The future of FTB Modpacks pt 2

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You are forgetting the average age on the forums is 13, they lack the grammatical skills necessary to notice the small but important differences in the words you wish to use. The statement that was released was worded to prevent misunderstandings from the people with less grasp of the finer points of the english language and sentence structure. You, Covert, Slow etc have that grasp which is why y'all can argue your sides with such detailed essays, try to remember 80% of our users do not have that grasp, they only care about playing not about debating the difference between 2 words.

Do you have access to forum stats to show that the average (or median, if that's a better indicator) is indeed 13? I would have wagered it to be within the ballpark of 15-17. I just find it hard to believe that 13 year olds know how to get FTB going, no offense to them of course. It's just that most of my friends' nieces and nephews around that age all know, at best, to get vanilla minecraft going, let alone modded minecraft.
Do you have access to forum stats to show that the average (or median, if that's a better indicator) is indeed 13? I would have wagered it to be within the ballpark of 15-17. I just find it hard to believe that 13 year olds know how to get FTB going, no offense to them of course. It's just that most of my friends' nieces and nephews around that age all know, at best, to get vanilla minecraft going, let alone modded minecraft.
As a point of reference, my eight year old currently plays (in offline mode, on a computer physically not connected to the internet) minecraft. He also knows how to run it through MultiMC. I haven't permitted him to add any mods yet, however he got bored and started browsing through the menu options and figured out for himself pretty much how to install mods.

Furthermore, on the FTB Launcher, literally makes installing modded minecraft as easy as vanilla minecraft. That was one of the key purposes of the FTB Launcher, and it has succeeded admirablly in that. My eight year old has looked over my shoulder enough to not only be able to run any of the public packs (which I discovered when I caught him on my computer on the mindcrack pack, which I didn't even have installed) but also knows how to pull up a private pack with code.

Hell, when I was 12, I was already writing code in BASIC, Pascal, and was picking up FORTH rapidly.

Kids can be pretty smart.
Do you have access to forum stats to show that the average (or median, if that's a better indicator) is indeed 13? I would have wagered it to be within the ballpark of 15-17. I just find it hard to believe that 13 year olds know how to get FTB going, no offense to them of course. It's just that most of my friends' nieces and nephews around that age all know, at best, to get vanilla minecraft going, let alone modded minecraft.

I think that is a pretty bias opinion, when i was 13 i manually installed over 50 mods and changed the configs so they didnt crash.
Also when i was about 7 i could code in ruby (dont ask me now, i forgot xD)
I also had a few friends that could do similar.
Also, ftb is just as easy to use as the default minecraft launcher, maybe easier than the new mc launcher.
As a point of reference, my eight year old currently plays (in offline mode, on a computer physically not connected to the internet) minecraft. He also knows how to run it through MultiMC. I haven't permitted him to add any mods yet, however he got bored and started browsing through the menu options and figured out for himself pretty much how to install mods.

Furthermore, on the FTB Launcher, literally makes installing modded minecraft as easy as vanilla minecraft. That was one of the key purposes of the FTB Launcher, and it has succeeded admirablly in that. My eight year old has looked over my shoulder enough to not only be able to run any of the public packs (which I discovered when I caught him on my computer on the mindcrack pack, which I didn't even have installed) but also knows how to pull up a private pack with code.

Hell, when I was 12, I was already writing code in BASIC, Pascal, and was picking up FORTH rapidly.

Kids can be pretty smart.

The times are changing.

I think that is a pretty bias opinion, when i was 13 i manually installed over 50 mods and changed the configs so they didnt crash.
Also when i was about 7 i could code in ruby (dont ask me now, i forgot xD)
I also had a few friends that could do similar.
Also, ftb is just as easy to use as the default minecraft launcher, maybe easier than the new mc launcher.

You're probably the exception than the rule. ;)
You are forgetting the average age on the forums is 13,

That's a risky statement to make Jaded, but it's not in blue text, so your not talking as a representative of the site, right?

Average of 13 implies members below 13. At least one of the servers is in the USA so COPPA comes into play.

Course if you meant the mode, then I'm still a little shocked, but considering who has free time in this day and age... I can get my head around it.
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I seem to remember that the average age of PC gamers was up to 32 now, but that could well relate more to rpg/mmo's, & it was PC survey from two sources, one was steam & I forget the other could have been an online mag.

no ideas on console demographics, but that dont apply here anyway.
Do you have access to forum stats to show that the average (or median, if that's a better indicator) is indeed 13? I would have wagered it to be within the ballpark of 15-17. I just find it hard to believe that 13 year olds know how to get FTB going, no offense to them of course. It's just that most of my friends' nieces and nephews around that age all know, at best, to get vanilla minecraft going, let alone modded minecraft.

