The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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Day 77 2000 (Orbit, DSec 2)
It appears someone is meddling with time again... Which means that I'll have to go fix it. Well, I think I'll leave the orbit station in the hands of the one who calls itself 'Liara', as it's the only one who seems to be able to handle the strain at the moment. I'll take the ship for now, taking the station itself might not be wise...

Day [N/A] [Time Unavailable] (Time, TWrp 40)
Well, I can already detect signs of Temporal Decay, meaning that this Dimension set will soon implode upon itself, causing the nearby sets to assimilate it and thereby, furthering the problem. Now to follow them first forward then back...

Day -1 1300 (Laboratory, DSec 2.5)

I've found them, but what they do not realise is that the scientist that one of the organisms just attacked would have gone on the create a bunker that it and its friends would seekrefuge in. They also do not realise that they are fading, having been laid to rest in Day 45 of the attack.

Day 75 [Time Unavailable] (Bunker, DSec2)
Although a little difficult to get in, I have managed to this 'bunker' before those organisms from earlier transport themselves into the past, and cause more damage. Now they are going to attempt to travel in about 5 minutes, since I have drained a little power out of the bridge in a surge fashion, meaning that it would be as though someone turned on shields or things in the bunker, a simple, and non-suspicious act. Now if I still remember how to gain access to this system... Ok, Now to stop them, before they destroy everything. Changing Time Destination... Causing 3 minute loop initiation, after they have been transported to the same place, at this time, no earlier or later. I have hidden all my activity on the 'bridge' now, so time should be safe.

Day 75 2100 (Bunker Corridor, DSec 2)
Oh, I have just found an older laptop lying on the ground, which I think I'll just pick up... There. I have got a much newer computer transported overvi... That should be able to substitute the original device, the poor thing that had lain neglected in a room on the floor.

Day 76 2345 (Bunker ceiling, DSec 2)
So far, I've been exploring the bunker a bit... Since I'm one of the stranger things about time, being an anomaly, I don't tend to cause much trouble in it, but no-one will notice, unless I start talking to myself. Interestingly, the original version of myself fades away if we're both doing something on the same time... So, as for that weapon I found earlier... It would have made a terrific explosive, so I slipped a small computer in it to keep it stable and well-controlled. The computer looks more or less like a metal shard, so it'll be quite inconspicuous. It also has an encrypted -Hz signal, so I'll be able to keep an eye on it. The signal will not receive, so things should be fine... I have also left some extreme-density capacitors nearby, they generate a little of their own power, so if that weapon isn't fired excessively, it should be able to keep a stable charge.

Day 78 1200 (Orbit Station, DSec 2)
Upon dismantling the laptop, I found a very interesting device originally meant to track network access... I have removed it since, and have it lying, deactivated on a shelf. As for the contents of this laptop, I have uploaded all the data into the replacement, other than the fact that there are multiple Operating Systems available for use, but the other one is on a standby mode, running the same Operating System as the older one. I think I might just keep this old laptop... It's very nice, and reliable. Now, if I were to add a few things to it, it may be possible to improve efficiency and things... If not, it'd be a terrific door lock mechanism controller. I have to say Liara is quite adept at all this, but I don't think it's seen the Enemy I 'converted'... but it may have... it's interesting to see that the watch it was asking for has been left on the bench. Well, I might ask her if she'd like a fighter ship or something... It'll give it the capability to explore, and not be too bored in space...

OOC: Sorry if a little of thiings here don't make sense. :p So to sum up, I pretty much stopped you from time travelling, and I think you shot yourself in the head, Exedra... Or you shot one of your team members... Yes, Liara, I did kind of give your character a fake birthday, and your char is a female now too. :| :p I also stole Jess' laptop on my exploration through your bunker, which I got in, without any kind of detectable breach. :p Jess, I replaced it with one that is covered in glowing lines, and stuff that looks like that laptop's been from about 200 years from the future. :p But, it has all your old stuff on it. :pLiara, when my character does decide to give that fighter ship to you... act however you like. :3
OOC: Oh fuck yes I get cool shit :D
Day 78 (again with the counting days in space!), wait what time standard should I use?
Well this has been an eventful few days. I've been given control of a space station (a shiny one, too!), been teleported around several times, and generally just had a crazy time. And apparently time is breaking down as well.
I think I want to hit Exedra in the face. His plan not only failed, but it made things worse as well.
Yeah, gotta work on those issues.
Hey wait. I've been given control of a space station.
Okay, moment of immaturity over. Back to work!
20/03/0001 S.A. (79)
So apparently the Industrial Revolution was affected, because all of our energy systems have disappeared.
Odd, because we manufactured them 2 months ago.
After lots of hard work, we remade the energy systems and they aren't disappearing.
We also set up a Fusion Reactor and Mass Fabricator.
So my conduit got us more information on the Great Break.
Apparently a spy cook put a drug in Henry VII's mother's food that caused the baby to die.
I set my Conduit on finding out the identity of the Cook, so we can stop him from putting the drug in.
The Bridge will be powered in about 5 days.
Infinity Ring might take around a month.
Could take 2 weeks.
We don't know yet.
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta
Rymmie's Battle Journal, Entry Four:

