sg's RPs of Awesomeness! :D


Jul 31, 2013
*The streets are empty, so is the bar except that Jiphulor seems to have been waiting for her*
I'm sorry for what happened. For most what comes now will be cheerful, for you it will be full of grief. Thanks to Morte the second stage begins, I fear Luma is not the only one you will never see again.


Jul 31, 2013
Morte. It won't be long now before you are free, but it will be without Luma or Morte. I'm sorry that it came too late.


Jul 31, 2013
He didn't get infected. Don't you notice how empty it is? Morte caused that. You and the rest that had to fight where not the only one that didn't like this place, and thanks to Morte and a few others those that run this place will loose control. However for Morte it came at a cost, his life and he can't be revived.
For now there is nothing you need to do, except stay ready to break some glass. A few humans who only became guards for this moment will be there when its needed but a lot of people need to be get freed so you might be at your own.
Let me explain better how everything works here and what will happen.
Everyone you met here that will need to fight is just a clone of the real one this includes yourself. Everyones mind is connected to the clones, making it look like this is your real body however the real body's are stored in vats together with some sort of water and chemicals.
Soon the link between the body you think you are in right now and your real body will be broken and you will gain control over your real body once again when this happens you should not panic and don't think about breathing through your mouth or nose, as there is only water in the vats.
You will be naked in the vat with tubes going inside you, they provide air and a few other things. Leave those alone or you will drown or worse and at this point you can't be revived anymore so be careful. The water will hurt your eyes if you open them but its the only way that those that are outside the vat will know that you are awake so keep them open at all cost, it won't cause permanent damage. If there is no one you could try and break the glass yourself but don't be surprised if it won't work as it is very strong glass. If it doesn't work you should give up, if you break a bone you might not make it out alive.


Jul 31, 2013
*Shadia faints and awakes in a vat, at least 4 things go inside her, one in her throat, probably for oxygen, on in her stomach, probably for food and the other 2 are probably for poop and pee. The room the vat is in is dark, or at least it looks like that from inside the vat. The liquid in the vat is cold. Luckily it doesn't take long for Shadia to have the glass removed. She now only needs to wait for the things that go inside her are safely removed so she won't bleed to death, however the one that destroyed the glass can't do that.
Now that the glass is gone she hears and see people, most yell names they probably try and find friends. She can't see far enough to see the walls of the room she is now in, and its filled with vats that are either broken or ones that are undamaged and still have beings inside, there is almost not enough room to walk between them and the floor is covered with broken glass and blood from those that had to walk through it without shoes, something she will probably also need to do. Shadia then hears Luzad yell her name, it sounds close by*
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Jul 31, 2013
*After a short time Shadia feels a hand on her shoulder from behind her, its Luzad's hand no doubt about that.Luzad walks in front of Shadia *
Are you alright?
*Before Shadia can answer Luzad he tries to get the attention from someone else, Shadia can't see who as that person is somewhere behind her.
It doesn't take long for another person talks to her, the person stays behind her but she sort of knows who it is. It is a former guard, the one that everyone found creepy to say the least.*
/creepy guard - Shadia
Now, stay still for a moment. I will remove those pipes going inside you. The one at your back for your poop is considered the least painful so lets start with that one so you can prepare yourself for the real thing.
*The guard takes the pipe and sets one hand on Shadia's back*
/Creepy guard -Shadia
I know that I'm not the most loved one but I need to push you back when I pull on this thing. If you want my hand somewhere else you are always free to say so. If you are ready then I will begin with removing this thing.


Jul 31, 2013
//school, and I can't make long posts right now, so sorry won't be able to work on the rp today (screen is even visible for the teacher >_<)