The ASP Server | Mindcrack (v7) | Whitelisted | 24/7

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
IGN: michaelsworld55
Age: 13
Skype:mic broke
XP with FTB: really well know alot of things about feed the beast
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: because i am looking for a good private server. one reason is because the other server i was playing on i got Grefied and don't want that to happen again and a small community is always a good thing.
Additional info: i can play everday for 1-3 hours or more depending what im doing
I've whitelisted you michaelsworld55. You can now connect to the server. Hope to see you there soon! :)
Skype Mrfeelgood000.
XP with FTB I know a little bit I like the mining turtles I have played with then a bit
i watch youtube vids of how to do something and learn that way.
Why do you want to join ASP server?:I want to join a server that has a good community
and has no griefers thats why i want to join a white listed server,tried of geting a lot of stuff
make a nice place log out for 2 days come back bam gone so yeah i like white listed servers better.
additional info: I usually play at least 2 hour a day (when i am not working) but on my days off i play
for a least 3-5 hours
Thank you,
IGN: Gpeck22
Age: 18
Skype: Gpeck2217
XP with FTB: Fairly new to it, but i have been learning quickly!! Really enjoy it.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Looking for a new place to play with friendly, helpful people. Want to have a solid server to have a main base that i can put lots of work into and not worry about grievers.
Additional info: Im addicted to minecraft.
I've whitelisted you Gpeck22. You can now connect to the server. Hope to see you soon :)
IGN: SmallButBeast
Age: 14
Skype: SmallButBeast
XP with FTB: A good amount of knowledge with all mods except for redpower 2
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I have been looking for a good server with a friendly community and no griefers
Additional info: I am very mature and enjoy helping anybody and everybody (aslong as the requests are reasonable) and dont mind allowing new people to stay with me till they get started
I've whitelisted you SmallButBeast. You can now join the server. Hope to see you soon :)
IGN: TurtleLauncher97
Age: 15 1/2
Skype: TurtleLauncher97
XP with FTB: have been playing Mc for about 2 years now and been playing FTB for about 6months now
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I want a fun and mature community that i can enjoy
Additional info: Im a youtuber. so i can make server and people in it more known :p
XP with FTB:I am Pretty good i am still learning the ropes though on a couple of mods such as factorization and redpower
Why do you want to join the ASP server?:I am looking for a small whitelisted ftb server with a small and nice community to play on and have fun on
Additional info I can probaly play a few hours of day just depends on what i am doing i am It is possible i might record i am also nice and kind and wont grief and wont be a douche
IGN: bananajuiice
Age: 15
Skype: don't have :(
XP with FTB: I've been playing FTB since it came out and before FTB I played Tekkit.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Looking for a good server to play on, do community stuff and have fun time.
Additional info: I play almost every evening and I've never been banned from a server (other than my friend's server). Also I'm from Finland :)
IGN: Darkinos2
Age: 29
Skype: lost with one of my mails accounts for now
XP with FTB: Can't play minecraft with no addons :P manual instal from 1.7.3PR to 1.2.5 on FTB from 1.4.2 IC2/BC/RP2 must addons
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Looking for good europe server with good ping, ppl and ... we will see.
Additional info: MineChem2 and MineFactory Reloaded Q.Q, hope some day in FTB.
Age:13 in saturday
XP with FTB: im like a beginger i guess
Why do you want to join the ASP server?:to have fun
Additional info:i like to make new friends and dont brother to leave me a message on skype
IGN: Alienneff
Age: 19
Skype: christian.lewisswagg
XP with FTB: i have played withall of the mods and done about a 45 episiode LP on all of them as well
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I have looked into many other servers and i havnt seen anything that good but this sounds like what im looking for a vanilla FTB server
Additional info: My name is christian and i live in Omaha Nebraska :D
IGN: Mikkel399
Age: 16
Skype: mikkel.wienberg.madsen
XP with FTB: I haven't played with FTB for that long, but i have been playing with mods for long time installing them the old way.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I'm bored and I want to find a nice server that are not end game already, and I want to go build a awesome base with and play with other people. I have always found SSP boring.
Additional info: I used to host a small server for my friends but they are not that mod interested then FTB came with it's modpacks and finding a server was that much easier.
XP with FTB:Industrialcraft, buildcraft, some coding, some forestry and gregtech, mffs, some railcraft, Redpower, soulshard, thaumcraft, thermalexpansion.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?:i want to play the mindcrack pack on a nice server :)
Additional info: if the server are fun then i will play like every day after school :D
IGN: mtsanchez
Age: 26
Skype: Guido Versluis

XP with FTB:

From the moment FTB was launched in Beta i started playing it. Mainly because I saw a bunch of youtube letsplayers do it and when I saw the possibilities with the mods I was fallen in love. I've been experienced with buildcraft, industrialcraft, thermal expansion, forestry and just started experimenting with Red Power.

Why do you want to join the ASP server?:

If there is still a place for me left on your server, I would gladly join it. I've got no experience with a SMP server but it would be great for me to work alongside other players and do something community style. Building together awesome builds and have a lot of fun is something i would really love to do. I've got bored of playing singleplayer and i got no friends who are playing minecraft. I want to show my capacity of building something beautifull and want to ventilate my thoughts about it with other people. I like the builds of BdoubleO/Zisteau whereas a lot of details are visible and I like the gameplay of Etho. Something in between is my style of gaming.

Additional info: just an ordanary cheesy head dutch pro gamer.. nothing more, nothing less :) and I have crap tons of time (5hrs + a day) to play online.

There is only 1 spot left. I am not basing it on first come first serve, so don't whine at me for not choosing you because you posted first. I will however, if I ever decide to increase the capacity of the server, notify you first. I have messaged the person who received the last spot. So if you don't have a message, then I am sorry.
IGN: Reaper1442
Age: 17
Skype: Have it, but hard to use while playing minecraft
XP with FTB: A few days, but I've used IC2 and the like before
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I love playing Minecraft in small groups of trustworthy people
Additional info: Was an admin on a rather large server, so I can be trusted to not go crazy or grief
IGN: twinlionfist(all lower case)
Age:12 (13 in one month)
Skype: N/A ( i am making a Skype very soon/ i do have a mic)
XP with FTB: im am good with organizing things with pipes ,ETC, automatic mining machines, and bee keeping.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?:i would like to join the server because every other server i joined that's not white-list someone is always breaking rules or griefing my house and stealing my machines,etc.i like small, quiet servers because they provide a nice way to learn everything about the mod packs and a helpful environment.
Additional info:i like the bee keeping the most so far.i have only gotten banned from one server when my friend gave me some stuff that he stole from a hacker and i didn't know that and the admin said i was item spawning. if you whitelist me plz send the info to my email ,[email protected]. thank you and i hope you let me on the server.!:cool:
IGN: SilentTheif
Age: 13 Years Old
Skype: SilentTheif123
XP with FTB:
I have been playing FTB/mods for about 6+ months now, I have a huge interest in the technical side of FTB, I know how to build all the machines and do them efficiently, I am also very good with the blocks in-game, and love building amazing things with them.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?:
I would love to play a server that has a mildy small community and play with all of you, I like meeting new people in-game. I have a huge interest in making contaptions for others to see.
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