Private Pack TahgCraft [Closed, Can't pay for it]

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Posting that you PMed Tahg will not help. Read this post from Tahg himself a few pages back:

Part of the point of PMs is to not clutter up the thread, please don't post "I pm'd you messages" It's 1) messy, and 2) counterproductive (I get email notification of every PM, which I check way more often than this thread)
Right now Tahg is working on getting the 1.5.2 pack the way he wants it.

Once the pack and server is stable I'm sure he will post here and go through the outstanding applications.
Btw tahgcraft is on forge 722 and is NOT compatible with optifine atm... so optifine users like myself haft to wait XD. or get a better computer.

Optifine HD D3 and my 128x texture pack are working just fine with forge 722.

I'm just trying to figure out which mod is altering [or breaking] inventory mechanics (IE: i have to drag items instead of being able to click on and hold them, and that i cant shift click items in and out of the hotbar) Driving me crazy.
So have people been able to get on the 1.5.2 server? Or is it still in testing? I see it online and sometimes I see multiple people on it. I'm just curious and cant wait to get a fresh start.
Optifine HD D3 and my 128x texture pack are working just fine with forge 722.

I'm just trying to figure out which mod is altering [or breaking] inventory mechanics (IE: i have to drag items instead of being able to click on and hold them, and that i cant shift click items in and out of the hotbar) Driving me crazy.

Weird because when i install optifine, and got to video options, it just closes down, no error, not even in the forge0.log... which usually indicates its the jar
Before I post instructions on how to get onto the server, please bear in mind that things aren't completely stable yet. The pack and/or some recipes may still be changed.

1) Create a new MultiMC instance using 1.5.2.
2) Download the pack from the link on Tahg's channel.
3) Drag the contents of the zip file into the instance folder.
4) Rebuild the jar.
5) Add the following command to the JVM Arguments in the instance JAVA settings:
6) Play

There are many guides on how to use MultiMC, remember and that Optifine will probably not work with the current setup.

When the pack is ready it will be on the FTB launcher, but that's how you get on for now.
OK... so I've tried to get on the server and each time I get closer and closer, I have 2 mods left I need to manually update but i cant seem to find them.
ModularForceFieldSystem :
AppliedEnergistics : rv.11.dev17
Any know where I can get these. Links would be very much appreciated.
but weirdly on that pack somethings are out to date for me. I dont know how that is possible but that's what seems to happen
Weird because when i install optifine, and got to video options, it just closes down, no error, not even in the forge0.log... which usually indicates its the jar

I am aware that Modular Power Suits is having issues with Optifine, same way MPS is currently breaking the NEI light level and chunk overlays.
That crash sounds more like a memory issue (i get it when trying to run the v5 NGT 1.5.2 beta in MultiMC), have you done -XX:MaxPermSize=256M?
Heya, im interested on playing on your server so here goes my infos:

IGN: hugenxz
Age: 18
Local: Portugal

Thanks for your time
Heyo, im interested on playing on your server so here goes my infos:

IGN: mnrmb
Age: 19
Local: Portugal

I am aware that Modular Power Suits is having issues with Optifine, same way MPS is currently breaking the NEI light level and chunk overlays.
That crash sounds more like a memory issue (i get it when trying to run the v5 NGT 1.5.2 beta in MultiMC), have you done -XX:MaxPermSize=256M?

where do i place this "XX:MaxPermSize=256M" command? i have 1.5GB of RAM to MC which should be COMPLETELY more than enough...
where do i place this "XX:MaxPermSize=256M" command? i have 1.5GB of RAM to MC which should be COMPLETELY more than enough...

Java is _very_ inefficient at handling memory, strapping an oil drum of gasoline to a small self propelled lawn mower wont make it faster will it?

In MultiMC, right click on your instance and go to Settings. Java tab. Deselect "Use defaults?" from Java Settings and put "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" (no quotation marks) in the JVM Arguments line.
Java is _very_ inefficient at handling memory, strapping an oil drum of gasoline to a small self propelled lawn mower wont make it faster will it?

In MultiMC, right click on your instance and go to Settings. Java tab. Deselect "Use defaults?" from Java Settings and put "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" (no quotation marks) in the JVM Arguments line.

uhm i just got this:

Instance folder is:
Instance started with command:
"C:\Program Files M\Java64bit\bin\java.exe" XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -jar MultiMCLauncher.jar  "akaedis" "a697b00f410ec6efced5a7087644f1c0b7fd6656" "MultiMC: TahgCraft 3" "max" "Mojang"
Error: Could not find or load main class XX:MaxPermSize=256M
Minecraft exited with code 1.
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#141414]Minecraft has crashed!
Few matters to take care of today
1. Just whitelisted everyone who's asked me recently. The pack can be download from: 3.7z but not offering much support at this point. There's a fair bit of helpful advice in the last few pages, but if you still can't get it to work, you'll have to wait a couple weeks for it to go on the launcher.

2. I really need donations to continue running the server, I know a few have donated and I think you for that. I also know quite a few have said they would, so if you enjoy the server and want to donate, please do, but don't feel compelled. I just don't know how much longer I can keep the server running on my own. You can find a donate link at my site:

3. My site. It's basically non-existant. If anyone wants put together a simple site for me, that would be much appreciated. I'm thinking in addition to the Donate section/page, information on the different packs/servers I use, as well as information on TahgCraft (rules, download, etc) would be good. Updating is no problem for minor things, but I'm no good at all on the creative side. It's a simple Apache server, so html, css, would be cool, don't think I have php or other server side scripting installed, and don't really see a need atm, but I can always add it if I do anything more complex in the future.
3. My site. It's basically non-existant. If anyone wants put together a simple site for me, that would be much appreciated. I'm thinking in addition to the Donate section/page, information on the different packs/servers I use, as well as information on TahgCraft (rules, download, etc) would be good. Updating is no problem for minor things, but I'm no good at all on the creative side. It's a simple Apache server, so html, css, would be cool, don't think I have php or other server side scripting installed, and don't really see a need atm, but I can always add it if I do anything more complex in the future.

I'm not really skilled with website-making, but I could do something about a logo or general art. Because that's what I do. So if you want.. o:
Keep crashing in Nether. I cant actually move in the nether anymore. Some error with Natura Mobs. Not just these ones. Anyone have any ideas?

2013-06-11 01:32:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] unknown entity type: class
2013-06-11 01:32:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] unknown entity type: class
2013-06-11 01:32:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
2013-06-11 01:32:45 [INFO] [STDOUT]    Ogg header not recognized in method 'readHeader'.
2013-06-11 01:32:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
2013-06-11 01:32:45 [INFO] [STDOUT]    Error reading the header