Thermal Expansion Status

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There is zero advantage to having gate conditionals to turn on or off steam engines because the boiler is producing steam despite any demand for power or not. So there's really no reason to turn OFF the engines, because the fuel is being constantly consumed whether or not you use the steam output or not. So, since my machines require constant input of energy despite working or not, I might as well build enough engines to keep everything running, set up the automation, then just walk away and never touch the system again.

I always thought it'd be nice if no steam is consumed from the boiler and the internal capacity fills up, the boiler automatically uses less fuel. not saying the boiler wouldn't use any fuel at all, just less fuel
No machine would run constantly (unless it actually had something to do), because they'd only be supplied power when the Has Work condition is true. Not Power Requested.

Now, if you had a machine constantly doing something (dunno..a pulverizer with a quarry input, or making sand), then you would be better off with it on a distinct power line (the new plugs are good for that). That's a design consideration that has to be weighed, obviously, but the system I described should not allow machines like a rolling machine or thermionic fabricator to request power if they didn't have work to do. There is still waste, but it is mitigated, and only present when work is being done, or has recently been done.

My tree farm, squeezers/fermenters (haven't figured out a good number of them to keep up with the tree farm output) run constantly. They are always producing more saplings/apples/wood from the tree farm. I also have 8 Igneous Extruders feeding 8 Pulverizers feeding sand into 8 Powered Furnace to make glass to make buildcraft tanks to hold all of the apple juice and biomass produced by the above.

If I do happen to go into genetic bee breeding I will also have a constantly running Genepool producing BNA. Which I haven't decided if I actually want to do that.

On top of those constantly running machines I will be supplying power to an AE network to store all of the Saplings/Apples/Wood, at least until such point as I figure out how many Squeezers/Fermenters I need to process everything that comes out of the farm as it comes out.

Eventually I will also have a Centrifuge running constantly processing all of the output from bees. I will also probably have a squeezer running constantly off of that producing honey.

I may or may not also have a Magma Crucible running constantly at some point producing lava from netherrack.

It's hard telling what all else I will eventually be doing that will have things running constantly. All of this will be ran from one central power station. Every thing else will be attached to the main power line running off of the engines.

I personally do not wish to have engines placed all over the place with liquiducts running all over to supply fuel. I would rather keep just one area devoted to power generation.
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I must not be expressing myself well. Centralized power generation is possible, or should be, with a setup like I've described. It would be more complex to subdivide the engine outputs, but I believe it could be done.

Also, using a red stone energy cell as an intermediate power buffer between machines you dontw want wasting power allows similar levels of control.

However, you are at the point where I described in another thread that you can afford to See No Evil. When you start talking about renewable, endless power, a setup like this one is less important. Your machines will be using so much power that the perdition loss is probably just a minor addition to your overall output.
You could use a Tinkers Construct Drawbridge with a pipe/conduit/cable inside to cut off the power to the machine. Easier with gates but doable with a lever.
I must not be expressing myself well. Centralized power generation is possible, or should be, with a setup like I've described. It would be more complex to subdivide the engine outputs, but I believe it could be done.

Also, using a red stone energy cell as an intermediate power buffer between machines you dontw want wasting power allows similar levels of control.

However, you are at the point where I described in another thread that you can afford to See No Evil. When you start talking about renewable, endless power, a setup like this one is less important. Your machines will be using so much power that the perdition loss is probably just a minor addition to your overall output.

In the current version of FTB packs, yes. We aren't really talking about right now though are we? We are discussing what is going to happen when the new versions of things come out and TE and BC are no longer compatible.
At that point there will be now throwing in energy cells to shut off the power to my BC machines running BC power.
This appears to be a fairly big nail in the coffin of the notion that Unleashed/Unhinged might make a compatible transition to 1.6. I haven't seen any statement to the contrary, so I assume that that is still an aspiration.
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This appears to be a fairly big nail in the coffin of the notion that Unleashed/Unhinged might make a compatible transition to 1.6. I haven't seen any statement to the contrary, so I assume that that is still an aspiration.

I took the plunge and recently 'upgraded' my server from 1.5.2 Unleashed to 1.6.4 Forge with me and my buddy's favorite mods. TE was by far the biggest (most) missed mod for us both and we upgraded primarily for TC4.

