The Ongoing Battle Against The Spambots


Jul 29, 2019
After Techno passed me the blade, we heard a crash and the whole ship shaked.
Everything fell down, and so did everyone. Glass was shattered, and beeps were heard.
I fainted.
And felt that my end was coming soon.

OOC: Other than your mugs, no glass. :p If you put glass under the kind of stress Techno uses his transports for, the glass would either be molten, or powder in under a minute.

When a large explosion ripped across the tarmac, scattering everything, Techno looked up. GPuzzle had fallen over, and appeared to have been knocked out. The_j had a first aid kit out and was working on GPuzzle. Techno left them alone and started drawing on the air. Lines of silver fire followed what Techno had written and a wall exploded out, covering a relatively small area in a almost invisible dome. Outside, among the dust, a vague shape could be seen. When the dust cleared, they were looking at a large crowd of the enemy, all in formation. Techno drew his blade, and waited, seeing as to who would make the first move. He saw, and fire erupted along his back in lines.

Spirit came out to see what all the commotion was about and was not surprised to see a large army waiting for him. What he was surprised to see, was Techno apparently being consumed by silver fire, but he would raise the issue later. He grabbed his newly-fixed PA and started yelling orders at everyone on the other side. He did find out, perhaps by chance, that he was able to store some of that energy that had shot up the wire. He had done so, when he had unwittingly been zapped by one, then managed to plug in a lightbulb, and not have it burn out, or explode. As he discovered, it appeared that most of the conduits could handle the energy, but not that much of it, so with much delegation, all the energy was sucked out and they managed to replace everything with far more energy than they would have otherwise. Spirit grabbed his cigarette lighter, a orange sword someone had left by the door, and a few matches. This was going to be a good deal of fun.

Techno's wall was being attacked by hundreds of thousands of advertisements. So far, the wall was holding up very well, but Techno could not hold it against that many for long. He poked a small hole on the other side, and threw an explosive charge through it, closing it as an explosion rippled through in a wave, spraying everyone unprotected with hot scrap. The wall promptly collapsed soon, after, leaving Techno hunched over, panting slightly. The silver fire had gone, but Techno was still covered in brightly glowing lines, and the_j thought it was not a good idea to touch Techno in any way.

Spirit was playing with fire. After scattering a lot of petrol everywhere, and fighting a few units along the way, Spirit was having some fun. Standing near the door, he brandished his sword, with one hand on his holster, ready to fire at any moment. They came. Spirit found himself swamped on most sides, but his conduits were helping keep them from attacking his rear. He concentrated, drew in a subconscious breath and almost dropped his blade as his sword became a line of red fire. The fire went out as Spirit's concentration slipped, and he hooked up his concentration again, this time, focusing all his will on the blade. The blade burst into life, cycling to a blue-white colour. Spirit gave a grim smile and swung his blade, his gun clean forgotten.

Bella arrived at a bunker in time to have her vision obscured by a dust cloud. The dust cloud soon vanished, and she found herself smack in the middle of a runway, "Oh, -" was all that could be heard before a roar in the distance drowned out the rest of her pleasant words. Her concentration slipped, causing the car to vanish, dropping Technician smack in the middle of the runway. He blinked a bit before fouling the air, then drew his gun. Bella, never one to be outshone, conjured up a Railgun, strapping herself in, aiming and firing away.

The Teller of stones found himself outside of a vaguely familiar place. Then he found himself swamped by things that wanted to kill him. Not to mention that he had another one of his headaches. He ignored the pain and picked up the assault rifle. As he started firing, the pain grew more intense until he couldn't take it. The Teller sat down, and whimpered, trying to hide from the death that should have come. It didn't. The pain in his head had gone, and he found himself surrounded by rocks, of all shapes and sizes, that appeared to have been nearby. He was very confused by all this, but he knew he was doing it, but he didn't know how. But the rocks seemed to be protecting him. The teller then had an idea, and nudged at a stone, telling it to 'Go'. It flew, and he was surprised when it smashed a hole straight through what he had been aiming at. Starting to learn a little, he tried pushing at the stones instead of talking, and it seemed to have the same effect. Since he was now hiding behind a wall made of stones and bits of steel, the Teller sat down, and started reading to the stones, as he usually did.

