After Techno passed me the blade, we heard a crash and the whole ship shaked.
Everything fell down, and so did everyone. Glass was shattered, and beeps were heard.
I fainted.
And felt that my end was coming soon.
OOC: Other than your mugs, no glass.
When a large explosion ripped across the tarmac, scattering everything, Techno looked up. GPuzzle had fallen over, and appeared to have been knocked out. The_j had a first aid kit out and was working on GPuzzle. Techno left them alone and started drawing on the air. Lines of silver fire followed what Techno had written and a wall exploded out, covering a relatively small area in a almost invisible dome. Outside, among the dust, a vague shape could be seen. When the dust cleared, they were looking at a large crowd of the enemy, all in formation. Techno drew his blade, and waited, seeing as to who would make the first move. He saw, and fire erupted along his back in lines.
Spirit came out to see what all the commotion was about and was not surprised to see a large army waiting for him. What he was surprised to see, was Techno apparently being consumed by silver fire, but he would raise the issue later. He grabbed his newly-fixed PA and started yelling orders at everyone on the other side. He did find out, perhaps by chance, that he was able to store some of that energy that had shot up the wire. He had done so, when he had unwittingly been zapped by one, then managed to plug in a lightbulb, and not have it burn out, or explode. As he discovered, it appeared that most of the conduits could handle the energy, but not that much of it, so with much delegation, all the energy was sucked out and they managed to replace everything with far more energy than they would have otherwise. Spirit grabbed his cigarette lighter, a orange sword someone had left by the door, and a few matches. This was going to be a good deal of fun.
Techno's wall was being attacked by hundreds of thousands of advertisements. So far, the wall was holding up very well, but Techno could not hold it against that many for long. He poked a small hole on the other side, and threw an explosive charge through it, closing it as an explosion rippled through in a wave, spraying everyone unprotected with hot scrap. The wall promptly collapsed soon, after, leaving Techno hunched over, panting slightly. The silver fire had gone, but Techno was still covered in brightly glowing lines, and the_j thought it was not a good idea to touch Techno in any way.
Spirit was playing with fire. After scattering a lot of petrol everywhere, and fighting a few units along the way, Spirit was having some fun. Standing near the door, he brandished his sword, with one hand on his holster, ready to fire at any moment. They came. Spirit found himself swamped on most sides, but his conduits were helping keep them from attacking his rear. He concentrated, drew in a subconscious breath and almost dropped his blade as his sword became a line of red fire. The fire went out as Spirit's concentration slipped, and he hooked up his concentration again, this time, focusing all his will on the blade. The blade burst into life, cycling to a blue-white colour. Spirit gave a grim smile and swung his blade, his gun clean forgotten.
Bella arrived at a bunker in time to have her vision obscured by a dust cloud. The dust cloud soon vanished, and she found herself smack in the middle of a runway, "Oh, -" was all that could be heard before a roar in the distance drowned out the rest of her pleasant words. Her concentration slipped, causing the car to vanish, dropping Technician smack in the middle of the runway. He blinked a bit before fouling the air, then drew his gun. Bella, never one to be outshone, conjured up a Railgun, strapping herself in, aiming and firing away.
The Teller of stones found himself outside of a vaguely familiar place. Then he found himself swamped by things that wanted to kill him. Not to mention that he had another one of his headaches. He ignored the pain and picked up the assault rifle. As he started firing, the pain grew more intense until he couldn't take it. The Teller sat down, and whimpered, trying to hide from the death that should have come. It didn't. The pain in his head had gone, and he found himself surrounded by rocks, of all shapes and sizes, that appeared to have been nearby. He was very confused by all this, but he knew he was doing it, but he didn't know how. But the rocks seemed to be protecting him. The teller then had an idea, and nudged at a stone, telling it to 'Go'. It flew, and he was surprised when it smashed a hole straight through what he had been aiming at. Starting to learn a little, he tried pushing at the stones instead of talking, and it seemed to have the same effect. Since he was now hiding behind a wall made of stones and bits of steel, the Teller sat down, and started reading to the stones, as he usually did.
Techno was finding things a little harder. Since he had to keep a part of his mind to hold himself together, unlike nearly everyone else, Techno could never put his full mind to the task. He was slashing at units and causing all kinds of things to happen, when he noticed the artillery. Prepared for this, Techno overrode all of Spirit's computers and had them activate all the defences. Then he realised he was losing his concentration, and went back to the task at hand. Techno picked up his sword and continued slicing away at anything that dared come too close to the injured.
Spirit then smelled Petroleum and remembered. He had a thought, and ensuring that the area around him was safe for the moment, he pointed his blade at the floor and shoved his energy into the blade. There blade lit up with a matrix of color, then spat the flame out the tip. It was exhausting, but the fire seemed hotter than anything he had encountered. What he did not notice, however, was that a lick of fire had touched the floor. Before long, fire was racing along the tarmac, and everyone suddenly had to watch out for fire.
OOC: The_j Name the bird, or I can't include them.