An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman all live in a cabin on the edge of the woods.
One day, the Englishman goes hunting. He comes back a day later with the largest deer they've ever seen. "Where did you find that monster?" they ask him. "Well," said the Englishman, " I followed the lines, I crossed the tracks and bang! I got it."
So the next day, the Scotsman goes out hunting. He comes back a week later with the largest bear they've ever seen. "Where did you find that monster?" they ask him. "Well," said the Scotsman, " I followed the lines, I crossed the tracks and bang! I got it."
So the next day, the Irishman goes out hunting. He comes back a month later in a wheelchair, with arms and legs in plaster. "What happened to you!?" they ask him. "Well," said the Irishman, " I followed the lines, I crossed the tracks and bang! I got 'it by a train."