Techno was finding things a little harder. Since he had to keep a part of his mind to hold himself together, unlike nearly everyone else, Techno could never put his full mind to the task. He was slashing at units and causing all kinds of things to happen, when he noticed the artillery. Prepared for this, Techno overrode all of Spirit's computers and had them activate all the defences. Then he realised he was losing his concentration, and went back to the task at hand. Techno picked up his sword and continued slicing away at anything that dared come too close to the injured.

Spirit then smelled Petroleum and remembered. He had a thought, and ensuring that the area around him was safe for the moment, he pointed his blade at the floor and shoved his energy into the blade. There blade lit up with a matrix of color, then spat the flame out the tip. It was exhausting, but the fire seemed hotter than anything he had encountered. What he did not notice, however, was that a lick of fire had touched the floor. Before long, fire was racing along the tarmac, and everyone suddenly had to watch out for fire.

OOC: The_j Name the bird, or I can't include them. :p this is the beginning of the fighting. I've taken a random selection of characters, as well as the regulars, and slipped them in. ;) Well, you lot, time to get to work. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kamehameha positively beamed. Things were happening!

Beautiful. He grabbed another disc and issued a thirteen units to Spirit and Co. location.


Jul 29, 2019
Kamehameha positively beamed. Things were happening!

Beautiful. He grabbed another disc and issued a thirteen units to Spirit and Co. location.

OOC; Aye. :p

The fire had helped a good deal, for the small instant that it was burning. In that single instant, techno flooded the ground with energy, causing the flame to shoot upwards in a large explosion. Weakened, Techno sat down, and slowly recovered. It did not take long. As both sides were preparing for a battle, Techno grabbed The_j and Gpuzzle, putting them inside the_j's ship. Techno launched his, and picked up a few weapons lying around, throwing them inside his. Changing his mind, Techno grabbed the_j and GPuzzle, putting them in his transport, rather than the_j's ship. Techno grabbed the firebirds, taking them in, before leaping in and shutting the door. He then noticed something strange. Just to check, Techno took a coin out and flipped it. It hung in the air, and Techno looked around. The enemy were moving at the usual speed, but everyone else was slowed down. After shutting the door, Techno ran over to the bunker, seemingly unaffected by the lethargy that affected everyone else, opened a hatch in the side, and touch a bare wire.

Spirit found it exceedingly difficult to move. It was like moving through mud, and he could only move slowly. He could see the spambots moving at the speed they were before, and Techno appeared unaffected. He then cut a hole in the side of the bunker, and touched something in it. Electricity shimmered and covered Techno in a purple cloud.

Techno would not have been able to hold this kind of electricity for long. At least, not normally. For some reason, he didn't appear harmed by the power, but he didn't want to test his limits. He concentrated, and spread the energy out in an inverse wave. He found what was causing this and Techno began to pull more power. He certainly needed it. He focused on the original point, and slowly poked it with his mind. Finding his target, he pushed some energy at it. When it resisted his efforts, Techno was left with no choice. He pushed all the energy towards the point, closed his eyes, and shoved. The results were visible in a Temporal Shockwave, which rippled, before ending in a terrific explosion. Techno gave a brief nod in that direction and walked into his ship, shutting the door behind him.

The_j found himself being sprayed by a jet of hot air. He got up and found himself in the mechanisms of a steam engine. He turned around, and found Techno at the controls. The_j looked at the controls and got very confused, as there were gauges all over the place. Techno appeared to be sitting at the most modern place. He then pushed a lever forward, and there was a sudden jolt, before everything settled into place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Nerfing. :3 I didn't say it happened to you, except your radio is sort of weird. You have to use a radio, the intercom is broken, simply due to the electronic equivalent of a solar flare and a lightning storm all rolled into one. Just... find something to suck the power out of the system with. ;) NO-one said conduits couldn't use electricity of that type. :p Just... suck it up and get on with it. :p

Techno had half his body buried inside a somewhat large ship. The_j was out on his rounds, and GPuzzle had discovered the joy of High-Powered Lasers. Techno frowned at the boiler, and walked back inside the bunker. He came back out with a large amount of charcoal. He filled the firebox with charcoal, checked no-one was looking, and summoned a small flame on top of his hand. He put it inside the firebox, and waited for everything to boil.

