So, creeperhost has some silly policies.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hmm? And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is. It's not about money... it's about sending a message. Everything Creeperhost burns!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's from the movie step brothers, im really just quoting movies here.
I doubt that's what it was first from, it's a very general phrase/question.

That's like if i said the word "it" came from Iron Man, since it was probably uttered in the movie at some point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I doubt that's what it was first from, it's a very general phrase/question.

That's like if i said the word "it" came from Iron Man, since it was probably uttered in the movie at some point.

Come on, now. Stephen King's It waaaaay pre-dates Iron Man, dude!

Clearly that's where it came from.
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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Yeah, I can't argue with the 5 day cut off time, but the flat out deleting your data at that point is just, well, wrong. Occasionally crap happens, and, through no fault of your own, you simply can't pay on time. If I had a legitimate emergency, and came back on the sixth day, I would be understanding being cut off from my server. I would right torqued off at losing my data.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a pretty archaic policy. Storage space is dirt cheap. Especially for Minecraft which, even for very large worlds is by no means a resource hog. I just bought a 2TB hard drive for my video and audio stuff and paid $80 and those are consumer prices for desktop PC hardware. How many complete Minecraft instances and worlds with mods, custom texture packs, and all the MystCraft ages a dozen middle-schoolers could generate in 3 months could I fit on that drive? A few hundred? Thousand? How much did this kind of word of mouth cost CreeperHost? More than it would have cost them to stuff the storage costs for 90 days or more. Bastids.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technically you can do reoccuring payments through paypal. And honestly I don't blame them for how their policy is. Point blank, pay and play or don't pay and cry.

Sounds like a winning strategy. What could go wrong??

Oh right, you can go the fuck out of business when you have enough REALLY upset consumers making a big thing over it. They need to change their policy. Deleting a world is a very VERY bad choice on their part to save a very small amount of hard drive space. They should save worlds upto 90 days, or have a feature that you can pay for guarantees your world being archived for 6months, 1 year 2 years etc from the last payment as an insurance policy.

They could do a TON of stuff that would not only make them money but would make players feel secure in their services.

Moronic policy like this is not how you keep a business going. This is how you create a system where you start leaking very angry consumers that start to out-voice satisfied consumers. There is nothing like anger to get people to act on things, write bad revives and go out of ones way to make sure others don't make the same mistake in product choice. Happiness is much more passive. This coming from a guy that used to recommend them, and has some bit of empathy. I can put myself in OPs shoes, how would I feel if something happened and I couldn't get the payment though in that 5 days? What is paypal seized funds or whatever else bs they do on whims? Id be pissed, and for that reason I wont recommend them anymore and Ill personally look elsewhere when I finally decide on hosting.
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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
That's a pretty archaic policy. Storage space is dirt cheap. Especially for Minecraft which, even for very large worlds is by no means a resource hog. I just bought a 2TB hard drive for my video and audio stuff and paid $80 and those are consumer prices for desktop PC hardware. How many complete Minecraft instances and worlds with mods, custom texture packs, and all the MystCraft ages a dozen middle-schoolers could generate in 3 months could I fit on that drive? A few hundred? Thousand? How much did this kind of word of mouth cost CreeperHost? More than it would have cost them to stuff the storage costs for 90 days or more. Bastids.

My current Direwolf20 instance is hitting about 2 gig atm, I'd imagine a serve running Ultimate with a large map and more Mystcraft Ages than I could probably double that. On your drive that would be about 200 or so of those.That said, screw storing the dame thing on the hard drive. Zip it up to compress it down a bit and burn it onto a writable DVD that costs a few cents each, and then put it in a file folder in a cabinet somewhere. Costs exactly 0 to maintain from that point onwards, frees up the space for a paying customer, and if the old customer comes back, restore it, if he doesn't dump the disk into recycling after a set period. Literally costs the company an hour or two to do, might cost them 25 cents.

As a last note, since I am an ex-server admin. Hard drives you'd use in your home PC are not equal to hard drives used in servers. There is a lot more redundancy built into server storage at the hardware level. Quite literally, you could take a hammer to at least a third to maybe just under a half of a server's hard drives, while the server was running, and, if properly set up, the server would not stop, and no data would be lost. You could then pull out all the damaged drives without turning off the server, plug in new ones, and the server would rebuild the data that was stored on the old drives onto the new ones automatically. The whole process would be almost invisible to the server's end users, outside of the server being a bit sluggish for a while. That level of resistance to failure is expensive. Probably 3 or 4 times the cost of a comparable sized home PC drive.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
dont know about you folks but rent around here you get an evction notice if your more then 3 days late. And that notice is a 24 hours to pay or leave notice.

Most of us live in the civilised part of the world where that kind of shit doesn't happen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, can I just make the point about the actual dates involved here?

My last invoice was generated on the 5th, and due on the 19th. By the terms here, that would make the last payment date the 24th. They give you 2 weeks to pay, then an extra 5 days if you happen to miss it for whatever reason. This is not a 5 days and out, it's a 19 days and out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Same deal as Bibble. I got my invoice notice 2 weeks in advance of it being due and could pay it then. No reason to be 5 days overdue unless you went on vacation for that long of a time and had zero access to tech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My current Direwolf20 instance is hitting about 2 gig atm, I'd imagine a serve running Ultimate with a large map and more Mystcraft Ages than I could probably double that. On your drive that would be about 200 or so of those.

5GB is roughly 50cents worth of hard drive space. Less as it was likely bought in bulk. Thats a one time cost (for several years anyway). Charge a $5 late fee after a 5 day grace. Archive for 6 months after if not paid. They start making money off people being late. They start seeing more people pay on time. They see more people actually stay with their service instead of absolutely securing a non-return consumer.

Or a hundred other ways this could be happened better to make them money in the process lol
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
5GB is roughly 50cents worth of hard drive space. Less as it was likely bought in bulk. Thats a one time cost (for several years anyway). Charge a $5 late fee after a 5 day grace. Archive for 6 months after if not paid. They start making money off people being late. They start seeing more people pay on time. They see more people actually stay with their service instead of absolutely securing a non-return consumer.

Or a hundred other ways this could be happened better to make them money in the process lol
That only works to an extent. The MC server stuff is typically marketed as relatively low cost to many people. The numbers here are the things that start to kill it. The more customers they archive, they have to pay for:
-Hard Drives
-Servers to put them in
-Redundancy for the above
-Space in the data centre
-The time for the techs to install the hardware, and the time for the devs to build the systems

And, what you are talking about is essentially spending this money for people who don't have the decency/urgency/organisation to pay a bill that they've had for over half a month. It rapidly gets to the stage of throwing good money after bad. The other factor that needs to be considered (and isn't, here), is the proportion of the non-payers that are actually genuine issues that would be sorted in days. If the proportion is as low as 50-50, then you are essentially letting those genuine people cost you double what they usually would, in order to retain their data. If it's closer to 1 customer in every 10 that would settle their bill in reasonable time, then the retention of data, using your figures, is costing $5, of actual money that they are getting back.
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