Whitelist Server The-Construct | Mature 16+ | v8.0.1+ | Logistic Pipes | TS3 | 20 TPS | 12GB | Protections/Anti-Grief

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Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)Never been banned
Experience with mods?:I can program fluently in Java and have made my own mods before, I also code in several other languages.
Will you use TS3?:Yes, although not constantly, unless I am required to elsewise.
Answer to the secret question? Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):No I do not have relation with anyone on the server
Any additional information?:I play for fun and am not a super serious player, I like to build innovative structures.
What made you choose our server?:Seemed nice, small, liked the pictures of previous builds, and seemed very hacker free, which for me is wonderful because I enjoy a Legitimate Online Gaming Community!
IGN: Blorog1
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes, I was once. They said I was sneak hacking (Not sure what that is) and banned me. Hope this isn't a problem, or if someone could just tell me what sneak hacking is..
Experience with mods?: Been playing the Direwolf pack since those main packs came out, decided I wanted to try the Mindcrack pack
Will you use TS3?: Nope
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I love to mine, it's all I really do. I won't build crazy contraption that automatically make stuff, too complicated for me to do, I'm a simple minded person.
What made you choose our server?: It was the only one with sensible rules. Not saying the other servers rules are bad, just saying I like these rules better.
IGN: Blorog1
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes, I was once. They said I was sneak hacking (Not sure what that is) and banned me. Hope this isn't a problem, or if someone could just tell me what sneak hacking is..
Experience with mods?: Been playing the Direwolf pack since those main packs came out, decided I wanted to try the Mindcrack pack
Will you use TS3?: Nope
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I love to mine, it's all I really do. I won't build crazy contraption that automatically make stuff, too complicated for me to do, I'm a simple minded person.
What made you choose our server?: It was the only one with sensible rules. Not saying the other servers rules are bad, just saying I like these rules better.

Denied for lieing about your age.
This is my brothers account, I don't really trust giving my email out to sites.

No thanks, I'm still not convinced you're 17. I'm also not really interested in adding people who apply to other servers. They tend to stick around for a day and then leave, in my experience. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but it applies to 'most' everyone.

Still declined, looks like you got accepted to a different server.
Alright, that's fine. And I apply to other servers so that if this one doesn't work out I might have another one. But I respect your decision.
IGN: TheBeast023
Age: 16
Country: U.S.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I have gotten banned from servers in the past from stubborn admins, who do not like it when you argue about them breaking their own rules such as: swearing, respecting other players, not abusing rights, etc.
Experience with mods?: I have played with these mods for 6 months, and have a variety of knowledge in most of them.
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): He will not tell me his username. D: His stream name is PapaMnky though.
Any additional information?: Happy Valentines Day! :)
What made you choose our server?: Found it on a stream
Pictures/Videos of something you've built: I have never thought to screen shot something, sorry. :(
IGN: Grandysong1
Age: 15
Country: America
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: I used to get banned for talking bad to admins who were bad/ abusive
Experience with mods?: I have used this mod before.
Will you use TS3?: I have it, I can use it
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Papamnky, and Cwarrior
Any additional information?: Hello
What made you choose our server?: I have friends on this server. I like to play with them. The server doesn't look too bad it eather.
welcome grandy, age req waived since you have a vouch from someone on the server. Check your inbox.
Had a memory leak, looking for the problem now.

Edit: Memory leak found, issue resolved, server back online.
IGN: Tippy655
Age: 16
Country: US, Minnesota
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Never, If I like a server why should a risk my chances? Edit: Checking why I was Banned :/
Experience with mods?: I have a in depth knowledge of core mods like, IC2 and RailCraft, and a basic understanding of others. Looking to learn! ^.^
Will you use TS3?: I don't have one but can, If players wanted me to.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: Love redstone and accepted in RDF - Redstone Delevepment Foundation
What made you choose our server?: I'm looking for that "one server" that is the glory server to all players.
IGN: Tippy655
Age: 16
Country: US, Minnesota
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Never, If I like a server why should a risk my chances?
Experience with mods?: I have a in depth knowledge of core mods like, IC2 and RailCraft, and a basic understanding of others. Looking to learn! ^.^
Will you use TS3?: I don't have one but can, If players wanted me to.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: Love redstone and accepted in RDF - Redstone Delevepment Foundation
What made you choose our server?: I'm looking for that "one server" that is the glory server to all players.

Then what is this I see?
Age:15, 16 in june the 9th
Country: Sweden
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I was banned 4 times 1 for greifing and 3 for Spam i think. Some of them was just troll. like i was unbanned on one of the spam bans.
Experience with mods?: 5 months of experience
Will you use TS3?:yes
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): nope
Any additional information?: Im nice :D
What made you choose our server?: My brain decided[DOUBLEPOST=1360951062][/DOUBLEPOST]
he was banned for doing a appeal? wut?
according to my http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/bb93a39516856db7a2a97afdc3e21fe47ea9d1e7 it says i haven't been banned? I dont know why

also i can ensure you i have been banned before but it was 1 year ago i think. maybe they reset my account stats? who knows

The only time I make exceptions to the age rule is if someone on the server vouches for you, or if the application had a lot of thought put into it.
And my second reason is from past experience. Generaly speaking, people who apply to 6+ servers in a day (like you have), tend to stay for a day, then leave forever. I understand that people like to shop for their favorite server to play on, but we're not interested in 'server shoppers' here, sorry.