Thaumcraft 3 Cheat Sheet (SPOILERS!)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh I see a lot of things I would change and add, props on the effort though. Really don't agree on your choices of cheapest or best. The wiki has a lot of info on aspects even though it isn't complete either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use netherbrick for ignis "fire". Easy to get a dozen of stacks of, and it's not much useful otherwise. For praecantio "magic" I use enderpearls. Once you have End access they're really easy to gather in huge quantities with a couple of Athames. The "purity" aspect is contained in silverwood leaves, use shears or a chainsaw to cut them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Terribly sorry :(

I was just being snappy cause you worded it in a way that made it seem like Mutatio was always on slimeballs. Also, as mentioned above, this list isn't quite as good as the one on the unofficial wiki as that one is kept more up-to-date.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made a text file to help me with cheap research if anyone wants to use it. There isn't any spoilers just a guide on the cheapest materials to use for every aspect.

Quick guide at the bottom


  • Thaum Research.txt
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having a problem with my research.
I can't find anything that contains Tempus.
Any help would be cool.

Edit: ok I found one item so far, but that's gonna use a lot of gold.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having a problem with my research.
I can't find anything that contains Tempus.
Any help would be cool.

Edit: ok I found one item so far, but that's gonna use a lot of gold.
What are the elements of Tempus? for example, Tenebris elements are Dark, Night, Blindness. Look there and see if you can find some items that match it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's something to look into, next version lets you smelt netherrack into single nether bricks.
Clay brick and nether brick might be worth keeping stockpiles of, instead of making both into the blocks, once you add in possible research bonuses for having the table near the right objects.

For example, you already get more metalum from iron nuggets then from iron ingots, but if you put two iron blocks under the research table for the bonus, you get almost double from researching 8 nuggets to destruction.

Whoah whoah whoah. I didn't know this! Do all aspects work this way?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most aspects (maybe all?) have a certain condition that if met, will provide you with a bonus to that aspect when researching. You will see a number in the top left corner of the aspect icon in the research table when you meet its required condition. The conditions can be as simple as having a certain block somewhere near the crafting table, but they can also depend on the presence of other "things" nearby, the location of the table, the surrounding environment, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most aspects (maybe all?) have a certain condition that if met, will provide you with a bonus to that aspect when researching. You will see a number in the top left corner of the aspect icon in the research table when you meet its required condition. The conditions can be as simple as having a certain block somewhere near the crafting table, but they can also depend on the presence of other "things" nearby, the location of the table, the surrounding environment, etc. Has more information regarding this.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
All those useless fire/blast/protection books you get?
Fairly good source of Praecantatio and Tutamen​
(anything enchanted has boosted praecantatio, and aspects representing the effect of the enchant. )​
Telum? Wood/stone sword.
Victus? Wheat/Apple/
Veneum? Posion potato
Sonus? Record disks are awesome for this
Animus? Zombie/Skeleton/Creeper heads. (very cheap if you have a vorpal blade)

If you want to include mod items- Black XyCrystals are fairly good for Tenebris


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Veneum? Posion potato

If you want to include mod items- Black XyCrystals are fairly good for Tenebris

Poison potions are the best source for Venenum imo. You get 3 from one spider eye so you're upping 2 Venenum into 9. Poisonous potatoes are too rare to be a good source even though they don't have much other use.

Ink sacs are the best for Tenebris, squid are easy to kill and spawn in large quatities because they have their own entity cap.

But as has been said this list is so outdated that it isn't useful for finding the cheapest sources anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aura can also be found in grass. I think this is cheaper than feathers. I guess it depends on whether you have chickens or shears... I wish I had known about grass. I spent a bunch of eggs and had no luck. It even got to the point I just said "screw it I'll use NEI" now I find out I could have saved the frustration :(
Also, as I just found out by experience, Corpus (though not usable for research unless you have alembics) can be taken from the player's on body as one stands on the crucible taking damage. I stood on an aspect-less crucible accidentally, and ended up with 1 corpus (and several hearts of damage... but my hunger was full so who cares). I then decided to keep going until I had 8 so I could dump it into a phial.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
for potentia i recommend cocoa beans, they yield 2 potentia each and you can easily produce alot of them, cheaper and better than coal :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For Instrumentum, If you are using FTB you can use Log Turners for 2 Instrumentum, they are renewable because they use sticks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aura can also be found in grass. I think this is cheaper than feathers. I guess it depends on whether you have chickens or shears... I wish I had known about grass. I spent a bunch of eggs and had no luck. It even got to the point I just said "screw it I'll use NEI" now I find out I could have saved the frustration :(
Also, as I just found out by experience, Corpus (though not usable for research unless you have alembics) can be taken from the player's on body as one stands on the crucible taking damage. I stood on an aspect-less crucible accidentally, and ended up with 1 corpus (and several hearts of damage... but my hunger was full so who cares). I then decided to keep going until I had 8 so I could dump it into a phial.

I was wondering wth that was coming from because I occasionally noticed a single unit of leftover corpus whose origin I could not explain. I had written it off as a weird bug, but now that you mention it, I'm sure that I accidentally burned myself while standing beside my crucible throwing in ingredients. :oops:

I noticed some of the older posts advocating boats or trapdoors as a source of motus, and while I expect that there's probably more updated information available in some of the linked tables, for those that don't check the updated tables, it should be said that IC's rubber offers a great source of motus without as many extraneous essentia (i.e. 2 motus & 2 Imperito) and the ability to easily be made into a factor of 8 for easy cleaning.