the road to thaumcraft infusion automation

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i thought about that, but theres a lot of room for error in that. for example: what if your missing one of the components? id rather it just be a single vanilla item, and let the code figure out the rest.

as for arcane crafting, im assuming the arcane table? i was thinking about that too.

imagine if you will: 100% complete tc automation. crucible, crafting, arcane table, and infusions. i think the arcane table can be done with a bunch of factorization routers (they can target specific inventory slots). i think openperipherals can do that too, tho im not sure if that ability is still there...i remember in ftb unleashed OP had an inventory turtle, that could also target specific slots. i used that quite a bit with automating ic2 reactors. that would be handy if it were still around in 1.6.4
I did not know that about the routers, thanks for enlightening me!

I know there's a lot of room for error, but that's the ME system for you. It can't tell whether a process is working; if it did it would be self-aware, AlgorithmX2 would have installed an AI system, machines would take over the world... yeah, good times.

I would definitely like to automate arcane crafting, for example, the arcane lamp, or the primal arrows. I might experiment with this in my SSP world when I have a moment. Routers... AWAY!
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Are you referring to Thaumic History with this "basic dev", or Thaumcraft Extras? Because TH also had copied code previously. Its dev has taken down the download...
TH did more then just "copy code", and I didn't name names because it's a taboo subject and for once I agree that this is Taboo. Also couldn't remember the mod name(and the modder who's name has also come to mind since you gave me the mod name).

That said, it's one thing to make content from older copies of Thaumcraft. It's another to make your mod mainly as a "copy functions from Minecraft itself and release it alongside some old TC items that the code for which is still around" and somehow I doubt that Thaumic History did the latter, and if it did, it sure as hell didn't do it for long enough to register on my radar.
I did not know that about the routers, thanks for enlightening me!

I know there's a lot of room for error, but that's the ME system for you. It can't tell whether a process is working; if it did it would be self-aware, AlgorithmX2 would have installed an AI system, machines would take over the world... yeah, good times.

I would definitely like to automate arcane crafting, for example, the arcane lamp, or the primal arrows. I might experiment with this in my SSP world when I have a moment. Routers... AWAY!
Once we have AE Essentia, automating everything in TC is a dream no longer.
*refreshes a tab*
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TH did more then just "copy code", and I didn't name names because it's a taboo subject and for once I agree that this is Taboo. Also couldn't remember the mod name(and the modder who's name has also come to mind since you gave me the mod name).

That said, it's one thing to make content from older copies of Thaumcraft. It's another to make your mod mainly as a "copy functions from Minecraft itself and release it alongside some old TC items that the code for which is still around" and somehow I doubt that Thaumic History did the latter, and if it did, it sure as hell didn't do it for long enough to register on my radar.

Once we have AE Essentia, automating everything in TC is a dream no longer.
*refreshes a tab*
So then why did you recommend it in the first place...? Also, I was being specifically unwordy because of taboo-ness. NVM, enough taboo for tonight.

Shut up and take my money already! "Supposed" redacted downloads...
I suggest one grab TH, a mod that is LONG since that basic "Babbys first Minecraft mod" stage. TcE isn't. TcE2 may prove walisibob a coder who knows his shit. It might.

...But with his track record? I doubt it. Mind you, this subject has been long since covered, and very well. Ask JadedCat about it if you are brave and/or foolish. Or just check her old posts, it's not exactly a hard thread to find since few people make a lot of threads yet a lot of us post in 'em, y'know?
No, I know about the TCE drama; I can internet. Anyway, TH has been taken down, in case you didn't know.
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More of I didn't care if it did get pulled. I could tell they work ported wholesale, but copying functions from mods isn't the same as copying from vanilla. Sure, many people get their knickers in a knot about it, but Mojang isn't really supporting modding in any way shape or form, even lip service is below them. I can tell you this: Mojang is the source of all modding Drama. They allowed choice for modders and their mods, in the form of what license they chose. That is the one area that a modder for a mod shouldn't have a choice IMO. It limits new modders because they can't use old mods to learn from, to build from, to take a idea and run with it. Vaskii did what was right. But in my eyes, he was wrong to allow TH to be pulled. Modders are not always able to learn like others do. Humans are not all the same. Many people need a sample to work with. In some things, you simply need one to work at all.
And coding is somewhere between those two.
ok...bringing things back on topic ;)


this thing is becoming yet another Rube Goldberg machine. This device is how crafting requests will be handled. the AE subnetwork here has a terminal tied to it where users can request infusion items. this will store a bunch of vanilla items that will be used in ME patterns that specify infusion items, like "Axe of the Stream from 1 block of sandstone". the interfaces around the chests will have these patterns. when a request is made, the item gets dropped into the chests, sent along the itemducts to the single chest on the right, which has a logi provider pipe, and hooked up to a request pipe by the computer.

