The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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Day 68.

Jess better have more than walnuts. We have 7 days til the bridge is powered up and ready. I don't know if we'll last. I do hope he makes it before then, we can't afford to wait for him.
10/03/0001 S.A. (69)
There's a man walking aimlessly toward Bunker Beta, where we are.
How would he have known where we were?
And more importantly, how would he known that this place even existed?
This bunker has only existed for 2 months.
Maybe he's just walking somewhere randomly.
I'm going to call out a jeep to go meet the man.
I meet the man.
He says his name is Jess. He's looking for a good place to stay.
I tell him about our bunker.
OOC: Here's where you (Jess) decide if you want to go to the bunker or not.
IC: He decides.
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta
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Day 70
Whizz tells me he met a man named jess who considered joining our cause. He won't tell me yet whether or not he actually has. I really hope that he does. We found some old cartoons that we cleaned out from deep storage, so those kept us occupied for a couple hours while Exedra worked on his doohickey.
*dusty notebook*
I'm riding in a jeep with some guy. He's military, but I'm not completely sure of this branch. He says that 'Bunker Beta' has only existed for a couple of months, but the map I have is definitely older. I'm weary of false information everywhere.

I've decided to check out the bunker, even if it's just a means to hop overseas. Maybe if I get some more information on these guys I'll stick around.

The clouds are dark today, I feel a storm coming. And I'll be damned if anyone remembered to bring an umbrella.

*page ends*
Day 70
I just met Jess. He says that he's unsure of whether or not he wants to stay. He sure did ask a whole lot of questions about bunker beta though.
Day 71
I don't think Jess has much to offer, so I honestly couldn't care less. 4 days til the Bridge is charged. But a lot can happen in 4 days.
Day 72 (Orbit, Dsec 2)
Upon observing the recovery and accommodation of these specimens, it seems as though one is consistently asking for 'pills'. From my understanding, these 'pills' would be their for of medicine... The rest seem to have recovered well, including the badly damaged one. However, there is a slight issue that I have a tendency not to use solid medicines, due to their potential for choking. Due to that, I prefer to use liquid medicines, or vaporous ones. I have put some of them back below, just in case the environs of space do not directly suit their biology. Also, the one asking for pills certainly enjoys their use of profanities, but I will not blame it. I will, however, give it a clock, though which one... which one... Hm. I have an idea. A portable clock should do the trick... Hm... Let's not make it the conventional type, though. Now... an issue is what form I am going to take. I have an idea, now, if I was to switch that out and use a field generator... That should do it. Now, it looks like the medibots have attempted to appear to be like the organism asking for pills, albeit them using a badly done hologram. Oh well, It'd probably help a disguise. Those 'pills' from earlier should not be needed, but a placebo should be plenty enough.

OOC: Liara, you have a holographic watch now, but it appears to be a normal battery powered one, and is behaving as such. :3 You have no idea, other than the fact that I've just handed what appears to be an very expensive watch to you. :P I've also handed you a cup of liquid 'medicine', a placebo. ;)
*new laptop*
Wow, these guys are really high tech! I found this laptop lying in disposal, but nothing seems to be wrong with it. I've formatted it anyway. All my information that I've gathered in my notebook has been copied in too.

Apparently there is someone here who has information on bot behavior. I don't know much about it though, as all I heard was somebody named Exedra talking over his commlink about it. Hopefully I can find out who.

I've gotten some info on what's going on here, but I can't really help, and I get the feeling like I'm just extra weight. No matter, there is so much spare unused equipment that the head technician has rejected that I'd be set for years. I might decide to go along with the insanity happening here, but I'd be better off rigging together a leech vessel and riding on the emissions of their craft. That way I can bail if there's trouble.

And what do you know, they have some pretty neat wi-fi in this place too. I love the internet. Hopefully it's not logged, because my search history is a bit dodgy.

*document saved, timestamp corrupted.*
Day 73

I have declared that I am taking a leave of solitude and meditation. I shall be heading to the mountains where I shall meditate in order to clear my mind.
Jess found the laptop I hid for him...
Let's see what this odd man is up to.
So I see Jess got a laptop.
He seems to have been asking questions about Conduit Bunker Beta.
So this is for you.
OOC: Pretend that I told you all about the stuff, and read this page:
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta
Day, um, I don't know...I've been in this cave for a very long time, hoping and praying the spambots go away. I tried marking the days on the wall, but time gets all wobbly without a sun or moon or sky. I hear helicopters outside the entrance. Sometimes, I can see little cracks of light through the gaps in the cobblestone I piled in the opening.