As for initial power setup, I'm *shudder* using IC2 Dev with a BatBox for storage. While I am frustrated with the silliness added by the hammer, shears, and intermediate crafting components just to make the most basic of machines, I am pleased that power is pretty much lossless and can be stored/buffered. Like DW20, I will use IC2 as my 'ore processing' setup.

I indeed miss TE in 1.6.x and will be a very happy Minecrafter when TE for 1.6.x comes out.
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I drag around my base going, "This would be a good job for a liquid extractor." and "You mean I gotta go get a bucket of water and fill this thing up by hand?" and "Liquiducts were so damn cool!" and "How do I store MJ again? Oh, wait, what do I use that even needs MJ now!"

I'm taking this TE withdrawl much harder than when I stopped being able to use RP2.
And when GT did his stuff, I dropped all that mods stuff and never looked back.

A lot of TE's stuff is just like the remote control for the TV, without that remote I go stupid and don't even know how to change the channel any more. :(

/me stumbles off in funk and mopes all over the place heaving long, dramatic, sighs.
Like DW20, I will use IC2 as my 'ore processing' setup.

I indeed miss TE in 1.6.x and will be a very happy Minecrafter when TE for 1.6.x comes out.

I need my pulverizers! That % chance for the rare metals becomes priceless when you're sitting on 30k raw ores.
I need my pulverizers! That % chance for the rare metals becomes priceless when you're sitting on 30k raw ores.

Factorization, IC2 Exp and Mekanism all allow you to triple your rare metals. EnderIO's macerator also has a small chance to return a bonus dust. Just saying. :)

It's pretty much the same as with RP2. It was painful in the beginning to lose an awesome mod, but it's not really a problem to work around or replace it. (Still really interested though, to see all the new changes in the next TE version.)
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There is also Dartcrafts Force Grinder wich has 250% ore yield + 20% bonus dusts ala TE :)

Dart craft ... I like using that mod a lot. But sometimes when I look at how it's stuff compares to other mods stuff I get kinda like "That's too good to be true". I figure it's probably putting flux in the air or giving me a penalty somewhere else like making super chickens that'll come into my base, kill me, then explode like creepers or something. The universe is just like that, something too good - there'll be something bad along shortly to fix that. :)
A lot of TE's stuff is just like the remote control for the TV, without that remote I go stupid and don't even know how to change the channel any more. :(
That's a pretty good analogy. Everything in TE can be replaced by another mod, but it's less convenient or has slight disadvantages.
  • Powered Furnace: IC2 furnace
  • Pulverizer: Macerator (doesn't produce extra dusts from other ores, which is arguably OP)
  • Sawmill: Any automatic crafting table (less yield, but you probably have practically infinite wood anyway)
  • Induction Smelter: Macerator + furnace (but no rockwool)
  • Magma Crucible: MFR lava fabricator - but MFR's not updated! (but you can pump lava from underground lakes/the nether)
  • Liquid Transposer: Forestry Bottler, IC3 canning machine
  • Glacial Precipitator: Engineer's Toolbox Freezer, or IC2 compressor.
  • Igneous Extruder: Vanilla cobble generator, with transition plane/turtle/MFR block breaker/quarry (Quarries would be pretty good at this since the speed buff, but they're expensive and use power)
  • Aqueous Accumulator: Buildcraft pump + infinite water source (it now doesn't use up the water, so no block updates or risk of running out)
  • Cyclic Assembler: any other automated crafting table.
  • Energetic Infuser: useless without other TE stuff.
  • Redstone Energy Cell: Buildcraft pipe loop (unportable and big), or Ender IO capacitor bank. (If you don't have Ender IO this is possibly the biggest loss)
  • Steam engine: Railcraft steam engines, BC stirling engines.
  • Magmatic engine: BC combustion engines (need 4x as many unless they rebalanced it recently).
  • Redstone Energy Conduit: BC4 kinesis pipes.
  • Liquiduct: BC waterproof pipes (lower capacity and more lag, however)
  • Tesseract: Ender IO Dimensional Transceiver (If you don't have EnderIO, another big loss. Teleporting of items/liquids/power is arguably OP.)
  • Glowstone Illuminator: Luma mod? (Less customizable? Purely aesthetic though)
  • Portable Tank: Buildcraft tanks (they aren't portable - but why not just bring a stack of cells?)
  • Bucket turtle: Turtles can use buckets with
  • Wrench turtle: No replacement? You don't need it much without the rest of TE.
  • Redstone Energy Cell: Ender IO, or Buildcraft pipe loop. (pipe loop is unportable and big, IDK about Ender IO. Buildcraft was designed around not having power storage, though. This is the biggest loss)
  • Tesseract: No replacement in common modpacks (Another big loss. Teleporting of items/liquids/power is arguably OP)