GPuzzle was having a good deal of fun. Not only had he discovered the joys of optics, he was making things, and making sure other things blew up. It was fun, to say the least. He did wonder, though as to why Techno had not included any kind of firepower when he rebuilt this ship.

The_j was still testing the capabilities of this thing. So far, he had found none. He had a small bird on his shoulder that would randomly burst into flame with no warning, and it was sitting on his map. So far, his map hadn't burnt, so he was happy, but the_j was still nervous.

The boiler had heated up. It would take a few more degrees before everything would be ready for a warm up. not long after, things began to move. Techno extracted himself from the confines of the engine, and checked that everything would be running. Closing the hatch, and sealing it, Techno walked in the door. He had places to go, things to do. And survivors to find. He pushed up the Steam Engine, and let everything slowly catch up. As the transport started rolling down the runway, he turned everything up and let the engines pick up the slack. This was soon followed by a quiet humming that increased in intensity and pitch, before the runway started melting. Techno moved the throttle up further and the humming gave way to an easily audible roar that blew molten asphalt up the runway. Techno then lifted off. To most people, this ship had a much more confusing interface than the plane, but it was deceptively simple. You had controls to go faster, go up, left, up and a map to help you get there. If you looked carefully enough, the map even told you how to use the controls. The core of this ship's engine was based around Steam Power. It didn't use water, though, as that would have been silly. It used an unusual mix of chemicals to simulate water that did not freeze, or corrode objects. So far, the Steam Engine could generate movement on its own, or it could power engines to do so. Landing on a desolate moon, Techno had the transport trundling around, looking for some life forms, while he did a few checks. Everything seemed to be working well, except that there was barely enough power being produced, but not being used for a year or so tended to do that to the power generation. Once everything was warmed up, it should have been fine. Techno wasn't going to risk being stuck, simply because the ship wouldn't be able to handle the power generation that was needed to hop across space. He fired the engines up, and continued on his way. Things had to be found, preparations had to be made. Also, this ship needed some warming up. Techno reached across the dashboard, and lines streaked across the interior of the ship, covering everything in a pale orange light. This orange light turned blue, after a bit more waiting, and Techno hopped across to another place. He picked up a few supplies, some Deuterium, Xenon, Ununoctium, Biunoctium, and all that. Just in case, Techno grabbed some books and a towel. [OOC: References! :3] He pushed up the engines as a missile streaked past him exploding harmlessly a few meters away, thought that was enough warning for techno to fire up the engines and leave. He picked up a few crates, and left.

Landing was much easier than taking off. Namely, since everything was warmed up, there was no need for any kind of warmup procedure. All that had to happen was that a landing had to be done correctly. Now this was slightly more than difficult as there was a melted line smack across the runway, due to the Transport taking off, and there not being enough power to cool off the engines. Techno flew it up to the loading bay, noting that the_j was still out, and started unloading things into the loading bay. He then covered everything with a tarpaulin, and for good measure, put the towel on top.

The_j was curious to learn more about his ship, but it could wait. He was getting lonely, and a small bird can only offer so much human company, when your co-pilot is in a weapons lab, blowing things to kingdom come. He landed it, suddenly noticing another ship, parked near the strangely smooth spot on the ground. Near the hole was a melted streak of Asphalt. The_j cautiously explored the area around, his military training taking over and causing him to check for IEDs. He was still searching, when there was a small 'click'. He jumped, and moved backwards slowly, putting a brick exactly where his foot was. He turned around and felt quite foolish when he saw that his young companion was simply pecking away at the undercarriage of his shuttle, causing small clicks to reverberate throughout his shuttle. He was still curious when he saw Techno get in and take a normally impossible number of crates out of the ship,and scatter them around.

