According to the FTB Changelog Page, MF2 is, AG & BnB aren't.
Ah, thanks for the correction.
According to the FTB Changelog Page, MF2 is, AG & BnB aren't.
Simply put: Can we please see an FTB pack that is NOT designed around either "artificial difficulty" of full-out IgT, nor "You're going be a super-demigod with TiC, so lets make the rest harder to compensate", but is based around vanilla tools/weapons instead? And yes, given the current state of mods/packs, I'm expecting this as a 1.7 or 1.8 pack.
I like TiC tools enough that I fully support this thread just to help cut the umbilical. It kinda bugs me that I value my mining hammer-of-doom way, way more than a freaking mining laser.
I just remembered this truly great pun from another thread yesterday. It might be relevant here
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Or do you prefer grapes?
In all honesty what do you really expect from total conversion packs with TiCo and IgT as a central progression?
Yes, Agrarian Skies and MF2 rely on it, but I'm pretty sure they technically aren't FTB packs,
I'm not sure what you are expecting exactly... Many things in mods outclass their vanilla equivalents. Well I do agree TiC shouldn't be a balance point (making it easier to remove without breaking packs), I don't agree that vanilla should be a theme for a pack.
Vanilla is already the theme of the only pack put out by Mojang.
I don't understand. What has been made "harder" because of the power of TiCo? I mean, how has the presence of TiCo made using vanilla tools harder?Simply put: Can we please see an FTB pack that is NOT designed around either "artificial difficulty" of full-out IgT, nor "You're going be a super-demigod with TiC, so lets make the rest harder to compensate", but is based around vanilla tools/weapons instead? And yes, given the current state of mods/packs, I'm expecting this as a 1.7 or 1.8 pack.
rofl! Obligatory spotlight link
(EDIT: as mentioned, MF2 seems to be FTB, the others not.)
If you don't like them, remove them. The only packs that are really based around them are magic farm, agrarian skies and blood and bones. Other than that you can remove the mod from the pack or just not use it.I do not like TiC, nor IgT.
I do not feel that TiC is balanced; it allows making significantly stronger / more powerful tools. mDiyo does claim that it is balanced, and says that there is a mathemetical curve/progression that he keeps things in balance to, and says that the large tools reach/touch this limit, without breaking it. So I appreciate that there is an effort to keep the TiC tools balanced with regard to each other, and to have some sense of tradeoff.
But it ultimately feels like running around with TiC tools, or TiC weapons, makes you significantly more powerful than you would be with just vanilla tools/weapons, resulting in less effort/challenge in an already low-challenge environment.
Ideally, TiC tools/weapons would be a choice alongside vanilla ones. Maybe you'd use one, or the other; neither would be completely outclassed. But that's not the case -- except for the very top-of-the-line vanilla enchanted stuff, TiC stuff does better, and even then there are some specialized TiC items that cannot be matched (a tool with 100% unbreaking, or 1 durability left, stonebound, and powered by energy).
IgT seems to be even worse. Yes, it starts by nerfing/weaking TiC stuff, until that stuff improves; but instead of making it so that TiC stuff is comparible to vanilla, so you can be reasonably expected to use both, it usually (by default, and in most modpacks) disables all (or almost all) vanilla stuff. And worse, in the default settings, it turns TiC into a 7-layer grind.
Simply put: Can we please see an FTB pack that is NOT designed around either "artificial difficulty" of full-out IgT, nor "You're going be a super-demigod with TiC, so lets make the rest harder to compensate", but is based around vanilla tools/weapons instead? And yes, given the current state of mods/packs, I'm expecting this as a 1.7 or 1.8 pack.
I do agree with the idea of not adding more powerful weapons for more powerful mobs though, otherwise FTB will turn into a game that is impossible early game and easy late game.
(which will only get worse in 1.8 because results are locked until you enchant something)..
Simply put: Can we please see an FTB pack that is NOT designed around either "artificial difficulty" of full-out IgT, nor "You're going be a super-demigod with TiC, so lets make the rest harder to compensate", but is based around vanilla tools/weapons instead? And yes, given the current state of mods/packs, I'm expecting this as a 1.7 or 1.8 pack.
I would be extremely surprised if there's currently a single pack balanced solely around TiCo as it currently stands, so your wish more than likely already exists. Yes, Agrarian Skies and MF2 rely on it, but I'm pretty sure they technically aren't FTB packs, and that TiCo isn't the sole balancing point.
What I want is for people who have the skill and artistry to make a good conversion pack to base it around something other than TiC/IgT.
Yea, yea, Jaded's modpacks are not officially FTB, fine, but they seem to be very very popular around here. (EDIT: as mentioned, MF2 seems to be FTB, the others not.)
The hint is a good change, but the lapis cost (which might not be that high but is still something) and this seed locking feel a bit annoying, even though I haven't cared enough about snapshots to try it out yet. Needing to enchant something else because you got a bad seed just adds another step to the grind and makes you waste levels when they're at a moderately high experience cost.
At least the change in the repairing cost is great, it took them long enough to make that useful.