal from McDonalds...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Universal energy doesn't even exist in real life. Try putting diesel fuel in your gasoline car. Try putting gas in a Tesla. Try ordering a low calorie, low fat, nutrious meal from McDonalds...
Not a single one of those analogies are even close to apt, while there are some places that use differing Voltages, -everywhere- uses the same good old AC current, if I take my toaster from my house and head to alaska, my toaster will most definitely still work just fine there.

Why is it that people are continuous skewing a conversation about electricity into one about everything but electricity?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Universal energy doesn't even exist in real life. Try putting diesel fuel in your gasoline car. Try putting gas in a Tesla. Try ordering a low calorie, low fat, nutrious meal from McDonalds...

Uhh.. try attaching redstone to a lever in RL and let me know how that goes for you? ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Universal energy doesn't even exist in real life. Try putting diesel fuel in your gasoline car. Try putting gas in a Tesla. Try ordering a low calorie, low fat, nutrious meal from McDonalds...
i`d be lying if i said this is a wise post.

we dont have that "universal energy" IRL, but thanks to energy conversion we can power pretty much anything with 1 type of fuel trough generator and chain of transformers. of course efficiency is questionable compared to using proper generators, but it still possible.


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Not a single one of those analogies are even close to apt, while there are some places that use differing Voltages, -everywhere- uses the same good old AC current, if I take my toaster from my house and head to alaska, my toaster will most definitely still work just fine there.
Try bringing it over to Europe. Try connecting it to a car battery. Try connecting it to a pneumatic pump.

Just because one modder (Alblaka) decided to implement a system that is similar to real-world electricity, does that mean that all modders have to do the same? I don't think that electricity really has a place in Minecraft. Blutricity was pretty cool, and I like the redstone dependency that TE conduits and cubes have. Insisting that all mods should converge on a single system is... at best, pointless.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Universal energy doesn't even exist in real life. Try putting diesel fuel in your gasoline car. Try putting gas in a Tesla. Try ordering a low calorie, low fat, nutrious meal from McDonalds...

And yet those are fuels, that generate an Universal Energy, the electricity. However, there are no universal standards on how to use this energy, thus different voltages and amps and whatnot in different parts of the world for your machines, sockets, lighting, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yet those are fuels, that generate an Universal Energy, the electricity. However, there are no universal standards on how to use this energy, thus different voltages and amps and whatnot in different parts of the world for your machines, sockets, lighting, etc.
well different amps and voltages IRL is pretty much same thing as different diets for different animals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yet those are fuels, that generate an Universal Energy, the electricity. However, there are no universal standards on how to use this energy, thus different voltages and amps and whatnot in different parts of the world for your machines, sockets, lighting, etc.

I'm pretty sure that combustion engines produce rotational energy to power themselves. you have to attach an alternator to gain electricity

my point is a central power system isn't going to happen in this game. There are too many modders that either don't want to or wouldn't agree on how to do it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure that combustion engines produce rotational energy to power themselves. you have to attach an alternator to gain electricity

my point is a central power system isn't going to happen in this game. There are too many modders that either don't want to or wouldn't agree on how to do it.
There is a difference between mechanical energy and electrical energy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First off.. I honestly cannot even believe there is such a phrase as "Solar Abuse". (rolls eyes)

Second... real life DOES have universal power. It is called (*gasp*) Electricity. The only difference across the globe is how that electricity is generated (steam turbines, diesel engines, solar panels), and what state the electricity is transmitted in (different voltages, alternating current or direct current, etc). At its core however.. its all just .. Electricity.

Now back to your regularly scheduled power systems thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What we need is for mods to provide a standard that would allow all the units to be compared. So X units equals 1 coal. This doesn't mean that mods then can't introduce higher tier generator/machines that are more efficient, just a standard means to scale that maintains the balance the author intended.

On topic I appreciate TE approach CoFH are taking. I think part of the issue we are seeing with the delays in mods updating is that many mods have become huge single units. I think having mods split into modules that can be updated and released separately is a huge benefit. Releasing a module for world gen only let's servers forge ahead and wait patiently for the rest of the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just because one modder (Alblaka) decided to implement a system that is similar to real-world electricity, does that mean that all modders have to do the same? I don't think that electricity really has a place in Minecraft. Blutricity was pretty cool, and I like the redstone dependency that TE conduits and cubes have. Insisting that all mods should converge on a single system is... at best, pointless.
Do you really consider buildcraft energy as not being similar to real world electricity? it's called a minecraft joule even.

On top of that you say that electricity doesn't have a place in minecraft and then you say that blutricity was pretty cool. If i remember correctly Eloraam modeled blutricity to be as close to real world electrical mechanics as she could.

In any case they are all synonymous with real world electricity, they all do go with their own takes on the mechanics of generating and moving and storing that electricity, which don't get me wrong I Love, however they are all electricity.

I just want to be able to have the option to use whichever with whichever with whichever. To put it simply I believe that the more options we are given the more interesting things we can do with those options.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First off.. I honestly cannot even believe there is such a phrase as "Solar Abuse". (rolls eyes)

Second... real life DOES have universal power. It is called (*gasp*) Electricity. The only difference across the globe is how that electricity is generated (steam turbines, diesel engines, solar panels), and what state the electricity is transmitted in (different voltages, alternating current or direct current, etc). At its core however.. its all just .. Electricity.

Now back to your regularly scheduled power systems thread.

So you own a Tesla?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing is, all energy in the real world IS convertible to each other, albeit with losses at the conversion. While it would be incorrect to say that "electricity" is the universal power source, it is fairly trivial to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. That's how a those flashlights that you shake to recharge work. Or heat energy into mechanical energy. That's how a car's engine works. Or chemical energy into electrical signals. That's how that science trick where you power a lightbulb with a potato works. In the real world, it's all "energy" and you simply have to convert it from one form to another. Heck, as Einstein proved, even matter at a certain point is just energy. E=MC^2 after all.

In minecraft, however, being an artificial world, we don't necessarily have these conversions. That's what a universal energy API would do. It may not actually provide the blocks that do the explicit conversions, just like physics doesn't actually build transformers for you, but it would provide a stable and coherent framework to allow different mod-makers to build those conversion blocks without resorting to hacks or guesswork.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seeing a lot of heated opinions here--which is fine, just remember to keep things polite and civil. ;)
And yes, this is your Be Nice warning. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not a single one of those analogies are even close to apt, while there are some places that use differing Voltages, -everywhere- uses the same good old AC current, if I take my toaster from my house and head to alaska, my toaster will most definitely still work just fine there.

Why is it that people are continuous skewing a conversation about electricity into one about everything but electricity?

try plugging in an american anything in Europe and it will blow up.
Or heat energy into mechanical energy. That's how a car's engine works.

noo that would be chemical energy


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Do you really consider buildcraft energy as not being similar to real world electricity? it's called a minecraft joule even.
Joules are equally applicable to kinetic energy, thermal energy, potential energy, and chemical energy. It's a generic term for energy, not electricity. Or power. Or work. Not quite sure, that was always the hardest part of physics for me. Oh wait I have an internet: "It is equal to the energy expended (or work done) in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N·m), or in passing an electric current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm for one second." So I just lifted this bag of sugar up to a high shelf, I expended one joule. No electricity involved.
noo that would be chemical energy
Chemical energy into heat into kinetic energy.
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