Meh, this seems off. I figured out how to successfully DDoS someone when I was in the fourth grade. I also figured out how to rapidly change my IP (to the public of course, I still had my same IP. Unfortunately I have completely forgotten how I did that), in the same year.
Oh come now, I gotta say that my opinion of this forum community is pretty high. Sure, every thread contains its segment of bottom-feeding ragers, moral pretenders, unsupervised children and caps-lock aficionados, but, ya know: "Hi, welcome to the Internet." Yes, the FTB team has been treated really unfairly by more than a few, but they're still the minority, and I see them being reminded of that almost every time they crawl out from under their rocks.

When I recall how other communities embroiled in ugly, messy controversies have behaved (EA/Bioware, Blizzard, WotC)...? We're a veritable oasis of decency, restraint and self-moderation by comparison.

(Okay, moderators, you can stop laughing now. :P)[DOUBLEPOST=1374529380][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes I was being a bit snarky. I get to do that once in a blue moon. :p
But i thought you were a sweet and innocent gal!
And she was being sweetly, innocently snarky :P
I remember bliz & cabal online removing all erm not flattering topics bliz gave up fast as it was pointless there were 3 to 1 hate posts with that title at times, the roll out was a mess, & each update near as bad, the game its self was nothing but a cash cow, while cabal online spent 3 months removing each post regarding ingame hacks & account hack that we all knew were valid, I was one that lost an account, logging "invalid used or pass try again", fill out a ticket & waited, 6 days later I get a stock reply, IE a pre-made stock reply for a given situation, after out lining the situation again I get the same reply this time telling me I should not share my login with any one, the 3rd time I lost my temper & quoted each email I sent & there replies commenting & adding context as needed, at the end of 2 weeks I finally got the account reverted to its original loggin/pass, that was all they would or could do they said, you may have guessed what I did, ofc the account was stripped, I deleted the account & spent 3 weeks on forums recanting the events, some posts got insta deleted seems I was on some list, but not banned, at this time the forums had around 5 posts an hour with ppl losing accounts, but cleared out every hour or two, when they stopped deleting the posts & started to admit there was an "issue with some accounts" I stopped posting & removed the forum link, I could recount the antics of Arena Games & how they started to sell max enchant/buffs on ingame items for $50 a pop.

Whats the point to this you may have asked your self, the point its D3 was a full price game, the others were f2p but you kind of had to donate to pass a point ingame, vested interested in time & cold hard cash, & not one of these professional companies treated there user base or customers as well as FTB treat theres, I do not agree with all but I do think that they are doing the best they can in most situations.

We & by we I mean I, make rash & at times snap judgments, its often human nature to never back down, even if you later find out you have been mistaken or are down right wrong, as a parent & a male I can tell you it happens more so with males, testosterone I guess.

Now to the real part I take full responsibility for may words & actions over the last 4-5 days, while my views have not changed on the subject I do feel I have offended ppl, with trolling, snide & condescending comments, & have had a big hand in fanning the flames, I would like to apologize to any & all that may have been offended, no matter the idealism the actions were wrong, this in not to gain favor with one group or another, its purely & simply to say these actions are unacceptable.
Judging from some of the comments I have read in various places, there are some people who believe I should have pulled the trigger here and removed Gregtech totally. To me that seems extremely short sighted as a response and it certainly feels 'knee-jerk'. As an explaination, I can try to explain it like this.

If we remove gregtech from future packs who is to say Greg wouldnt come to us and ask us to remove his mod from all packs (A request we would have to honor) Last I checked about 70-80% of FTB servers (this is tens of thousands of servers) that are played on by hundreds of thousands of players use Gregtech. (Ultimate, Mindcrack and 152wgt beta) Every one of these servers would potentially have their worlds destroyed here. The point is in the right circumstances, I am willing to pull that trigger but I am certainly not going to pull it on the basis of a knee jerk decision from the vocal part of our or anyone elses community.

I appreciate your point of view but I can't say I fully agree with it. To me, a knee-jerk response would have been pulling GT from packs when he started reflecting through java to change the behavior of other mods without the consent of those mod devs. Especially for a mod pack team that speaks so proudly of their stance towards respecting mod devs and the permissions they do or do not grant, one could argue there was reason at that time to take a hard line with Greg, but you opted not to do so, as is your prerogative.

