Technic Team releases Tekkit Lite

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, my view on the matter is that if you want control of something, releasing it into the public for free isn't how you do it. Once you do that, you have no control. If people really wanted full control over their mods, they should have either charged for them or not released them.

And "taking"? No, nobody lost anything. There was only gain. If I were a modder, (and I was for a short while, until RP2 came out again) I wouldn't give a damn. I'd be happy that people were playing my mod and enjoying it. That's how modding is supposed to work, and that's how it works, everywhere besides Minecraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[...] people were straight up telling CovertJaguar that he didn't have the rights to his own work when he threatened them with removing his mod from the pack, saying hateful and entitled stuff along the lines of "nobody used RailCraft anyway" and "it doesn't matter what you do, your mod is ours now".

That is, in large part, why I'm here now. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1357767095][/DOUBLEPOST]
Honestly, my view on the matter is that if you want control of something, releasing it into the public for free isn't how you do it. Once you do that, you have no control. If people really wanted full control over their mods, they should have either charged for them or not released them.

And "taking"? No, nobody lost anything. There was only gain. If I were a modder, (and I was for a short while, until RP2 came out again) I wouldn't give a damn. I'd be happy that people were playing my mod and enjoying it. That's how modding is supposed to work, and that's how it works, everywhere besides Minecraft.

Granted, but it was the general attitude of, "We're going to use your mod whether you like it or not." (Which is an actual quote I saw) that pushed me away. Whether it's right or wrong according to licenses and developer intent is neither here nor there. I just don't want to be involved in an active community that espouses that kind attitude. I know no internet community is safe from its members. I know there are likely douche nozzles in the FTB community. I think the difference is A) how frequent they are and B) how they are managed by the community itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You've got to remember, the Technic community is, and largely always will be, children. Just like the minecraft community at large.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I understand that. It's fine. I'm not passing judgement (well, maybe a little). But I don't want to spend my free time there. It's the same reason I don't go to middle school dances in the evenings. That and that would be really creepy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't intend demeaning, simply the facts.

The median age in the Minecraft community is around 10. Look at Minecon, for example. From the look of it, the attendees were 90% kids. That's fine, this game is marketed towards kids, and is a very kid-friendly game. Technic, as well, has a large proportion of kids as part of its community, even a disproportionate one. I'm not sure why they've got more kids, comparatively speaking, than FTB does, but that seems to be the case. What I'm saying, though, is that you can't take the actions of some pissed-off kids in a forum thread, and claim "See? This is what Technic users are like!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The "we're going to use your mod anyways" quote was actually a quote of something that lexmanos said. The person who said it in that thread was merely quoting lex.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can't take quotes like that out of context. Stuff got pretty heated between some people and that leads to people doing or saying childish stuff. Some mod-developers did some stuff they should be ashamed of too.

It would be nice if everyone would just focus on making minecraft and the mods better and more accessible to everyone. That would benefit the community. Creating drama between people just leeds to attrackting the wrong kind of crowd anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I normally make a jetpack to fly ontop of the trees and work my way down :) By the time I need large amounts of wood I have the circuit/tin/glowstone to make it. Always my first goal when starting out at least. (Electric jetpack that is)
Yeah I use a sickle for that. But it's trucks we're most concerned about. I have a camp next to a rainforest and I have to build a nerdpole 30m high to get to to top and take it down from there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The attitude of the people on the technic forums disgusts me. I played tekkit for a long time, and was a very active member of the forums of the server I played on (to the point where I was the highest poster there (still am, 1 month after I quit)) but I think I've posted a grand total on 0 times on technic...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
6 pages, and only about roughly 1 page worth of related content. Can't complain about their forums while making off-topic posts here - essentially ruining the forums here. I would have loved to see what people's thoughts were on how they thought FTB and Tekkit could progress while offering differences.

Granted I'm not adding to the topic with this post, just trying to nudge everybody who wants to post to stay on topic. I'd say lock the topic since it is near-impossible to stay on topic when technic & tekkit are mentioned.

A little back on topic: My last post mentioned how FTB allows private packs, well now since January 7th Tekkit also provides this - touché.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
6 pages, and only about roughly 1 page worth of related content. Can't complain about their forums while making off-topic posts here - essentially ruining the forums here. I would have loved to see what people's thoughts were on how they thought FTB and Tekkit could progress while offering differences.

There is nothing wrong with discussing a tangent.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, seeing as the first post is just plain advertising, and that he also asks not to troll/flame, what did you expect?

As for me, the only thing technic/tekkit did positively is to spread that modded minecraft no longer was about taking 2 hours setting up the mods in the jar, and if you messed up even one thing, everything had to be done again.

We can say what we want about how they operate, and the negative impact on the modders, the fact remains that it did give a large player base for the modding scene, when people were getting sick of how hard it was to install and update the mods, and all the compatibility and ID problems.

While the ID problem still exists, it is now easier to install mods, as the only thing you need to throw in the jar is Forge, everything else going strait to folders, and don't even need to be unpacked.

Now, the nice thing to do on their part would be to come back to the modders and say "look, we know we started with wrong bases, but we can provide support and easy installation for your mods in our packs. Could you give us your agreement to use it?". Most would gladly say something like "yes, as long as you give us credits for our work", just like they did for FTB.
(And please, no "legal troll" here, we are talking about being civil, that's all)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now, the nice thing to do on their part would be to come back to the modders and say "look, we know we started with wrong bases, but we can provide support and easy installation for your mods in our packs. Could you give us your agreement to use it?". Most would gladly say something like "yes, as long as you give us credits for our work", just like they did for FTB.
From the original Technic readme.txt
I did not get permission from anyone and I didn't even bother asking. The Minecraft modding community is terrible and the egos some of the modders themselves have is incredibly terrible. I simply made this pack because I love these mods and want other people to experience them as well with as little work on their part as possible.
Started with wrong bases is an understatement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that and the fact they actually gain money through donations.

