Technic Team releases Tekkit Lite

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Technic team has released Tekkit Lite ( blog post: ). I suppose the title is somewhat of a misnomer, as Tekkit Lite doesn't actually feature Bukkit, but it does feature ForgeEssentials, a mod which is designed to recreate the core administrative functions provided by Essentials and other similar Bukkit plugins.

I suppose it's easier for them to keep the name 'Tekkit' as the multiplayer Technic pack, even if Tekkit Lite doesn't actually feature Tekkit.

Discuss! After quite a long wait, the other big modpack community is finally playing the same Minecraft version as we are. And please, let's discuss without this turning into a generic Technic Team hate thread, alright? We have enough of those as it is.

I've noticed they have the following mods which I don't think are featured in the FTB modpacks:
  • Weapon Mod
  • Additional Pipes
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Dimensional Anchors (we have ChickenChunks though)
  • IC2 Advanced Power Management
  • IC2 Advanced Repulsion Systems (basically the old MFFS brought to 1.4.6, we have new version of MFFS)
  • IC2 Transformers (conversion between EU and MJ, I heard somewhere FTB team doesn't want this in)
  • MineFactory Reloaded (another factory mod, actually fairly impressive)
  • Treecapitator
  • TubeStuff


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well they had to do something to differentiate the pack moving forward since they have the same challenge that FTB does:

Bukkit is at war with Forge... or at least purposely being obtuse about supporting it :)

Any packs moving to 1.4 or later and wanting to use Forge based mods are going to not be on Bukkit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Technic team has released Tekkit Lite ( blog post: ). I suppose the title is somewhat of a misnomer, as Tekkit Lite doesn't actually feature Bukkit, but it does feature ForgeEssentials, a mod which is designed to recreate the core administrative functions provided by Essentials and other similar Bukkit plugins.

I suppose it's easier for them to keep the name 'Tekkit' as the multiplayer Technic pack, even if Tekkit Lite doesn't actually feature Tekkit.

Discuss! After quite a long wait, the other big modpack community is finally playing the same Minecraft version as we are. And please, let's discuss without this turning into a generic Technic Team hate thread, alright? We have enough of those as it is.

I've noticed they have the following mods which I don't think are featured in the FTB modpacks:
  • Weapon Mod
  • Additional Pipes
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Dimensional Anchors (we have ChickenChunks though)
  • IC2 Advanced Power Management
  • IC2 Advanced Repulsion Systems (basically the old MFFS brought to 1.4.6, we have new version of MFFS)
  • IC2 Transformers (conversion between EU and MJ, I heard somewhere FTB team doesn't want this in)
  • MineFactory Reloaded (another factory mod, actually fairly impressive)
  • Treecapitator
  • TubeStuff

You're asking a lot for this not to devolve into an argument, but whatever. Just to clear up a few points, Technic has had updates to 1.4.6 for a long time, so it's hard to argue that they were "behind the times". I guess, yeah, Tekkit is now a misnomer, but who cares. It's easier to keep Tekkit at 1.2.5 because of Bukkit, meaning it is easier to run large servers. Some of these new mods are also fantastic, and I highly recommend you check them out. Minefactory is a fairly old mod, which just recently fixed itself up, and it's really fun. Treecapitator is perhaps the best mod in the world, and Tubestuff will likely be included in the next version of FTB packs, it was just updated a few days ago. Overall, it's really fun, and really stable, and nobody can yammer about not having permissions, because you have to manually install optifine just like the rest of us.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, let's see.
Weapon Mod, dunno there. However, we have Thaumcraft instead.
I want to say LP is on it's way when Krapht actually releases a version. As far as Additional pipe, don't know there.
Right you are about chicken chunks.
As to Advanced Power Management, well, there is GT, even if not in every pack.
Again, right you are about MFFS.
Transformers is actually not added in for a couple major reasons, mainly that the loss of power by just transferring is, well, kinda junky. So far, the power-making mods prefer to balance off of fuel types and not try to convert directly. Forestry though tries, but is pointedly inefficient.
As to minefactory, that's more of a forestry replacement, anything in minefactory to my knowledge you can actually do almost all of it already in teh pack, and it was deemed not to be added as it was almost entirely duplicate functionality.
Treecapitator wasn't added in as Thaumcraft is 'supposed' to take care of that at some point. Remember, beta is beta sadly, but it's been pointed out as coming, and they don't like mods that make specific mod-items useless if they don't have to.
As to tubestuff, I want to say that it's on the list to be in, but marked as not ready yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm happy it's different from what FTB offers.
More variety never hurts the players. If the launcher is labeled Technic or FTB doesn't matter as long as mod packs work without too many bugs.

I believe I saw a fair amount of complaints about the IC2 transformers causing lag on bigger servers. (It's been a while and this would possibly be fixed by now)
I would actually prefer to cut trees without Treecapitator because of what TC 3 might implement in the future. I can see how tiering it can be if you need a large amount of wood and don't have a treefarm set up yet. My solution is a chainsaw.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Krapht's version of LP and the "unofficial" version have different mechanics, and the FTB team probably prefers those of Krapht's to the unofficial version; afaik there are no "politics" to not including LP in FTB yet.