With each of these actions (avoiding the use of the word 'transgressions') on Greg's part regarding his gross indifference to other mods and modders and even the players, continuing to include his mod just sends the message that his behavior is A-OK.

Greg gave you permission to use his mod in all of the packs that currently feature it. Hypothetically, were you to decide to no longer include his mod in future packs as a result of his behavior and the risks it has presented, if he were to then come back and say, "Fine then, you can't distribute it with older versions of packs, either" then that's on him. Those of us who know the story will happily explain and repeat on these forums and others to every who shows up with a beef for the FTB team because they pulled GT that no, that was Greg once again not caring about how it impacts you when he goes on a power trip. In the end it comes down to what is going to hurt FTB and its players more in the long term; the risk of short-term disruption of Greg has another hissy and pulls his permissions, or the risk of short term disruption when Greg has another hissy at a mod dev and takes it out on the players.

If you pull GT, the risk is a one time disruption and then the bandaid is off and we move forward. If you keep GT around, the risk is ongoing disruptions every time he doesn't get his way. I can't think of any mod, even my personal favorites, that are worth the negative Greg brings to the community.
I appreciate your point of view but I can't say I fully agree with it. To me, a knee-jerk response would have been pulling GT from packs when he started reflecting through java to change the behavior of other mods without the consent of those mod devs. Especially for a mod pack team that speaks so proudly of their stance towards respecting mod devs and the permissions they do or do not grant, one could argue there was reason at that time to take a hard line with Greg, but you opted not to do so, as is your prerogative.

With each of these actions (avoiding the use of the word 'transgressions') on Greg's part regarding his gross indifference to other mods and modders and even the players, continuing to include his mod just sends the message that his behavior is A-OK.

Greg gave you permission to use his mod in all of the packs that currently feature it. Hypothetically, were you to decide to no longer include his mod in future packs as a result of his behavior and the risks it has presented, if he were to then come back and say, "Fine then, you can't distribute it with older versions of packs, either" then that's on him. Those of us who know the story will happily explain and repeat on these forums and others to every who shows up with a beef for the FTB team because they pulled GT that no, that was Greg once again not caring about how it impacts you when he goes on a power trip. In the end it comes down to what is going to hurt FTB and its players more in the long term; the risk of short-term disruption of Greg has another hissy and pulls his permissions, or the risk of short term disruption when Greg has another hissy at a mod dev and takes it out on the players.

If you pull GT, the risk is a one time disruption and then the bandaid is off and we move forward. If you keep GT around, the risk is ongoing disruptions every time he doesn't get his way. I can't think of any mod, even my personal favorites, that are worth the negative Greg brings to the community.

I think Slow would be more worried about unintended consequence of making decisions based on vocal groups claiming to be the majority (GT haters and lovers).
I hate GT too but for a person that is in Slow's position it would be dangerous to assume the GT haters are in the majority or vise versa. TBH I have no verifiable data to prove whether the majority actually loves or hate GT and neither would Slow. Pulling GT could at best make the pack more fun for everyone and at worse cause a mass exodus from FTB packs. That's too wide of a range of consequence to make ham fisted half baked decisions.

So he took the median path and gave Greg his own pack to do as he pleases. So people can now play with all of the awesome mods without Greg's progression cock blocks and it let those that like GT play the game hard.
I think Slow would be more worried about unintended consequence of making decisions based on vocal groups claiming to be the majority (GT haters and lovers).
I hate GT too but for a person that is in Slow's position it would be dangerous to assume the GT haters are in the majority or vise versa. TBH I have no verifiable data to prove whether the majority actually loves or hate GT and neither would Slow. Pulling GT could at best make the pack more fun for everyone and at worse cause a mass exodus from FTB packs. That's too wide of a range of consequence to make ham fisted half baked decisions.

So he took the median path and gave Greg his own pack to do as he pleases. So people can now play with all of the awesome mods without Greg's progression cock blocks and it let those that like GT play the game hard.

Majority/Minority vote would not make sense for something like this. Also, "(if you can call using GT 'play')" shot everything you said previously in the face. Don't do that.
I think Slow would be more worried about unintended consequence of making decisions based on vocal groups claiming to be the majority (GT haters and lovers).
I hate GT too but for a person that is in Slow's position it would be dangerous to assume the GT haters are in the majority or vise versa. TBH I have no verifiable data to prove whether the majority actually loves or hate GT and neither would Slow. Pulling GT could at best make the pack more fun for everyone and at worse cause a mass exodus from FTB packs. That's too wide of a range of consequence to make ham fisted half baked decisions.