But it is never too late to apologize, if you really mean it.
We are all human, and as such, we are imperfect. If we do work on the basis of our previous errors, we can get better.

I really hope they will, because right now, there are two main things in modding that get in the way of more mods developed and more players.
One is Tekkit, because some authors start to grow weary of their work being used without them having a say in the matter, the other being bukkit, after placing themselves at the top quality for servers, now refusing to actually give the tools for a better support of mods.

Some would also point Forge, but most of it dates from the clash with Flowerchild, out of context quotes, and flaming. Plus Forge does eases for the mods to be easier to install and update by the players, while giving the tools needed for the modders, and adding more as time goes, according to the demands of the modders.

But back to the topic, Technic/tekkit have been started by a single person, that reigns at the top for any decisions concerning it, so it is probable that not the whole team supports the idea that screwing over the authors will help.
It might be optimistic, when we know that a situation can also degenerate quite fast when both sides show their teeth though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that and the fact they actually gain money through donations.

That is very off as the technic team do not make anything from the donations in fact all the donation links are direct copy and pastes of the mod authors own links. The only money the technic team makes is via the few ads they have on the site/forum which barely covers the hosting costs and no where near the terabits of bandwidth they blow though hosting the mods for the modders.

All this has been confirmed by several sources and places. It is just a common rumor thrown around by technic haters that they have to be making a profit form it as doing it for the good of the community is unlikely to them. Due to the evil picture painted of them by fellow haters, when in fact their is nothing evil about them other then a dislike of all the barriers mod authors put forth against the concept of making modded minecraft as fun and easy as possible for the masses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is very off as the technic team do not make anything from the donations in fact all the donation links are direct copy and pastes of the mod authors own links. The only money the technic team makes is via the few ads they have on the site/forum which barely covers the hosting costs and no where near the terabits of bandwidth they blow though hosting the mods for the modders.

All this has been confirmed by several sources and places. It is just a common rumor thrown around by technic haters that they have to be making a profit form it as doing it for the good of the community is unlikely to them. Due to the evil picture painted of them by fellow haters, when in fact their is nothing evil about them other then a dislike of all the barriers mod authors put forth against the concept of making modded minecraft as fun and easy as possible for the masses.
My bad then, but the fact remains that they gain money out of something they didn't even ask before using.
I don't see them as evil, just as some people that do it "because they can", and a self entitled bunch.

FTB and other packs got the authors agreement quite easily,so "barriers mod authors put forth" is not quite real.
Basically, they ask that their work is recognized as theirs.
If possible, they would like to be able to keep earning a little fee through addfly, because for most of them, it might pay a donut or two per year.
The donations are all well and good, but adds are a way for people that don't have the money to spare to still give some money. Plus, putting donation links will only serve the biggest and most used mods in the packs, and all the smaller or unknown that are still in and used unknowingly won't receive a cent.

There is no ideal way to content everyone, but talking about barriers when you didn't even try in the first place is just giving yourself an excuse to continue without a care.

I know many will take what follows the wrong way, but please try to read before reacting.
One of the reasons that people pirate games and softwares on PC, apart from the pirates themselves, is because they once couldn't afford something and pirated it.
Having experienced how easy it was to get something without the restrictions of a trial or anything, they continued to download pirated keys and versions, because why pay when you can get it for free, right?
And now, we see many games being lousy ports from consoles, or not coming at all, with the stated reason being "piracy" every single time; mostly to give themselves an excuse, but whatever.

I don't mean to say that they pirate anything, and am not a fan of attacking based on copyrights and all that, because it's always blurry anyway.
What I mean is that they first made the pack for themselves and a couple of friends, to play together with some friends, and many of us did something similar when we played on little servers hosted on our machines.
But when it became public, there were some mods that the authors didn't want to give the right, to anyone.
So it was easier to come up with an excuse and not caring.

It did a lot of good to Minecraft and modding, pushing Forge, ModLoader and modders to go out of their way and make the install and compatibility easier.
MultiMC also benefited from the trend being "why bother installing mods when we can just pick tekkit", and made an unbelievably great tool that we now know.

The two bad points are screwing mod authors, and the fact that most people playing the pack don't even know the mods name, and will say "this is tekkit" on any video that stars even a single mod that is the same.

I personally was always from the group to search for mods and install them myself, keeping them updated as I went, so that might be why I don't understand fully why people make such a big deal of tekkit/technik, but when talking about haters and out of the place quotes, we see them in both camps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
technic-dev Cheap Shot is not happy about this thread:
Man that FTB thread you linked is so painful. All of you going on about "the principals FTB was founded on" and "It comes down to respect". Jesus christ can you not hear yourselves? :psyduck:
Those are the kinds of things I used to say when I was a kid and now I look back and say "holy crap I sounded like such a tool". No one really has any idea what goes on behind the scenes in any modpack. Take everything with a grain of salt. Afterall, slowpoke loves to take every opportunity to tell everyone what a glowing reputation for being trustworthy and noble he has, without actually earning one first. Maybe don't take everything about FTB at face value. I have a very very strong feeling that sooner or later you'll all be painfully looking back on everything you've said with a much different perspective. This community can't go two months without some major drama bomb going off. I'm just waiting for the right fuse to burn down.
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