FTB refuses to host any unofficial mods. It's as simple as that. Yes, it's politics because they're choosing to stand by some obscure principle instead of doing what people have obviously asked for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dislike the lack of Logistics Pipes in FTB as well, and wish Krapht would give at least temporary permission for the currently maintained fork of his mod to be included while he works on Logistics Pipes 2. Though I'd imagine that'd result in some compatibility issues when the fork is removed and his version is put in, since the two mods will be different (with similar functionality), so I can see valid reasons for not doing so.

Apparently he actually got a tiny bit of inspiration about 14 hours ago, and actually got excited about coding. This makes me assume he's working on it again. (You can check his twitter to see what he's saying.)

I have no comment on Tekkit or whatever it is, as I've never tried it. FTB is my first set of mods ever.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
FTB refuses to host any unofficial mods. It's as simple as that. Yes, it's politics because they're choosing to stand by some obscure principle instead of doing what people have obviously asked for.

Hosting an unofficial mod version can be seen as hosting the official mod without permission, which would just do wonders for FTB's public image.
You have to remember FTB is just tekkit with permission, so any unofficial versions will undermine the core principles of the modpack.

(Oddly coding your own version of a mod from scratch is considered ok if the original mod author refuses to allow distribution)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to remember FTB is just tekkit with permission
This is like saying Beef and Pork are the same. They're both meats, afterall. Surely all Meatpacks (see what I did thar) are just the same since they're all meat.

There's more differences between tekkit and feed the beast. Different mods/modpacks for a start.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hosting an unofficial mod version can be seen as hosting the official mod without permission, which would just do wonders for FTB's public image.
You have to remember FTB is just tekkit with permission, so any unofficial versions will undermine the core principles of the modpack.

The original logistics pipes is licenced under the 'minecraft mod public licence', which gives permission to distribute the original or modified versions of the mod in mod packs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB refuses to host any unofficial mods. It's as simple as that. Yes, it's politics because they're choosing to stand by some obscure principle instead of doing what people have obviously asked for.
Actually, it is as simple as that, but not for the political reasons you may think. First off, Krapht is on the forgecraft server, meaning at the very least he works with the modders that actually develop the mods. Now, the current LP fork that is being used is nice, I'll say that, but what do you do when you put that in, and find out Krapht has gone completely away from it when he releases his? If you can't forsee that nightmare, well, I can't help you there, but trust me, it would be painful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do we even need to discuss another mod pack? Is there really a point? This should be deleted... It does not help anyone with the modpack this site was made for...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The original logistics pipes is licenced under the 'minecraft mod public licence', which gives permission to distribute the original or modified versions of the mod in mod packs.

Holy crap, you're entirely correct. Krapht gives complete, blanket permission to anyone and everyone who wants to use his mod to use it, regardless of who you are, no permission needed. Including mod packs.

Doesn't this mean that any forks derived from it also feature the same set of permissions? Re-reading it, no it doesn't. He says that forks can have their own licenses, as they choose.

Does anyone know what license the fork is operating under?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Holy crap, you're entirely correct. Krapht gives complete, blanket permission to anyone and everyone who wants to use his mod to use it, regardless of who you are, no permission needed. Including mod packs.

Doesn't this mean that any forks derived from it also feature the same set of permissions?

Essentially, this looks like Krapht has already given blanket permission for the currently up-to-date fork to be used. Is FTB not including it because they don't realize this, or is it more that they're just holding off for LP2, which may or may not be finished, and may or may not be good?

Hmm I'm not sure it would, you could consider this a mod of a mod and therefore at the new modders discretion. Think about the CC mod, this could give similar permissions (I've never looked at the permissions for CC I just plucked a random mod out of the air), this doesn't necessarily mean that RichardG is forced to give these same permissions for MiscPeripherals.

I might be completely wrong here, but that's the way I see the situation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, you're right. Krapht's license specifies that anyone modifying it can choose their own license. Does anyone know what license the fork is operating under?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm a big fan of the forked LP and with the energy requirement it should meet the balance requirements that seem to be part of FTB. Honestly as expensive as the stuff is you'd think that was balance enough but I digress.

One big issue with including it in a pack though is it is being updated like mad. Several times a day sometimes. So right now it is something you are better off adding in yourself.

Same thing for Powercrystals mods now that he is back. Yes, MFR does many things forestry does but that is like saying TE and IC2 are redundant. I still find myself using both the macerator and the pulverizer (granted I use the smelter more than anything). I dont see myself using Forestry farms anymore with MFR but let's see...biofuel, bees, backpacks...yeah, Forestry isn't going away. Also MFR does animal farming like nothing else I've seen, and it isn't cheap or overpowered.
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