The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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Day 100 0500 (Orbit Station, DSec 2)
Hm... looks like more work has to be done, but this world is no longer stable, thanks to the combined efforts of one time traveler and several hundred units of the Enemy. From what I can tell, this world will soon be gone. Hm... Setting up a new world will be all kinds of difficult, so this station will do. Except that it has little offensive capability. Oh, it has the power and the technology to do it, but not the weaponry. Well, I have the jet done now. It's in the hangar, inside the ceiling, and the rest of it is in the floor. Not that Liara would notice, not even with a thorough systems check, I took care of that. Hm... It doesn't look like that she minds the Enemy helping out, but they don't look very much the same, being extremely old models, or something. Since 'dead' technology doesn't tend to be affected by time, I tend to do that and fix some things up... But that's only me. I found a hole in time last week... Interestingly, it happened in the transporter bay... Which meant it was quite easy to fix, since I just had the teleporters react to the rift as though it was an accidental 'port to a part that had never existed. It worked, but the teleporters are kind of screwed up now. They can't tell when from when, but that'll be fine. I only need place-to-place teleportation. Time is something that I can perhaps fix at a later date... Which reminds me, I had probably put this together, with similar tech to what I put in that watch earlier

Day 100 0700 (Orbit Station, DSec 2)
Well, that's done. Still hidden.. I'll just go get her...
*Screams in background*
Well, other than the fact she fainted, I think she likes the jet. I suppose adding a good number of weapon brackets certainly will help with the offensive capability of the ship. The shielding is pretty much similar to that of the other bunker I explored earlier, but I won't bore whoever accesses this log.

Day 100 0800 (Orbit station, DSec 2)
I think that I should get that identification lock fixed now... And we should be good for a test flight. Well, I'll go get my ship running and we'll see what happens. Perhaps I should show everyone the weapons testing lab, if only to keep them occupied...

OOC: Liara, time for your test flight. :P Don't forget that watch. :3

Day 101 1800 (Outer Aurasphere, DSec 2)
I found a somewhat ill-equipped traveller halfway out... Looks like he's the inventor of some of those guns I fixed in that bunker earlier. So far, He's in the passenger bay... But I might ask where he wants to head. Although, from what I can hear, Depleted Uranium isn't exactly the best type of ammunition for those guns, unless he wants his comrades down there to go Kamikaze (D4, S5, Japanese air bomber, blew himself up...)
OOC: So... I'm getting in the way and twisting everything. :3
Day 83
Whiz has done calculations, and he says that there will be no scarring of the temporal stream, but I still think that me and GPuzzle should go with him just in case there's a rupture in the flow of time. I told him this, and he says that he'll think about it. I've also told Exedra that we will need a more reliable power source as there are quite a lot of time holes. We'll be making quite a few trips to fix everything and we can't keep waiting a week in between each one. In other news a man came to the shelter claiming that he's a doctor. I've locked him up in a secure containment center as he refused to answer any questions. He won't even tell me his name for god sake! He shall be contained until he answers any and all questions I ask of him.

OOC: Techno... How the hell did you go from day 82 to 100? Patience my son.
Day 102 2300 (Orbit, DSec 2)
Well, I put the rest of the creatures on the planet... I can't say it's the best for them, but these are analogues... The real ones I put back a long time ago... the Turtles are having fun... I built them a DPS, so they know where they are. From what I can tell of these rifts, they'll scar time, but won't cause any permanent damage. You'll feel the effects for a good few millenia, though...

OOC: Easy, ~20 days of unimportance. :3 We don't always have to stick to a linear timeline. :p I spent ~20 days building a spaceship. :3 Also, Bella, you did not give birth to a mass of nanobots. :P
Same as last Transmission
Bella tells me that we may have to wait a week between trips.
This will not be the case.
When the Infinity Ring finishes (which is about 5 days), we will not be in need of power.
The Infinity Ring doesn't need power.
It seems to generate power from the sheer paradoxicalness of the shape and equations.
Of course, the paradoxes are completely safe.
OOC: This is how I think the Ring works.
The book doesn't explain it, so I invented my own explanation.
IC: We found a way to augment people without using Humans.
50 Conduits is not enough, but I don't want to kill Humans to make more.
So we use...
Just plants.
I don't know how they did it.
But it works!
All we got to do is put them in a field of a few ten thousand plants!
Which will be child's play.
After 60 days of growing, we've got a lot of plants.
Let's just leave it at, say, a few million-- Whoops, I meant billion plants.
So anyone who would like to be augmented, respond to this transmission.
Thank you!
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta[DOUBLEPOST=1373166294][/DOUBLEPOST]
Day 102 2300 (Orbit, DSec 2)
Well, I put the rest of the creatures on the planet... I can't say it's the best for them, but these are analogues... The real ones I put back a long time ago... the Turtles are having fun... I built them a DPS, so they know where they are. From what I can tell of these rifts, they'll scar time, but won't cause any permanent damage. You'll feel the effects for a good few millenia, though...

OOC: Easy, ~20 days of unimportance. :3 We don't always have to stick to a linear timeline. :p I spent ~20 days building a spaceship. :3 Also, Bella, you did not give birth to a mass of nanobots. :p

OOC: They won't scar time when we fix them.
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta[DOUBLEPOST=1373166294][/DOUBLEPOST]

OOC: They won't scar time when we fix them.

Well, there'd still be the remnants. Which would cause some trouble. Either way, there'd still be scars. The scars would be more noticeable as in time behaves strangely

Day 84 1000 (Outside Bunker, DSec 2)
I took a break from that ship... Too many explosions... Hm... this bunker is well-built, but still needs some work... The only issue I would have is that it would not hold up to the same attack that the other one came under... This needs some fixing.

