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What about this for a thermal expansion-y version of passive power, should such a thing be of interest to COFH. You could have destabilised redstone being pumped through an invar coil (maybe a multiblock) and the redstone is fluxed by a "magnetic" field
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You all are quibbling about not wanting a "free energy" device from TE with Redstone Flux. Yet, you fail to realize that Redstone IS a free energy source in MC? Albiet an insignificant one.

Even the first tier of BC engines is the Redstone Engine that produces a negligible amount of power that it can't truely be used as an adaquit energy source, but it still NEVER REQUIRES FUEL.

As long as Lemming keeps that general rule of Redstone in mind, as well as anyone using Redstone Flux in their own mods, I have zero issues with a free energy device.

The API is easy and extensible. I, for one, would love to see TE implement its own energy system. Mostly because I've already toyed with the idea of an energy system based off the the vanilla "energy" blocks of Redstone and Glowstone, but I know Lemming/COFH will do it much much better than I could.
I'm not one of those against a free energy device :D

There must be some way of magically technologically taking that redstone energy, and boosting it into a stronger powersource. Perhaps a strange unstable mix of liquid glowstone, redstone and ender. This creates a special fuel, goes into a "block" (some coil type thing), zapped with an initial burst of energy (like a tesla coil thing), and boom, you are generating more energy then you've used to make the mixture. This mixture lasts quite a long time (say 24hrs real time), but is not infinite. Prevents it being a too early free energy source, and requires TE infrastructure in place and a slow resource requirement.
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Time consuming and frustratingly pointless at times Bane. Doesn't help that he was fighting the worst Batman ever.


I'd put up a multi-block, something like a 3x3x3 with the middle layer comprised of Invar Blocks around a redstone block. Make the top and bottom out of Machine Frames, then pump in water and energized redstone to produce power.
Time consuming and frustratingly pointless at times Bane. Doesn't help that he was fighting the worst Batman ever.
Agreed. They destroyed Everything that was built in the first film

OT: I never cared about sources of energy gen. The only thing that confuses is are hugely powerful methods of energy generation that never power anything.
I'm not a fan of comicbooks.. all I have to go on are movies, sorry :p
Bane was supposed to be a beatstick meat shield sort of villain. Think of a -slightly- more controlled but less IMBA version of Hulk. Subtly was not his strong point, and he most certainly was not a politically motivated anything. He was cunning, perhaps, but not very smart, and CERTAINLY nobody's 'personal flying monkey'.

The movie version was... basically the opposite of that. He wasn't all that strong, he avoided physical confrontations and conflicts in order to screw Bats over in other ways, he actually used computers for something other than a random projectile to throw...

It was almost as big a steaming pile of canine solid biological waste product to my childhood that the latest Transformers movies were. Almost. The second Transformers movie was worse, but only because of what they did to Devastator. What could have been the Crowning Moment of Awesome EVAR turned into a walking vacuum cleaner and an excuse for another private parts joke. As if there wasn't enough of them already.
I think a walking vacuum cleaner would be an excellent shortcut to domestic bliss. Although it could end up being the horrifying finale of a terrible nightmare - rise of the sentient dysons.
I was confused when I saw the film as I remembered bane being a wimpy guy that was drugged up into superhuman monster by Uma Therman.. Poison Ivy

And I really REALLY enjoyed the second batfilm of the latest trilogy. But that was more Joker than Batman.
I was confused when I saw the film as I remembered bane being a wimpy guy that was drugged up into superhuman monster by Uma Therman.. Poison Ivy

And I really REALLY enjoyed the second batfilm of the latest trilogy. But that was more Joker than Batman.

Your whole point of reference is from horrible Bat-films. I'm so sorry. Keaton was an AWESOME Bruce Wayne, but even the first 2 with him were so far from the source material that its depressing.

Transformers Movies are epic, steaming piles of guano. Lips on Optimus Prime? Starscream is a giant robot monkey? What a let down.
I remember crying when Optimus died in the original movie. Orson Welles was Unicron in that movie! The grandeur is gone my friends. Now we have Robocop with human hands, Bane with no Venom, Transformers with 90% humans... I swear, if they try to remake Short Circuit I'm flipping tables.

...Oh. And I support anything that KingLemming does. TE is awesome, its the Voltron of mods.
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Your whole point of reference is from horrible Bat-films. I'm so sorry. Keaton was an AWESOME Bruce Wayne, but even the first 2 with him were so far from the source material that its depressing.

Transformers Movies are epic, steaming piles of guano. Lips on Optimus Prime? Starscream is a giant robot monkey? What a let down.
I remember crying when Optimus died in the original movie. Orson Welles was Unicron in that movie! The grandeur is gone my friends. Now we have Robocop with human hands, Bane with no Venom, Transformers with 90% humans... I swear, if they try to remake Short Circuit I'm flipping tables.

OMG Short Circuit must never be touched! Already wrecked most everything I enjoyed in my childhood..... please don't mess with Short Circuit!
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You all are quibbling about not wanting a "free energy" device from TE with Redstone Flux. Yet, you fail to realize that Redstone IS a free energy source in MC? Albiet an insignificant one.

Even the first tier of BC engines is the Redstone Engine that produces a negligible amount of power that it can't truely be used as an adaquit energy source, but it still NEVER REQUIRES FUEL.

As long as Lemming keeps that general rule of Redstone in mind, as well as anyone using Redstone Flux in their own mods, I have zero issues with a free energy device.

The API is easy and extensible. I, for one, would love to see TE implement its own energy system. Mostly because I've already toyed with the idea of an energy system based off the the vanilla "energy" blocks of Redstone and Glowstone, but I know Lemming/COFH will do it much much better than I could.

redstone is an IC2 energysource too. just throw redstone in the batteryslot, and the machine eats redstone. one redstone equals 500 EU. that's not much, but if you don't have any power source, it works.
Bane was supposed to be a beatstick meat shield sort of villain. Think of a -slightly- more controlled but less IMBA version of Hulk. Subtly was not his strong point, and he most certainly was not a politically motivated anything. He was cunning, perhaps, but not very smart, and CERTAINLY nobody's 'personal flying monkey'.

What? No. You're thinking of Batman: The Animated Series Bane. Bane in the comic books was supposed to be smarter than batman. You know how the movie had the surprise twist that Talia Al Ghul was the kid who got tossed into the prison? In the comic books the kid was always Bane. He supposed to have a superhuman intelligence and created the serum that gave him superhuman strength on his own.
I might be new to the forums, but can we stop talking about movies and realize that this is a minecraft forum?
I might be new to the forums, but can we stop talking about movies and realize that this is a minecraft forum?

You've never seen how sidetracked a gaming forum can get, have you?

But I do agree, let's stay on topic guys. Would hate for law or vauthil to have to lock lemming's thread.
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I'm the mod this topic deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Ahem. Now, as for the warning:

;) :D
Honestly we'd already diverged into pure speculation about what exactly he's going to do with his power system. I mean, Redstone Flux could be something as simple as the pulses generated by a toggle flipping back and forth. I mean, the on off pulsing is sufficient for A/C and it's what the computers we play on use, so there's no reason TE couldn't.
Honestly we'd already diverged into pure speculation about what exactly he's going to do with his power system. I mean, Redstone Flux could be something as simple as the pulses generated by a toggle flipping back and forth. I mean, the on off pulsing is sufficient for A/C and it's what the computers we play on use, so there's no reason TE couldn't.

Yes, speculation. Yet conversation among the people that play the mod can lead to new ideas or directions the modder may not have thought of or even completely change the original concept they had.

Discussion = good. Even if it's speculation or "i would like too see," or "i don't like..."
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