Day 72 (Orbit, Dsec 2)
Upon observing the recovery and accommodation of these specimens, it seems as though one is consistently asking for 'pills'. From my understanding, these 'pills' would be their for of medicine... The rest seem to have recovered well, including the badly damaged one. However, there is a slight issue that I have a tendency not to use solid medicines, due to their potential for choking. Due to that, I prefer to use liquid medicines, or vaporous ones. I have put some of them back below, just in case the environs of space do not directly suit their biology. Also, the one asking for pills certainly enjoys their use of profanities, but I will not blame it. I will, however, give it a clock, though which one... which one... Hm. I have an idea. A portable clock should do the trick... Hm... Let's not make it the conventional type, though. Now... an issue is what form I am going to take. I have an idea, now, if I was to switch that out and use a field generator... That should do it. Now, it looks like the medibots have attempted to appear to be like the organism asking for pills, albeit them using a badly done hologram. Oh well, It'd probably help a disguise. Those 'pills' from earlier should not be needed, but a placebo should be plenty enough.
OOC: Liara, you have a holographic watch now, but it appears to be a normal battery powered one, and is behaving as such. :3 You have no idea, other than the fact that I've just handed what appears to be an very expensive watch to you.

I've also handed you a cup of liquid 'medicine', a placebo.