OOC: Well, you can either catch me attempting to what appears to be sabotaging your bunker, or you can ignore me... We'll see what happens then. :3
Day 102 2300 (Orbit, DSec 2)
Well, I put the rest of the creatures on the planet... I can't say it's the best for them, but these are analogues... The real ones I put back a long time ago... the Turtles are having fun... I built them a DPS, so they know where they are. From what I can tell of these rifts, they'll scar time, but won't cause any permanent damage. You'll feel the effects for a good few millenia, though...

OOC: Easy, ~20 days of unimportance. :3 We don't always have to stick to a linear timeline. :p I spent ~20 days building a spaceship. :3 Also, Bella, you did not give birth to a mass of nanobots. :p

Wait what? Of course I didn't. Why would you say such a thing.

Day 83
The "Doctor" has finally chosen to speak up. He says his name is Doctor Bright, he means the resistance no harm, and that he just wants to help. When I asked for him to prove he's a real doctor he said his certificate was destroyed in a fire. It's not much, but it's good enough for me. I'm going to keep him locked up for about a week more before I let him go just to be sure.

OOC: I was talking about Exedra's bridge, and when the hell did we build an infinity ring?
Well, there'd still be the remnants. Which would cause some trouble. Either way, there'd still be scars. The scars would be more noticeable as in time behaves strangely

Day 84 1000 (Outside Bunker, DSec 2)
I took a break from that ship... Too many explosions... Hm... this bunker is well-built, but still needs some work... The only issue I would have is that it would not hold up to the same attack that the other one came under... This needs some fixing.

OOC: Well, you can either catch me attempting to what appears to be sabotaging your bunker, or you can ignore me... We'll see what happens then. :3

Hey hey hey, we aren't entering Day 84 yet.
Change that to 83.
Day 83
So Techno says he's fixing my bunker.
He does know that I have a force field...?
And that the bunker is camouflaged and hidden...?
And that it has titanium walls and doors that can be lowered...?
Of course, at the moment, the walls don't look Titanium.
And the doors aren't lowered.
But it should be very easy to figure out that the whole place is camouflaged.
Conduit Leader, Obvious Land[DOUBLEPOST=1373169369][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oooooooooh. I thought you meant that the bridge wouldn't be charged for five days.

The bridge will be finished on Day 84...
Day 83, 23:46
I actually like Bella. She/he is quite hot, smart, and actually preety cute. I think she likes me, but I'm just a guy who's too shy to let his feelings out.
Am I in love?
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Whelp, seems like nothing's going to happen until Exedra finishes that bridge.
Get Your Ass Down Here

That should do it :P And for all you wondering where i'm going with Dr.Bright, no it does not have have anything to do with the paradox. It'll be for after...
I'll be back for a short time.
But tomorrow I won't be able to talk.
So do something to postpone the journey to the break, please.
I don't want any impersonations this time.
This is a very touchy subject.
Thank you!
I'll be back for a short time.
But tomorrow I won't be able to talk.
So do something to postpone the journey to the break, please.
I don't want any impersonations this time.
This is a very touchy subject.
Thank you!

Lawl, I didn't think I did THAT bad.
Ok, no more pontificating on the structure and nature of existence as it relates to time travel for a little while. :D
*coolio new lappy*
Well, someone left me a laptop. I have no idea who, but I care very little. I've set up outside the reactor chamber, so I can jump in if it tries to attack me. I'll die, but at least I won't have to experienc the universe ending then.

I've been playing competitive online games in my spare time. You'd be surprised at the post-apocalyptic gaming community.

This thing runs like something straight out of NASA. The hardware scans I've run on it turns up nothing, and I've found no way to open it up.

Anyway, thesE guys are running around like headless chickens, because my attempt at saving the universe did next to nothing but postpone it. I,m not worried, time is relative. We probably have billions is years, yet nanoseconds, to fix this.

Jumping out of the time-stream seems to have weakened my molecular memory though, I keep on cough in up blood.
Day 83 (I lost track after 1), still don't know what time standard I'm supposed to be on.
Fast jets with massive guns, and weird holographic watches that are cool? Tech's like a man after my own heart.
Or more accurately, the contents of my stomach. I don't really remember the jet plane, but I know I threw up.
Took ages to clean up. Yuch.
And the watch... I dunno. I feel better after wearing it. Security blanket, I guess. It looks cool, at least.
And Whizz broadcasted something about his weird conduit project thing. Said that anybody that wanted an augment could get one. I don't think an augment could help me, somehow. Probably just make everything worse. I already have bullshit magic telekinesis whatever. Don't need Whizz's bullshit science as well.
Nyeh. I should probably call them. Ask what the hell's going on down there.
Heeeey guys? Anybody listening on this frequency? Preferably from the Conduit Bunker? Like Whizz? I'm bored. And lonely. I wanna talk to somebody.
Walking through the bunker, one of the monitors flashed. Seems to be a transmission from space. Weird.

Whatever, I'll see what is space person wants.


Hey, it's morgs! I wonder if she'll tell me how she got to space, and if she'll send me her research on the spambots. I say as much.
Oh! Hey. A reply. Oh hey, it's from Jess.
Oh joy. Questions.
The explanation of how I'm in space (and why I'm still up here) came easily. The spambot research upload, however, takes fuckin' forever. I think I actually fell asleep a couple of times during the upload.
Or maybe that's the fact that I haven't really properly slept in days. The test flight didn't help...
After all that's done, I finish up with a simple "so how are you holding up down there? Anything interesting happen?"
There we go.