So he took the median path and gave Greg his own pack to do as he pleases. So people can now play with all of the awesome mods without Greg's progression cock blocks and it let those that like GT play the game hard.

This isn't even about what anyone here is or isn't asking for. It's about taking an objective look at what is going on and not staying on the fence longer than is useful out of fear that Greg will retaliate and make people mad at the FTB team in a surrogate role. Right now, Greg has all the power and all the control. He does what he wants and either nobody stands up to him, or they do and he takes it out on the users. Again, not an opinion based on my preferences regarding his mod but based on observation of his behavior through several conflicts with other mod devs.
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Majority/Minority vote would not make sense for something like this. Also, "(if you can call using GT 'play')" shot everything you said previously in the face. Don't do that.

I suppose it was low brow, but it is what I think, probably should have held my tongue.

Take it with a grain of salt if you wish.

This isn't even about what anyone here is or isn't asking for. It's about taking an objective look at what is going on and not staying on the fence longer than is useful out of fear that Greg will retaliate and make people mad at the FTB team in a surrogate role. Right now, Greg has all the power and all the control. He does what he wants and either nobody stands up to him, or they do and he takes it out on the users. Again, not an opinion based on my preferences regarding his mod but based on observation of his behavior through several conflicts with other mod devs.

Considering the person you are talking about is named "Slowpoke" what I bolded invokes a great sense of irony, lol.

Yes I sort of do agree, the GregTech nonsense has actually gone on for too long but realize that Slowpoke can't (well shouldn't) make decisions based on forum white noise.
The hidden majority might really like GregTech despite the modder's flaws in character. Pulling it abruptly MIGHT cause some strife.

Either way, it seems GT has been segregated from the cooler mods in this Unleashed pack so all this white noise in the forum has been rendered moot.
So now people can choose to play on a server without GregTech and have all the mods they love and Greg get's his perfect IC2 world that will probably atrophy in to obsolescence.
Sure it took some pandering to an egotistical man child but a win-win situation was struck here.

Then again I am curious to know if this Unleashed pack is essentially the new Ultimate and succeeding it or just a new GTless alternative to ultimate that isn't DW20.
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Then again I am curious to know if this Unleashed pack is essentially the new Ultimate and succeeding it or just a new GTless alternative to ultimate that isn't DW20.

According to the news post announcing it, Unleashed is indeed the "new Ultimate", since Ultimate will never be updated any further. ;)
I think Slow would be more worried about unintended consequence of making decisions based on vocal groups claiming to be the majority (GT haters and lovers).
I hate GT too but for a person that is in Slow's position it would be dangerous to assume the GT haters are in the majority or vise versa. TBH I have no verifiable data to prove whether the majority actually loves or hate GT and neither would Slow. Pulling GT could at best make the pack more fun for everyone and at worse cause a mass exodus from FTB packs. That's too wide of a range of consequence to make ham fisted half baked decisions.

So he took the median path and gave Greg his own pack to do as he pleases. So people can now play with all of the awesome mods without Greg's progression cock blocks and it let those that like GT play the game hard.
To my perspective, it has nothing to do with loving or hating GT. I actually think the mod brings some interesting ideas which have a lot of worth to explore. I may not think everything that GT does is meaningful, but there's certainly a lot there going for it.

I simply can't take the risk that Gregorious won't have another tantrum and do something like this again. I can't risk the users of my mod pack. They depend on me to provide a coherant and functional mod pack. If Gregorious decides to do something a little bit more subtle (perhaps a time bomb) that I miss in beta testing, and it gets released to users... that's bad. Not only does it cause a lack of credibility for my mod pack, I feel personally responsible for not catching it. I guess it is something of a left-handed compliment that I think Gregorious is a good enough coder to mask a crash bug to the point where I wouldn't be able to find it until it is too late.

Slowpoke has been given assurances that it won't happen again, and Slowpoke is deciding to give Gregorious another chance. To my mind, that makes Slow a better man than I. Mercy is the mark of a great man. *stab* Guess I'm just good man. *stab* Well, I'm okay...

However, FTB offers Unleashed for the users which does not contain Gtech, and Unhinged which does. Problem is solved. If you like Gtech, play Unhinged. If you don't, play Unleashed. Or any of the other packs that have been released. I'm a big fan of all of 'em. But right now, I'm gonna have to go with [Blatant plug self-edited. Nothing to see here, citizens].
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