NEW: Full changelog now included in jar.
NEW: Added Iron, Gold, and Diamond walls.
FIX: Fixed Energy Cart item textures.
INFO: Updated IC2 API again, soft requirement of 1.115.304+.
NEW: Added help tab to Routing Table.
FIX: Fixed Energy Cart datawatcher IDs.
INFO: Updated IC2 API again, soft requirement of 1.115.301+.
NEW: Various improvements to the Routing Table and added a recipe to copy them.
FIX: Fixed Server calling client code in ModuleRouting. (broken):
NEW: Added Routing Table. Will not probably not be in the release, but you can play with it for now.

FIX: Fixed an issue with the Rock Crusher pattern.
FIX: Fixed crash in IC2 Module. (broken):
INFO: Updated IC2 API again.
CHANGE: Steam Locomotive Water Tank capacity increased to 6 buckets.
FIX: Fixed Energy Cart setup.
FIX: Fixed possible condition under which the Anchor Cart would load chunks in the wrong order and possibly get stuck.
CHANGE: Adjusted Activator Rail name/recipe to match the other Tracks.
INFO: Updated IC2 API.
CHANGE: Removed IC2/BC Wrench rotation support from all blocks, added Forge Rotation API support.
CHANGE: Removed IC2 Painter API support, added Forge Recolour API support.
FIX: Get Forestry/Buildcraft liquids from the Liquid Dictionary.
FIX: InventoryManipulator actually chooses the correct Manipulator type now (fixes issues with pretty much all inventory interactions involving ISpecialInventory).
FIX: Fixed a odd Inventory Util bug that was resulting in strange behavior when moving items.
FIX: Fixed more BlockRail casts in the Tunnel Bore.
FIX: Fixed BlockRail casts in the Elevator Track.
FIX: Fixed Liquid Loader renderer. (broken):
FIX: TNT loops should be fixed for sure now.
FIX: Fixed crash on placing Priming Track.
FIX: "Fixed" vanilla dispensers and carts.
FIX: Fixed crash on filling Tank Carts with Liquid Loaders.
FIX: Fixed new Tank Cart capacity defaults.
FIX: Fixed issues with inventory utilities not inserting items into output slots, mostly.
FIX: Attempted to fix potential infinite loop when TNT carts explode.
FIX: Calling client method in fuel lookup.
FIX: Fixed Stair lighting bug.
API: Added TagList, a collection of ItemStack tags.
NEW: Added Analog variable power output state to the Item Detector.
FIX: Bores no longer crash when placed on tracks other than the basic vanilla Track.
FIX: Dedicated Server starts now.
WARNING: May eat worlds.
INFO: Updated to 1.5.1
WARNING: Any BatBox, MFE, or MFSU Carts not in item form will disappear from your world!
NEW: Added Analog variable power output state to the Tank Detector.
NEW: Added Quartz Walls. Used another Block ID.
NEW: Added Stairs for various blocks. Used another Block ID.
CHANGE: Wooded Rails are now crafted at the work bench. No Rolling Machine required. Shapeless Recipe: Tie + Iron = 6 Rails.
CHANGE: Creosote Oil fuel value in Boilers increased by 50%. 3200 -> 4800
CHANGE: Tank Cart default capacity increased to 32 buckets.
CHANGE: Chest Carts can no longer move any liquid container with max stack size greater than 1. Config option.
CHANGE: Texture files reworked for new texture system.
CHANGE: Increased Anchor-Sentinel pairing distance, can now load 25 chunks total. Fuel usage adjusted accordingly.
FIX: Fixed another infinite loop in the Anchor Cart inventory code.
FIX: Pick Item now works in all RC GUIs.
API: Massive changes including a namespace change.
API: Removed ItemRegistry in favor of FML's built-in ItemStack Registry in GameRegistry.