why all this nasty mess? well....turtles cant identify items in their inventory. at least, not by item id. and a turtle only has 16 slots, so comparing is out of the logistics pipes to the rescue. the computer sits in a loop doing getAvailableItem calls on the request pipe...if the list is empty, sleep for a bit, repeat. if its *not* empty..then an item is waiting in the chest, so I look in the returned list, and compare the lp identifier to a list i have defined in the code (using lp's getItemIdentifierIDFor function) and if that item is in the trigger list, it will start the infusion process by sending wireless commands to the army of turtles under the altar.

once the infusion is done, the item sitting in that single chest will get sent back to the ae system. the only problem i see with this so far is if someone tries to be derpy and request 632899743 axes of the stream...this system will only be able to handle single infusions. ah well. someone will break it..but i aint fixin it ;)

more as i fill in the blanks.
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and as is usual for most roads (at least here in the US) there will be potholes, broken down cars, an occasional cow or some sort of animal blocking the way...

in this case, logistics pipes seems to be confused when more than one request comes in from multiple locations

i watch the items as they are routed from the ae network to the pedestals and the items seem to get lost going down the wrong paths until figuring it out eventually. sometimes they go where they need to, sometimes they end up in the turtles inventory. now how is that possible... the turtle requested the item via api, but it is not connected to the pipe. try it. place a request pipe by a doesnt connect. but yet items appear in its inventory instead of the pedestal.

note this only happens when the computer commands the turtles via wireless. if i do the command directly from the turtle, it works perfectly without the routing nonsense.
Keep it up, this system is looking amazing.

im trying. my lp build was out of date, trying latest build right now

le sigh. apparently..latest lp build wants a newer version of te. to be exact. well..thermal expansion is at latest lp doesnt want either. anyone have so i can get past this stupid version mismatch bs?
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Current LP should work fine with TE I think I updated TE two or three weeks ago.
im trying latest 246. that one crashes unless i have TE

logisticspipes.proxy.VersionNotSupportedException: The TE Version '' is not supported by this LP version when you have TE Conduit support enabled. Please use ''
im trying latest 246. that one crashes unless i have TE

logisticspipes.proxy.VersionNotSupportedException: The TE Version '' is not supported by this LP version when you have TE Conduit support enabled. Please use ''
Ah ok, I probably don't have conduit support enabled. Why not deactivate it? Your build apparently doesn't need it.
im using itemducts and redstone conduits...i guess i could give them up...

edit: im losing patience with this. i did not use buildcraft for a reason...the conduits in te, item, fluid, and power..were working perfectly in this build. now im actually downgrading to try and disable this feature...a feature which ive been using for a very long time.

bc pipes dont work well with tesseracts when it comes to fluids. how does one send fluids to a tesseract, bc pipes dont seem to want to connect to them

and why is this even an issue with logistics pipes in the first place?
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It's the interaction you need to deactivate, not the ducts themselves. LP added support for TE ducts some versions back, apparently that only works with TE .5

in LogisticsPipes.cfg
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It's the interaction you need to deactivate, not the ducts themselves. LP added support for TE ducts some versions back, apparently that only works with TE .5

in LogisticsPipes.cfg

thank you! did not know that was there. i assumed it was all on te's side

and now the real bomb...apparently the new version of lp (build 246) doesnt have the api calls i was using to query the request pipes or get the lp mana bean refilling broken, and cant do ae crafting requests because i need to compare items via lp identifiers...anything else need to go wrong here? please...i need more things to piss me off. cc cant even wrap the request pipes as peripherals. no wrap, no methods....le sigh i gave it one more go. apparently cc needed an update as well. running 1.6.3, and it caused the map to crash. i created a new map and tried the lp api and it worked. so i have to edit the old map in mcedit or something, delete the old computers, and replace them...not tonight tho. im done messing with updating stuff today.

i dont even know if all this was even worth the effort, i just wanted to see if the new lp build fixed the routing issues i saw earlier when the turtles were trying to load the pedestals with items. i really hope so.
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My plan is to use a Gold Chest. In that way I can handle all aspects at a time.
you misunderstand...the system is setup so the furnace can process 5 aspects at a time. this is mirrored on both sides so the whole setup handles processing 10 different aspects at any time. not all at once, but the alembics fill up as the golem does his thing. once the furnaces are empty (the golem is idling) the next batch gets loaded.
you misunderstand...the system is setup so the furnace can process 5 aspects at a time. this is mirrored on both sides so the whole setup handles processing 10 different aspects at any time. not all at once, but the alembics fill up as the golem does his thing. once the furnaces are empty (the golem is idling) the next batch gets loaded.

No I dont misunderstand. I will make the same setup, but I will use a Gold Chest with itemduct connected to 4 furnaces. On each furnace I have 5 alembics. Then I will have 4 golems to refill jars.