The Capacitor banks are not only portable but they stack together with adjacent ones. EIO also includes a Tesseract in the form of the Dimensional Transceiver, it uses more energy even for transfering liquids but it also does all both liquid and power at the same time and more later.
Anyone care for Framed Glasses? An economical Quantum Tank and ho yea you can carry And stack them in your inventory!
  • Powered Furnace: IC2 furnace
  • Pulverizer: Macerator (doesn't produce extra dusts from other ores, which is arguably OP)
  • Aqueous Accumulator: Buildcraft pump + infinite water source (it now doesn't use up the water, so no block updates or risk of running out)
  • Cyclic Assembler: any other automated crafting table.
  • Glowstone Illuminator: Luma mod? (Less customizable? Purely aesthetic though)

Lots of mods have Furnaces and Macerators that work as well or better than the TE version.
EnderIO has the Reservoir, that acts as infinite water source. Same functionality as the Aqueous Accumulator.
XACT is a small mod that adds an awesome project table. ... And apparently it turns the vanilla workbench into a simple Autocrafting table as well.
Project:Red is not only a good replacement for RP2 (minus the machines), it also includes all the RP2 lamps.

... Everything in TE can be replaced by another mod, but it's less convenient or has slight disadvantages.

For most of the things in your list there are already equal or even better items available, just by using the latest versions of established mods and adding a very few new mods. (And these new mods would not only replace TE functionality, they also add quite a bit of their own.)

Some of it works slightly different and some builds need to be adjusted, but I wouldn't call that less convenient or see it as a disadvantage.
Lots of mods have...
I don't look at it that way at all. A mod isn't a set of features that I can just go to another mod to get the same stuff better cheaper faster. A mod is an experience, it's a well crafted set of puzzle pieces that create a work of beauty. I still feel the same about RedPower, sure there are bits and pieces of it here and there but that's like having Mona Lisa's smile and Vitruvian Man's willy. It just isn't the same. I want RedPower2 (or 3), and I want Thermal Expansion - I can deal with details like power system and multipart/microblock changes, because I know that whatever solution CoFH and Eloraam come up with will be awesome. And if you want to talk features, I want liquid glowstone, and I want 6502 CPUs with enormous 8K RAM packs stuck on the back. My brother fell about laughing when he saw my computer room, he thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen in a computer game.
I don't look at it that way at all. A mod isn't a set of features that I can just go to another mod to get the same stuff better cheaper faster. A mod is an experience, it's a well crafted set of puzzle pieces that create a work of beauty. ...

And I completely agree with you. :)

But the point is, in today's modding world there is not much left of TE, that can't be part of another "work of beauty".
  • Mekanism offers an amazing lineup of machines, easy to start with but also scalable (at a price) to a point where you can build a complete industrial complex with it.
  • The new IC2 is now superior to the original TE when it comes to machinery and processing. You can not only increase the output by adding additional steps, you can also choose to use centrifuges for getting a bonus of rare materials.
  • The complete infrastructure for a base can be done using EnderIO. And it can be done in a much more elegant way with energy, liquids and redstone all bundled together and hidden within (not behind, it's actually within) a cosmetic block.
Knowing KL, his next release will probably have a lot of new, awesome features. But TE as we knew it in 1.5.2, can be easily replaced by other mods for a FTP 1.6.2 pack without losing any of its core functionality.

I still feel the same about RedPower, sure there are bits and pieces of it here and there but that's like having Mona Lisa's smile and Vitruvian Man's willy. It just isn't the same.

Immibis' redstone mods or Project:Red. Either one of these two offers a complete RP2 replacement (minus the Bluetricity/machinery stuff).
Immibis' redstone mods or Project:Red. Either one of these two offers a complete RP2 replacement (minus the Bluetricity/machinery stuff).
You can't really say they are complete replacements and then off handedly say "minus the Bluetricity/machinery stuff". The bluetricity machinery was a large majority of the mod, not to mention you left out tubes.
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