So, these guys are mucking about through time and causing all sorts of mayhem. It was almost funny when all their power shut down. Luckily for them, I made all my technological advancements during my time in the cave. I still have my uranium and railgun but the batteries disappeared when the Industrial Revolution incident happened. I swear, the more time I spend here, the more I think this Conduit stuff severely drains the capacity for higher thought.

There has been a shadow lurking about here. Under most circumstances, I would write it off as my eyes playing tricks on me, but it seems to be around when things go wrong. Also, Jess got a new laptop somehow. It's all glowy and stuff. I bet it has some powerful popup blockers and antivirus. Those could come in handy, I think.

I wish I could tell them about the other thing I found. Like I said, they are messing in things they don't understand. I can only imagine what they would do with this. Well, it's time to find a nice, quiet corner and pull their asses out of the fire. I should really recruit someone to go dig up some more uranium.

Note to self: Make sure to tell the person to keep from piling too much of the stuff together. I would really hate for them to accidentally burn themselves to death.


My head itches a little. It tingles when I think. Maybe it's this other thing. I don't know. Oh, look, they got the lights on again. Let's see if I can sneak over to the reactors and have some fun.
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Actually, we should make it so that we can't discover that until at least 10 Breaks are fixed.
This is a great plot twist!
It should have nothing to do with previous happenings.
Hooray Bella has boobs forever now. Will Bella also be a girl eventually, I wonder?
If so, then IC me will be incredibly happy :D
Otherwise aw damn :(
Rymmie's Battle Journal, Entry Five:

I don't think anyone noticed the little chamber I put off to the side of the main reactor. I don't blame them. I'm really good at hiding things. They probably wouldn't have found my cave if those spambots hadn't freaked me out.

I got the first round of stuff from the reactor. I found a compressor to get it into the shape I want. These are going to be a gamechanger.

Ok, now that I have this fabricated, it's time for me to make a field test...


I let Whizz know about my success. I can manufacture railguns for everyone. Those depleted uranium bullets can pierce 12-inch thick hardened steel armor. The best part is that I made it portable. Of course, I haven't worked out the problem of being blown back ten feet with each shot, but we can just stand back-to-back and fire simultaneously. Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong with that.


So, I took a look at this whole Great Break issue. It's really amazing. None of them have seen the pattern. They have to close the Breaks from the inside, but the shape the scars will form isn't something even that shadowy presence can understand. All I can do now is leave them enough railguns and depleted uranium bullets to last until I return. I'm leaving the blueprints as well.

All you who like peeking in my journal when I'm not around can take it. Look in spaces between the pages. If someone can see it, you can have the thing I've hidden. And don't be afraid. I'm coming back with reinforcements.
Day 81
Rymmie's left. We all thought he was insane anyways, but he did give us some very nice railguns. I hope he doesn't die. He owes me a dollar.
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24/03/0001 S.A. (83)
So the Bridge is almost fully powered.
Just a day more.
Rymmie says that scars will form from fixing the holes.
But the thing is, the breaks shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Fixing the Breaks just makes them disappear without a trace.
Getting rid of something that shouldn't exist.
Seaming it, pretending it wasn't there, which it never was.
I've done the calculations.
And checked.
And double-checked.
And checked again.
And set the 10 of my Conduits that have extreme knowledge to each check it 10 times over.
The operation is entirely foolproof.
There will be no consequences.
No one will cease to exist except those who appeared because of the break.
And they shouldn't even exist.
They aren't really there.
Just shadows.
OOC: YES! Another Infinity Ring reference!
IC: So I guess that's that.
Time to organize who will be coming.
I will most certainly be coming on each trip, as the equations and identities and solutions are all in my head.
We'll be bring a Tablet that contains the information.
So the Conduits have formulated equations for a possible Infinity Ring. One that wouldn't need to be powered. One that could fit in the palm of your hand.
All we have left to do is to solve the equations and apply them to the Ring. Time Travel will be achieved on an even smaller object.
They say this will take about a week.
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta