IGN: PortalTyler
Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 14, turning 15 in 2 months, I am pretty mature and I know you are looking for 16 and older but this seems like a really good server and I would really love to play with some older experienced players.
Location:USA, Florida
Experience with the mods in the pack: Pretty experienced in most, most experienced is probably ExtraBees or BC
What can you contribute to our server?: I can contribute being a mature, experienced player, being respectful to everyone and respect peoples builds.
Have you ever been banned (If yes please explain): Never.
I may seem young but I believe that my maturity would fit in great with some older aged players. I have been looking for a good server to play on but every server I join seems to be full of immature non-experienced players, I believe that this server could be the one I call home. BTW - Ignore my avatar its like 5 years old >.<
IGN: Hollowfires
Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 20
Location: California, USA
Experience with the mods in the pack: Nearly all mods in the modpack I am familiar with and am capable of explaining how to start out/how they work. Dart Craft is my least experienced mod so far.
What can you contribute to our server?: Help others if they need help/ask for it.
Have you ever been banned (If yes please explain): No.
Additional Comments: I like to fiddle around with tinker's construct when I can. I'm just looking around for a whitelist server right now because I don't like disabled mods in open servers. (Getting bored playing unleashed and UHS by myself as well)
IGN: Major_Creepsit
Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 16
Location: Canada
Experience with the mods in the pack: I've been playing with these mods for a while now, with the exception of BOP, Dartcraft, and a few others. I'm pretty experienced in most of them.
What can you contribute to our server?: A friendly, nice player that can help others if they need it. Improving the community of the server.
Have you ever been banned (If yes please explain): I've never been banned.
Additional Comments: Getting a little lonely in SSP and looking for a server to play with/talk to others.
IGN: EliteArchive
Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 17
Location: Minnesota, USA
Experience with the mods in the pack: I have been playing with mods for about a year and a half and have a lot of experience with the mods in the FTB Packs.
What can you contribute to our server?: A mature player that loves to play with other mature minecrafters.
Have you ever been banned (If yes please explain): I've never been banned.
Additional Comments: Have been looking for a reasonable server to play on that has a mature community.
IGN: meshocky
Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 18
Location: Sydney
Experience with the mods in the pack: Very in-depth experience, been playing for about 3/4 of a year. Used all mods to some degree at least once.
What can you contribute to our server?: I'm a decent builder, can code computer programs in CC, a friendly attitude, contribute to community projects. Sensible humour
Have you ever been banned (If yes please explain): No, never.
Additional Comments: Cant wait to join this server if accepted. SP can be very isolated, even with 300 sheep....
All of you have been accepted. have fun