When Techno looked up, he saw the_j staring at him. Techno slid a crate towards the_j. And passed a blade to Gpuzzle, who was still emitting smoke after discovering that there were explosives under the table and that the room was quite well protected against explosions.
I mean that no, there was no drinking done by me.[DOUBLEPOST=1376494040][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, there was no cigarette lighter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As the fire goes higher, I smile. Just more for me to play with. I begin bending the fire, and moving it toward me. I superheat it and begin moving the ball throughout the area. I activate my Eye of Flame to see as if I was the fire and start navigating the ball toward the spambots, melting them one by me. The ball gathers more flame as it goes and wipes out more and more spambots.

He activates the emergency force field on the bunker, his last resort and, satisfied that there were no bots in a quarter kilometres radius, puts out all the fire and lifts up an Earth platform under all his Conduits and himself. He flies near Techno's ship. "Miss me?"


Jul 29, 2019
I mean that no, there was no drinking done by me.[DOUBLEPOST=1376494040][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, there was no cigarette lighter.

OOC: No-one said you drank. :p You just happened to remember that Spirits were a great accelerant. :p Also, you carry a cigarette lighter, as it's a nice volatile, though safe source of fire. :p

The special units by Kamehameha change people into spambots. Even on a nanobot level.

Not if Techno has anything to do about it. Also, that would mean that the Spambots could consume and replicate infinitely, and you wouldn't want that, would you?
As the fire goes higher, I smile. Just more for me to play with. I begin bending the fire, and moving it toward me. I superheat it and begin moving the ball throughout the area. I activate my Eye of Flame to see as if I was the fire and start navigating the ball toward the spambots, melting them one by me. The ball gathers more flame as it goes and wipes out more and more spambots.

He activates the emergency force field on the bunker, his last resort and, satisfied that there were no bots in a quarter kilometres radius, puts out all the fire and lifts up an Earth platform under all his Conduits and himself. He flies near Techno's ship. "Miss me?"

Techno replied. 'Hardly.' He then opened the door, and swung his arm, which had the odd effect of the platform tilting in such a way that Spirit was thrown off and landed in the back, next to GPuzzle. "We have things to do, we had better be ready." With that, Techno pointed his arm at the platform, and it disintegrated in a puff of smoke. Techno looked down, smiled and shut the door. He landed the ship, and pushed the accelerator. It was safer on land. The ship descended, and flew over the land, faster than any other vehicle could, and should manage. As Techno pushed a few buttons, the layout rearranged itself to something that Techno had worked on. A steam train. Well, a more different one to the ones that had so dominated to Victorian Era. Unlike most trains, this one was gliding along an invisible rail. And it appeared to have no fuel source. GPuzzle, The_j and Spirit found themselves surrounded by a small crowd of birds, inside a carriage, of a Steam Train. It would have appeared to fit right in, had it not been for the lights in the ceiling and everything else. Spirit, interested by these strange little birds, was more than slightly surprised when a dark brown one rubbed its beak against the palm of his hand and caused a small fireball to appear. Spirit quickly doused the flame, slightly embarrassed, and watched the landscape fly by. He was not surprised when the landscape suddenly sped up that much more.

The_j was watching the speed of the train. He was also looking for the rail. When he found none, he decided that the only things that made sense here were the speed and pressure. As he watched the pressure build, he saw the speed and pressure gauge change units. He jumped at this, not being used to it, and decided to tend to GPuzzle, was was still on the floor. He then watched Techno mutter something about not going fast enough, despite travelling at 200 miles an hour, over unmarked landscape, twist a knob, push a lever forward, and felt a gigantic jerk as the train shot forward at an astonishing 500 miles an hour, which was, admittedly, not that fast. The_j did manage to spill half his water bottle on GPuzzle, though.

