the road to thaumcraft infusion automation

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apparently cc 1.6.3 had to change id's on all the turtles/computers, so loading the map with that version is crashing the game. i edited out the modems, turtles, computers...and still getting a crash due to some tile entities on the map that will not go away. looks like i have to either stay with old cc, or start over and rebuild the entire thing with new version.

im gonna leave this alone for a while but it was close...the only thing that really killed it was how the request pipes were fumbling the requests to fill the pedestals. if done manually (via player interaction) it worked fine..but when the computer told the turtles to load the items, it was chaos. sometimes it worked, most times it did not, and it never did it in a timely manner. and the infusion never started because of missing items on the pedestals. gonna have to rethink how to load the pedestals.
apparently cc 1.6.3 had to change id's on all the turtles/computers, so loading the map with that version is crashing the game. i edited out the modems, turtles, computers...and still getting a crash due to some tile entities on the map that will not go away. looks like i have to either stay with old cc, or start over and rebuild the entire thing with new version.

im gonna leave this alone for a while but it was close...the only thing that really killed it was how the request pipes were fumbling the requests to fill the pedestals. if done manually (via player interaction) it worked fine..but when the computer told the turtles to load the items, it was chaos. sometimes it worked, most times it did not, and it never did it in a timely manner. and the infusion never started because of missing items on the pedestals. gonna have to rethink how to load the pedestals.

Hmm, are there any infusion recipes that use non-stackable items on the pedestals? If you only have 1 of each item, you could just have item ducts pull items out and arrange the ducts connected to the pillars so they are naturally balanced. It makes for a mess of piping, but should work reliably. It you want a backup item, attach hoppers to the items..

An even better way. Use tesseracts. Have a tesseract for each pedestal. Place the corresponding tesseract in a line, and connect in the necessary order to balance the pedestals.

From what I've been told, the tesseracts have a single item buffer. You can pull out the items 2 at a time and one will go to the pedestal, and the next will be stuck inside the tesseract item buffer. Since that tsseract is now "full", the next item in the pipe will go to the next tesseract in the list. Have a couple other pedestals set aside for non stackable items. Just pull the items out of the chest as normal. If you just use a single item and aren't worried about stability, just pull the items out in a round-robin mode. It will place one item per tesseract.
heres the thing. no matter what, i need to have a way to target which items i need to pull and insert into the pedestals. the best way i know of is logistics pipes. back in unleashed there was an AE bridge that let me interact directly with the ae network via api and it was perfect for the job, but that does not exist in 1.6.4

someone did give me a fantastic fix, which is pipe plugs. basically force the pipe to not ever consider the turtle as a target inventory, forcing the item to go on its way to where it should go. i have a test build now which has 1 interface, 1 provider pipe, 1 request pipe, 1 turtle per pedestal. basically completely isolated pipes that should only deliver to one and only one pedestal. i also have a secondary provider/request pipe on each pedestal to see if there is an item, and the correct one, on the pedestals. this lets the turtles peek at the pedestals inventory and let the master program know that turtle is done and once all turtles come back with an ok, then i can start the infusion. so far so good.


this is the mess underneath the altar. power junctions, interfaces, and dual pipes per turtle. one to insert item, the other to read the pedestal's inventory.


outside, showing the secondary pipes used to read the pedestals to see if an item made it. spaced out the pedestals a bit more, gonna be interesting getting the aspect jars set up around this.
OpenPeriperals can interact with AE. It's been a while since I fooled around with it, but I think you can pull items out of the system with it.
At the end of the day, you realize you don't use this enough to have warrented all that work. Etho is also working on this, you shouldn't check it out ever.
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I agree with infusion crafting there is no point if automation beyond automating essentia destination to have jars full at all times.

At the end of a day you will most likely use it once per recipe. There are 2 items you will need more than one: advance golems and this metal from TT for better tools. Apart of that you won't need more than one of almost anything,
I agree with infusion crafting there is no point if automation beyond automating essentia destination to have jars full at all times.

At the end of a day you will most likely use it once per recipe. There are 2 items you will need more than one: advance golems and this metal from TT for better tools. Apart of that you won't need more than one of almost anything,
Lamps of growth and essentia mirrors may get used a bit too
@steve g:
Very impressive. As taking up a challenge that it can be done, I see why you're doing it, but I don't think it's ever going to give you a corresponding return to your massive investment of work. You just don't have all that much need for infused items.