I'm doing fine, though. I've been cultivating mushrooms for food. I have enough light to keep the monsters at bay, but I think something is happening at the bottom of the ravine my cave connects to. I went to look for diamonds to make some armor and I swear I heard someone speaking...they said...

"My friend makes $8550 dollars once a month at home."

The voice moved away before I could hear the rest. Is my cave in danger now? Should I venture out into world and see if there are survivors? What should I do with all this uranium I found while looking for diamonds?

Hold on. I think I just heard something from the back of the cave.........

Oh no. If anyone sees this, please send help. I swear I was looking into the depths of the ravine and a pair of glowing eyes were at the bottom staring back at me.
I just received a transmission from someone by the name of Rymmie.
He seems to be in trouble.
From what his transmission said, there would seem to be quite a few Spambots there.
Good thing we finished manufacturing armour piercing bullets.
I'll be travelling there with my Conduits.
We've made it to Rymmie's hideout and are picking off the Spambots.
It's easier on the Conduits to not be using only Conduit Power to fight them off.
Now we have bullets that can pierce right through them as if they were human flesh.
We get rid of the Spambots and enter the cave, to see the thing with the glowing eyes staring at Rymmie.
He seems to be a very old, very large spambot.
We start fighting, but he seems to be extremely powerful and durable.
It's time for our last resort:
Last time I used my powers, I blacked out and got captured by the spambots.
But this is only one.
So we'll see how it goes.
The bot is at 30% power, according to a little counter on its chest.
I'm at about half, but my other Conduits are all blacking out.
We're running out of time.
We finally beat it.
I'm really low and tired.
I'm going to take a rest as we bring Rymmie back.
Conduit Leader, On the Road
Rymmie's Battle Journal, Entry One:

Some idiot broke through my seemingly impenetrable barrier of loosely stacked cobble and started blindly firing in every direction. Most of the machines I made from scavenged spambot parts and raw materials were destroyed, but I managed to save a backpack full of uranium and an experimental railgun I was in the process of building out of leather, slime, and obsidian.

Apparently, this guy is some sort of leader of a spambot resistance group. I don't know what's going on, but I'm part of this Conduit thing now. Funny thing, though. I've been in the caves so long I'm nearly blind in the daylight. I started this journal to record my journey because that's the specific purpose of a journal. I mean, you can even see that journey and journal have the same root. We haven't encountered much resistance since we left my cave.

I just keep thinking about this uranium. It glows in the dark, and I have an idea about what it can do. This railgun has me thinking new ideas too. Spambots beware. You took my home. Now, I have my sights set on yours.
OOC: Umm...
You can't decide the story for me...
I'm the leader of the Conduits.
Exedra is basically the leader of the entire group.
And I forgot to add that I put light in there.
So that I could see what was a Spambot and what was not...
Read through the posts.
The Conduits have lots and lots of tech.
Of course, no one has decided to put Railguns in, so that's a first!
And also Uranium.
No one has started Reactors yet.
Well done sir, well done.
EDIT: You do know what Conduits are, right?
From inFamous?
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*slightly battered brand new laptop*

The internet is as great as I remember it to be! My adblocker keeps me safe while exploring, and my firewall stops the hostile invasions coming in every second. I tried to check my email though, and the laptop was nearly consumed by the amount of spam in there. I beat it off with a stick, reformatted the whole thing, and right now I'm working on repairing the keyboard. If I ever find a spare 'tilde' key, that would be great.

My leech vessel is going great. Once again, I'm glad that I managed to hack into the NASA forums, even if it was only to play around in their no-topic threads. The ingenuity that I'm finding there now is amazing. There's a little bit of talk of the astronauts stranded in space right now too.

Whizz came in with a guy name Rymmie, apparently he was roughing it like me. Ah well.

*entry ends, timestamp corrupted*
14/03/0001 S.A. (Day 73)
Uh oh.
Jess completely reset his laptop.
I got you there, Conduits!
I have a device in there that tracks the internet.
So even if he resets the laptop, he can't remove the device.
But it doesn't seem like he's doing anything fishy.
I see you made the laptop much better!
I can supply you with a tilde key...
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta
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Remember people, once you get to day 74, stop until I get back.

Lawl, wish people listened when I said things like that :P

Day 74

The helicopter arrived in the mountains where I shall be staying until tomorrow when Exedra finishes his Doohickeymabober. I shall return at first light.
I can hear all of the generators powering up, I'll bet today is the day. I've got to hustle if I want to get my stuff ready in time for launch. One...last... component...

...lolcats! :D

No! No distractions! Alright, everything is ready, now I've just to wait for Exedra to do this thing.

*timestamp corrupted, entry ends.*