For those of you wondering about hungry nodes. I created a test map and made a hungry node to try a few things out.
First yeah over land they are very obvus when you find one it does tare up the ground around it. Also while it only eats blocks about 8 form it it will start to pull on you at around 12 blocks. A few things I figured out as to how to escape. Yes you can use ender pearls. But be for warned it will sometimes toss you in such a way that after you TP you die from 'falling' its random a stack of 16 I died 'falling' 4 times so odds are in your favor if you keep pearls on your hot bar. But also realize there is flight time so if you arc it to high you might die before you TP. Also I found another trick though risky if you have blocks of any sort on your hot bar you can place one on the node. Getting slammed into this block will some times send you flying in arc landing (and dieing) away from the node. While it does not save you most of the time I laned far enough away to collect items safely.
Also be warned Hungry can show up on any node type so there is no sure fire way to know. The node will have a specail FX around it like the bright nodes but more like a ring. One way to be sure is to ease up on a node (not easy to do if your ocean farming) or if you suspect a node throw some blocks at it.
Note: It can be any color and compounds with some other node types.
hungry by
Saice, on Flickr