GPuzzle woke up to find himself mostly drenched by the_j. He start cussing, before he was cut off by a much bigger jerk in acceleration. The scenery faded to a pale grey, as Techno started pushing speeds. This jerk was followed by a low hum. Techno exclaimed "Finally!" before he started flipping levers. The entire train became a ship, and soared. Spirit was smart enough to strap himself in, and had managed to hold down the birds long enough to strap them all in. Which may not have been a bad idea, considering Spirit had just managed to lock himself to his chair, before they took off. The_j was awkwardly half-in and half-out of his seat. Thankfully, all the speed abated when they reached space. Techno walked straight out and picked up a small box, before shutting the door and nudging the entire ship down. The quiet hum ascended into a roar, as they plummeted through the atmosphere. Techno then had an idea. He started rummaging through a bag, and picked up a slab of plastic explosive. He threw this into the firebox, and shut the door. Strangely enough, the C-4 didn't explode. It just started burning much more fiercely, creating more pressure, and by extension, more speed. Techno navigated his ship toward the large cloud of smoke. He plowed through it, and turned on the forcefield. Though the ship slowed down quite a bit, there was plenty of speed. The forcefield flowed over the outside of the ship like some bizarre colloid, before expanding into a clear, green sphere. Just as they hit the runway, the roar died off, and the forcefield solidified, becoming a dome. They plowed into the spambots at what appeared to be Mach 5, when Techno was looking at the speedometer. When they stopped, there was a very large cloud of dust, and a lot of carnage. The_j turned to Techno in disbelief, the looked at the ship. the ship had been undamaged in any way. The forceifield vanished as he looked at it, and Techno sat down. He took out a book and started reading it.

OOC: Lights! Camera! FTB Forum Team! Action! :3 Oh,a nd Techno is technically a bad flyer. :p When it comes to aerospace, he doesn't know a thing. He can certainly pilot a ship around space though. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As Techno disintegrates the platform, I quickly bring up a new one and pull it behind us. As we begin to exit the atmosphere, I create an air bubble and grow plants on the rock to self sustain the environment before encasing it in rock. "I hope my Conduits don't get seasick," Spirit says.


Jul 29, 2019
As Techno disintegrates the platform, I quickly bring up a new one and pull it behind us. As we begin to exit the atmosphere, I create an air bubble and grow plants on the rock to self sustain the environment before encasing it in rock. "I hope my Conduits don't get seasick," Spirit says.
-.- If it's any consolation, that part's already over.
The girl sat down in a seat in the trainship thing and was like wtf is going on

You too. :p Read up. ;)
The floor shook, and Techno looked up. There was large cannon somewhere down the runway, and it was charging. He ducked the first shot, though after it left a sinkhole in the floor, Techno took a stand. He touched the exterior of his ship and as the cannon fired, a cyan bubble exploded into life. The Bubble collided with the projectile, causing a terrific explosion that cracked the runway. The bubble imploded, and Techno leant over. He was panting as though he'd run a marathon. Spirit whipped out his lighter, then found a small bird sitting on it. It wouldn't get off and gave a loud peep when he tried to pull it off. Instead, he started pulling fire into his hand, preparing for a fight. The bunker was severly compromised, but it should still be able to hold up for a while


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: In all fairness, that was during the flight into space. And what on earth is that bubble? It better not be mine, because I got rid of it when we touched down.
"Conduits!" I yell. "Time to rebuild! That Force Field held up pretty well, don't you think?" Spirit deactivates the force field and begins working. "As an Earthbender," Spirit muses to no one in particular. "I can also control metal, making repairs relatively easy. Or rather, we could create a whole new bunker in a different place where the Spambots have not found out. What do you guys say?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I shouldn't say this because it will obviously be righted in some magic way, but Kameh is hearing everything you say.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um, no, he isn't. I'm using an earphone over a private frequency that goes past Megahertz into Gigahertz, and it can only be accessed by (you aren't ever going to guess this):
Conduit Energy.
So we created special earphone that do not require you to be a Conduit to use. They only work when activated by a Conduit and only work on the person given to, so you can't steal the earphone and expect it to work. So no, he can't hear anything we can say, so long as we speak over the earphone and mic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kameh can still hack it. A "private" frequency really helps when there are only Spambot frequencies really going out.

I think you need to go indepth and tell us HOW conduits work, how they are used in any context. Instead of "Oh, well I can use my conduit to make life grow, and as it grows it will transfer the transmission to here here here."

At any rate, Kameh has experience with conduits, but he's the leader, so he's transferred it to a whole legion of code-monkeys. They have lots of Doctor Pepper and Pizza so yeah. He's listening.