Ars Magica Sigil of Nature's Growth. No essentia infrastructure required, does the same. Not quite as stylish as Thaumcraft Lamps of Growth I admit.
@Adonis0 :
Ars Magica Sigil of Nature's Growth. No essentia infrastructure required, does the same. Not quite as stylish as Thaumcraft Lamps of Growth I admit.
Feels a little slower too, but yes, does the same thing however not everybody plays with thaum and ars magica
well. seems the final step..making the infusion not possible.

dynamism tablet..denied
autonomous if you make it 'learn' via tome of shared knowledge, but breaks if you disconnect/unload map.

if anyone knows a way to make it happen (without any interaction from user after reloading map), let me know. otherwise, the only thing this machine is good for is loading of items.

ive heard mention of a specific version of thaumic tinkerer did allow it with the tablet, but ive only tested with versions 2.3.130, and 2.3.140. i dont know which version had it.

thinking out loud....i wonder if its possible to make the activator 'reload' the knowledge again on startup. gonna play with that
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Would it work to put a shared knowledge tome and a wand in an activator on round robin mode, and then trigger it twice every time you want it to start the infusion?
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<mel brookes voice>
its alive.
its alive.

its ALIVE!!!
</mel brookes>


first successful, fully automated infusion. i havent rebuilt the aspect farm yet, im just manually filling jars to get the infusions going. but the turtles and computer are syncing up nicely, nothing gets lost in transit, and the infusion starts without any hitches. from an AE terminal no less.

next up...aspects.. via magic crops? see here's my thought. mana bean farm = extremely slow. pech autospawner...still kinda slow. what if i...grew..all the components and broke them down with furnaces? fabricate 32 leaf blocks in one crafting recipe from earth and water essence for herba..that's 32 herba right there. you get multiple aspects from other things like metal, cobble, coal, etc. certainly with a proper magic crop setup we could make things go way faster. youve all seen my crazy magic crop factory builds..this could work ;)

and what if: all the infusion components were also... grown

you know you want it ;)



the mess underground. same as subnetwork takes the crafting requests and starts the infusion process.
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That actually sounds like the simplest way to do it. Automating an *optimised* magical crops farm usually requires a bit of automated alchemical furnace work anyway. This is just the expanded version. Can you make everything you need to cover all aspects though?
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That actually sounds like the simplest way to do it. Automating an *optimised* magical crops farm usually requires a bit of automated alchemical furnace work anyway. This is just the expanded version. Can you make everything you need to cover all aspects though?

stuff like tempestas (needs do you get that?), or the one that needs taint, i dont know. then again, are their infusions that needs those? id have to make a spreadsheet and see whats needed, unless ones out there i dont know about
I'd have gone with the pech spawner myself, and if one is not fast enough, why not more for half the price? :D or some other kind of salesmen talk

if you have a few spawners with pechs, you could lead them to an activator with a scythe in it, if the scythe kills the pechs you can collect the experience through sewers and you'll gain more mob essence then what you used.
this way you could use that extra mob essence for things like enchanting if you want. it is possible to create an unbreakable scythe, though you'll need to get reinforced upto level 10, but just make 1 part out of obsidian and you're already upto 3. if you're able to have 1 more modifier, try and put lapis on it, as that could help with getting more beans.
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The way enchantment works, you can have to do a dozen rituals to get one pickaxe for the arcane bore.
not dead...just lost internet for a few days. been tooling around with the map and made a few things:

cursed earth spawner for mob essence and getting pechs to catch for an autospawner ;)

pech autospawner room with an activator loaded with a scythe with looting 3, fans to blow the pechs into the activator, and a vacuum hopper collecting the drops. from that vacuum hopper, it goes off to an ae interface for drops, and a pipe for liquid xp...which is fed to a tank with 2 xp showers, over sewage drains (liquid xp -> mob essence converter basically). using all that essence to feed 3 pech autospawners, and lots of mob essence left over for other things. might work on an enchantment library

also discovered something neat: feeding all the mob drops (rotten meat, bones, weapons, wands, picks, axes, all the normal mob drops) into a alchemical furnace yields 28 different aspects. i got a team of 4 alchemy golems on 24/7 duty emptying the furnace with 5 alembics to keep 28 void jars topped off. the mob farm also generates ethereal essence drops (wisps spawn in there) but i keep those for the infusion recipes that need it, and all mana beans go into storage for the rest of the aspects

added magic crops into the mix. my plan is to automate everything needed for infusion/table recipes, so basically my original goal: to grow all the items needed to for infusions ;)

replacing the turtles on the pedestals with peripheral proxies...turtles were cool but hard to maintain code wise. i figure one wired network should do fine. not as quick, but should be easier on the server.

more to come as i get all the patterns and stuff loaded into the ae system
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