Day 77 2000 (Orbit, DSec 2)
It appears someone is meddling with time again... Which means that I'll have to go fix it. Well, I think I'll leave the orbit station in the hands of the one who calls itself 'Liara', as it's the only one who seems to be able to handle the strain at the moment. I'll take the ship for now, taking the station itself might not be wise...
Day [N/A] [Time Unavailable] (Time, TWrp 40)
Well, I can already detect signs of Temporal Decay, meaning that this Dimension set will soon implode upon itself, causing the nearby sets to assimilate it and thereby, furthering the problem. Now to follow them first forward then back...
Day -1 1300 (Laboratory, DSec 2.5)
I've found them, but what they do not realise is that the scientist that one of the organisms just attacked would have gone on the create a bunker that it and its friends would seekrefuge in. They also do not realise that they are fading, having been laid to rest in Day 45 of the attack.
Day 75 [Time Unavailable] (Bunker, DSec2)
Although a little difficult to get in, I have managed to this 'bunker' before those organisms from earlier transport themselves into the past, and cause more damage. Now they are going to attempt to travel in about 5 minutes, since I have drained a little power out of the bridge in a surge fashion, meaning that it would be as though someone turned on shields or things in the bunker, a simple, and non-suspicious act. Now if I still remember how to gain access to this system... Ok, Now to stop them, before they destroy everything. Changing Time Destination... Causing 3 minute loop initiation, after they have been transported to the same place, at this time, no earlier or later. I have hidden all my activity on the 'bridge' now, so time should be safe.
Day 75 2100 (Bunker Corridor, DSec 2)
Oh, I have just found an older laptop lying on the ground, which I think I'll just pick up... There. I have got a much newer computer transported overvi... That should be able to substitute the original device, the poor thing that had lain neglected in a room on the floor.
Day 76 2345 (Bunker ceiling, DSec 2)
So far, I've been exploring the bunker a bit... Since I'm one of the stranger things about time, being an anomaly, I don't tend to cause much trouble in it, but no-one will notice, unless I start talking to myself. Interestingly, the original version of myself fades away if we're both doing something on the same time... So, as for that weapon I found earlier... It would have made a terrific explosive, so I slipped a small computer in it to keep it stable and well-controlled. The computer looks more or less like a metal shard, so it'll be quite inconspicuous. It also has an encrypted -Hz signal, so I'll be able to keep an eye on it. The signal will not receive, so things should be fine... I have also left some extreme-density capacitors nearby, they generate a little of their own power, so if that weapon isn't fired excessively, it should be able to keep a stable charge.
Day 78 1200 (Orbit Station, DSec 2)
Upon dismantling the laptop, I found a very interesting device originally meant to track network access... I have removed it since, and have it lying, deactivated on a shelf. As for the contents of this laptop, I have uploaded all the data into the replacement, other than the fact that there are multiple Operating Systems available for use, but the other one is on a standby mode, running the same Operating System as the older one. I think I might just keep this old laptop... It's very nice, and reliable. Now, if I were to add a few things to it, it may be possible to improve efficiency and things... If not, it'd be a terrific door lock mechanism controller. I have to say Liara is quite adept at all this, but I don't think it's seen the Enemy I 'converted'... but it may have... it's interesting to see that the watch it was asking for has been left on the bench. Well, I might ask her if she'd like a fighter ship or something... It'll give it the capability to explore, and not be too bored in space...
OOC: Sorry if a little of thiings here don't make sense.
So to sum up, I pretty much stopped you from time travelling, and I think you shot yourself in the head, Exedra... Or you shot one of your team members... Yes, Liara, I did kind of give your character a fake birthday, and your char is a female now too. :|
I also stole Jess' laptop on my exploration through your bunker, which I got in, without any kind of detectable breach.
Jess, I replaced it with one that is covered in glowing lines, and stuff that looks like that laptop's been from about 200 years from the future.
But, it has all your old stuff on it.
Liara, when my character does decide to give that fighter ship to you... act however you like. :3
It appears someone is meddling with time again... Which means that I'll have to go fix it. Well, I think I'll leave the orbit station in the hands of the one who calls itself 'Liara', as it's the only one who seems to be able to handle the strain at the moment. I'll take the ship for now, taking the station itself might not be wise...
Day [N/A] [Time Unavailable] (Time, TWrp 40)
Well, I can already detect signs of Temporal Decay, meaning that this Dimension set will soon implode upon itself, causing the nearby sets to assimilate it and thereby, furthering the problem. Now to follow them first forward then back...
Day -1 1300 (Laboratory, DSec 2.5)
I've found them, but what they do not realise is that the scientist that one of the organisms just attacked would have gone on the create a bunker that it and its friends would seekrefuge in. They also do not realise that they are fading, having been laid to rest in Day 45 of the attack.
Day 75 [Time Unavailable] (Bunker, DSec2)
Although a little difficult to get in, I have managed to this 'bunker' before those organisms from earlier transport themselves into the past, and cause more damage. Now they are going to attempt to travel in about 5 minutes, since I have drained a little power out of the bridge in a surge fashion, meaning that it would be as though someone turned on shields or things in the bunker, a simple, and non-suspicious act. Now if I still remember how to gain access to this system... Ok, Now to stop them, before they destroy everything. Changing Time Destination... Causing 3 minute loop initiation, after they have been transported to the same place, at this time, no earlier or later. I have hidden all my activity on the 'bridge' now, so time should be safe.
Day 75 2100 (Bunker Corridor, DSec 2)
Oh, I have just found an older laptop lying on the ground, which I think I'll just pick up... There. I have got a much newer computer transported overvi... That should be able to substitute the original device, the poor thing that had lain neglected in a room on the floor.
Day 76 2345 (Bunker ceiling, DSec 2)
So far, I've been exploring the bunker a bit... Since I'm one of the stranger things about time, being an anomaly, I don't tend to cause much trouble in it, but no-one will notice, unless I start talking to myself. Interestingly, the original version of myself fades away if we're both doing something on the same time... So, as for that weapon I found earlier... It would have made a terrific explosive, so I slipped a small computer in it to keep it stable and well-controlled. The computer looks more or less like a metal shard, so it'll be quite inconspicuous. It also has an encrypted -Hz signal, so I'll be able to keep an eye on it. The signal will not receive, so things should be fine... I have also left some extreme-density capacitors nearby, they generate a little of their own power, so if that weapon isn't fired excessively, it should be able to keep a stable charge.
Day 78 1200 (Orbit Station, DSec 2)
Upon dismantling the laptop, I found a very interesting device originally meant to track network access... I have removed it since, and have it lying, deactivated on a shelf. As for the contents of this laptop, I have uploaded all the data into the replacement, other than the fact that there are multiple Operating Systems available for use, but the other one is on a standby mode, running the same Operating System as the older one. I think I might just keep this old laptop... It's very nice, and reliable. Now, if I were to add a few things to it, it may be possible to improve efficiency and things... If not, it'd be a terrific door lock mechanism controller. I have to say Liara is quite adept at all this, but I don't think it's seen the Enemy I 'converted'... but it may have... it's interesting to see that the watch it was asking for has been left on the bench. Well, I might ask her if she'd like a fighter ship or something... It'll give it the capability to explore, and not be too bored in space...
OOC: Sorry if a little of thiings here don't make sense.