Whitelist Server [Simply Feeding Dat Beast] [Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Teamspeak] Looking for 10-12 people

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(Don't really like the name but oh well)
Knowledge of FTB: Played with mods on FTB and on my own packs, have a little experience with modding
Why I would like to join: I'm fed up with my stuff being griefed and also looking for a server to record on (maybe)
Cool builds: Diamond farm, redpower quarrys (can send pics)
Other: Like to learn from others, and help others
IGN: thomasbrsfrd​
Age:15 Years old​
Knowledge of FTB: I am experienced with most of the mods, I usually put together mods myself but I am beginning to understand Greg Tech​
Why would you like to join: I like to be on servers with other people who don't destroy everything you make​
Any cool builds(optional): I have made villager spawners and mystcraft ages just for bees in alvieries​
Other: I'm willing to help anyone in need :)
You guys should be able to join
Age: I am 24 yrs old.

Knowledge of FTB: I know too much about FTB ultimate packs :D

Why would you like to join: I am looking for a small community and 24/7 server that plans on staying up for more then a month. cause i can play ALOT.

Any cool builds(optional): I would suppose my pride and joy is a forcefield protected flying mobile base/warship.

Other: I have no more interest other then building logic builds now :D
Please provide your IGN

Age: 21

Knowledge of FTB: I've ran a mindcrack server for a while so i know my way around.

Why would you like to join: I'm looking for a decent server that doesn't shut down in a few weeks.
Furthermore I am looking for a fun community to hang out with that doesn't consist out of 12 year olds.

Any cool builds(optional):
I usually don't take screenshots of my builds so i have none to show.

I like playing with redstone and building intricate things.
I also work on bukkit mods in my free time.

Age: 21

Knowledge of FTB: I've ran a mindcrack server for a while so i know my way around.

Why would you like to join: I'm looking for a decent server that doesn't shut down in a few weeks.
Furthermore I am looking for a fun community to hang out with that doesn't consist out of 12 year olds.

Any cool builds(optional):
I usually don't take screenshots of my builds so i have none to show.

I like playing with redstone and building intricate things.
I also work on bukkit mods in my free time.
Accepted! Hope to see you soon
IGN: sabakugaara8

Age: 16

Knowledge of FTB: I've been playing FTB since it's release, but I had been playing a good amount of their mods on my own before it, and other modpacks such as tekkit/technic, had been released.

Why would you like to join: I've been looking for a good server to, actually, call home. Also, at some point, I wanna start making youtube videos for my youtube.

Any cool builds(optional): I'm not much of a builder, I'm more into mining and Computercraft stuff.

Other: Cool server! ^^
IGN: sabakugaara8

Age: 16

Knowledge of FTB: I've been playing FTB since it's release, but I had been playing a good amount of their mods on my own before it, and other modpacks such as tekkit/technic, had been released.

Why would you like to join: I've been looking for a good server to, actually, call home. Also, at some point, I wanna start making youtube videos for my youtube.

Any cool builds(optional): I'm not much of a builder, I'm more into mining and Computercraft stuff.

Other: Cool server! ^^
Accepted! Hope to see you soon
IGN: pkingmadman


Knowledge of FTB:Good at power and also can make some pretty awsome things such as Redstone,Power,armour,sorting

Why would you like to join: becuase i am currently a massive fan of FTB and i want to join and possibly record now and then and just enjoy really i know most of the general basics of FTB and hope to learn more

Any cool builds(optional): I Built a 3 chunk quarry and make it finish with a nuclear reactor in about under a hour it was awsome

Other: hope i get in and hope i can start recording and enjoy myself
IGN: pkingmadman


Knowledge of FTB:Good at power and also can make some pretty awsome things such as Redstone,Power,armour,sorting

Why would you like to join: becuase i am currently a massive fan of FTB and i want to join and possibly record now and then and just enjoy really i know most of the general basics of FTB and hope to learn more

Any cool builds(optional): I Built a 3 chunk quarry and make it finish with a nuclear reactor in about under a hour it was awsome

Other: hope i get in and hope i can start recording and enjoy myself
Accepted! Hope to see you soon


Knowledge of FTB: i have been playing for about 1 year and ftb is about a year old

Why would you like to join: so i can play in a nice ftb server not one full of people that will nuke me

Any cool builds(optional):not much.


Knowledge of FTB: i have been playing for about 1 year and ftb is about a year old

Why would you like to join: so i can play in a nice ftb server not one full of people that will nuke me

Any cool builds(optional):not much.
Accepted! Hope to see you soon
IGN: kpdoney1

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: I have played a good amount of tekkit and now ftb so i feel fairly confident in a majority of the mods.

Why would you like to join: Because this sounds like a nice and small community which would be a nice place to explore the feed the beast mod pack.

Any cool builds(optional): no screen shots on me at the moment
IGN: sccflame
Knowledge of FTB: ic2/redpower/thaumcraft
Why would you like to join: looking for a server to call home
Any cool builds(optional): i like to build with traps and secret contraptions when putting together my buildings its also why i'm looking for a server so i can build some type of adventure style raid. (thats the end goal though.

Other: I'm a prankster but nothing destructive like. also my fiance also plays with me would be great if she could also join me.
IGN: kpdoney1

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: I have played a good amount of tekkit and now ftb so i feel fairly confident in a majority of the mods.

Why would you like to join: Because this sounds like a nice and small community which would be a nice place to explore the feed the beast mod pack.

Any cool builds(optional): no screen shots on me at the moment
IGN: sccflame
Knowledge of FTB: ic2/redpower/thaumcraft
Why would you like to join: looking for a server to call home, also my fiance told me that there is no need for my style of play when its just he two of us

Any cool builds(optional): i like to build with traps and secret contraptions when putting together my buildings its also why i'm looking for a server so i can build some type of adventure style raid. (thats the end goal though.

Other: I'm a prankster but nothing destructive like. also my fiance also plays with me would be great if she could also join me.
Both accepted! Hope to see you guys soon
IGN: MusicPlayer95

Age: 17

Knowledge of FTB: Medium-High. I've been playing on a Mindcrack Pack Server for a bit.

Why would you like to join: I want to get into a bunch of mods that aren't in Mindcrack, like EE3 and Mystcraft.

Any cool builds(optional): Plotted the Mindcrack server I play on and flattened them with turtles.

Other: I have been playing music for 7 years (guitar, bass, baritone, tuba), and I've been programming for a little over a year.