Whitelist Server [Simply Feeding Dat Beast] [Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Teamspeak] Looking for 10-12 people

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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Don't really like the name but oh well)
Knowledge of FTB: Played with mods on FTB and on my own packs, have a little experience with modding
Why I would like to join: I'm fed up with my stuff being griefed and also looking for a server to record on (maybe)
Cool builds: Diamond farm, redpower quarrys (can send pics)
Other: Like to learn from others, and help others
IGN: thomasbrsfrd​
Age:15 Years old​
Knowledge of FTB: I am experienced with most of the mods, I usually put together mods myself but I am beginning to understand Greg Tech​
Why would you like to join: I like to be on servers with other people who don't destroy everything you make​
Any cool builds(optional): I have made villager spawners and mystcraft ages just for bees in alvieries​
Other: I'm willing to help anyone in need :)
You guys should be able to join
Age: I am 24 yrs old.

Knowledge of FTB: I know too much about FTB ultimate packs :D

Why would you like to join: I am looking for a small community and 24/7 server that plans on staying up for more then a month. cause i can play ALOT.

Any cool builds(optional): I would suppose my pride and joy is a forcefield protected flying mobile base/warship.

Other: I have no more interest other then building logic builds now :D
Please provide your IGN


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age: 21

Knowledge of FTB: I've ran a mindcrack server for a while so i know my way around.

Why would you like to join: I'm looking for a decent server that doesn't shut down in a few weeks.
Furthermore I am looking for a fun community to hang out with that doesn't consist out of 12 year olds.

Any cool builds(optional):
I usually don't take screenshots of my builds so i have none to show.

I like playing with redstone and building intricate things.
I also work on bukkit mods in my free time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Age: 21

Knowledge of FTB: I've ran a mindcrack server for a while so i know my way around.

Why would you like to join: I'm looking for a decent server that doesn't shut down in a few weeks.
Furthermore I am looking for a fun community to hang out with that doesn't consist out of 12 year olds.

Any cool builds(optional):
I usually don't take screenshots of my builds so i have none to show.

I like playing with redstone and building intricate things.
I also work on bukkit mods in my free time.
Accepted! Hope to see you soon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: sabakugaara8

Age: 16

Knowledge of FTB: I've been playing FTB since it's release, but I had been playing a good amount of their mods on my own before it, and other modpacks such as tekkit/technic, had been released.

Why would you like to join: I've been looking for a good server to, actually, call home. Also, at some point, I wanna start making youtube videos for my youtube.

Any cool builds(optional): I'm not much of a builder, I'm more into mining and Computercraft stuff.

Other: Cool server! ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: sabakugaara8

Age: 16

Knowledge of FTB: I've been playing FTB since it's release, but I had been playing a good amount of their mods on my own before it, and other modpacks such as tekkit/technic, had been released.

Why would you like to join: I've been looking for a good server to, actually, call home. Also, at some point, I wanna start making youtube videos for my youtube.

Any cool builds(optional): I'm not much of a builder, I'm more into mining and Computercraft stuff.

Other: Cool server! ^^
Accepted! Hope to see you soon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: pkingmadman


Knowledge of FTB:Good at power and also can make some pretty awsome things such as Redstone,Power,armour,sorting

Why would you like to join: becuase i am currently a massive fan of FTB and i want to join and possibly record now and then and just enjoy really i know most of the general basics of FTB and hope to learn more

Any cool builds(optional): I Built a 3 chunk quarry and make it finish with a nuclear reactor in about under a hour it was awsome

Other: hope i get in and hope i can start recording and enjoy myself


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: pkingmadman


Knowledge of FTB:Good at power and also can make some pretty awsome things such as Redstone,Power,armour,sorting

Why would you like to join: becuase i am currently a massive fan of FTB and i want to join and possibly record now and then and just enjoy really i know most of the general basics of FTB and hope to learn more

Any cool builds(optional): I Built a 3 chunk quarry and make it finish with a nuclear reactor in about under a hour it was awsome

Other: hope i get in and hope i can start recording and enjoy myself
Accepted! Hope to see you soon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Knowledge of FTB: i have been playing for about 1 year and ftb is about a year old

Why would you like to join: so i can play in a nice ftb server not one full of people that will nuke me

Any cool builds(optional):not much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Knowledge of FTB: i have been playing for about 1 year and ftb is about a year old

Why would you like to join: so i can play in a nice ftb server not one full of people that will nuke me

Any cool builds(optional):not much.
Accepted! Hope to see you soon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: kpdoney1

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: I have played a good amount of tekkit and now ftb so i feel fairly confident in a majority of the mods.

Why would you like to join: Because this sounds like a nice and small community which would be a nice place to explore the feed the beast mod pack.

Any cool builds(optional): no screen shots on me at the moment


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: sccflame
Knowledge of FTB: ic2/redpower/thaumcraft
Why would you like to join: looking for a server to call home
Any cool builds(optional): i like to build with traps and secret contraptions when putting together my buildings its also why i'm looking for a server so i can build some type of adventure style raid. (thats the end goal though.

Other: I'm a prankster but nothing destructive like. also my fiance also plays with me would be great if she could also join me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: kpdoney1

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: I have played a good amount of tekkit and now ftb so i feel fairly confident in a majority of the mods.

Why would you like to join: Because this sounds like a nice and small community which would be a nice place to explore the feed the beast mod pack.

Any cool builds(optional): no screen shots on me at the moment
IGN: sccflame
Knowledge of FTB: ic2/redpower/thaumcraft
Why would you like to join: looking for a server to call home, also my fiance told me that there is no need for my style of play when its just he two of us

Any cool builds(optional): i like to build with traps and secret contraptions when putting together my buildings its also why i'm looking for a server so i can build some type of adventure style raid. (thats the end goal though.

Other: I'm a prankster but nothing destructive like. also my fiance also plays with me would be great if she could also join me.
Both accepted! Hope to see you guys soon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: MusicPlayer95

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: Medium-High. I've been playing on a Mindcrack Pack Server for a bit.

Why would you like to join: I want to get into a bunch of mods that aren't in Mindcrack, like EE3 and Mystcraft.

Any cool builds(optional): Plotted the Mindcrack server I play on and flattened them with turtles.

Other: I have been playing music for 7 years (guitar, bass, baritone, tuba), and I've been programming for a little over a year.