School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yh the last two spoilers in the op be broken! Can't wait to find out how I'm going to e contained. Also I have some edits of my char.
Personality:brave fun excitable some may call him a player
How he got here: it took many attempts to capture him as he stunned all the agents trying to get him he severely resisted


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: I just lay around carving drawings in the walls with the shadows, but they just dissipate, leaving nothing but the defensive sigils that were already there. At that moment, I get an idea.

I think hard about the shadows forming into the shape of a pickaxe. The shadows curling around my hand do likewise. 'Amazing,' I breathe. Every day I do something new with the shadows.

The pick is rather heavy, but I can just about lift it. I swing it at the wall, and the sigils carved into the walls glow a bright blue. The second my shadow pick hits the wall, it dissolves, the shadows return to the room, and I get thrown backwards into the opposite wall. I taste blood and notice a tooth lying on the floor.

In anger, I throw a shadow at the light above me. I hear a loud bang, sparks fly, shards of glass rain down on me. Darkness floods my vision. It's beautiful...

A tingling sensation suddenly appears in my abdomen. Tingling turns to tickling, tickling turns to twisting, twisting turns to aching, aching turns to burning. I cry out as the sensation spreads to my legs, my arms, my head. My brain burns, so painful, so awful. I just want to crawl into a hole and die. I feel my consciousness slipping away... So tired... Mmm... Zzzzzzz.....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: 23:37, Tuesday 17th May, 2026

I wake up on a stone slab. My arms and legs are strapped down. I look at my sleeve and see that the black stone is gone. 'Shit,' I say to myself. No shadows for me.
The room is dim, with pure white walls, shelves stacked with different sharp things. Hedge cutters, rapiers, daggers, scalpels, the works.

I hear a voice from behind me, saying 'you've been a bad boy, Felix. And bad boys need discipline'.

I see the flash of a blade, before a sharp pain shoots through me and I go unconscious yet again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooc really need to know how I'm gonna be contained.
(Later when he devoleps his powers maybe be able to enter a electric device and flow through it.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't quote on iPod but dsag I meant ooc. Cool if we are in the uk!

Do not worry about it, but it's DGDAS.

Also, this was it.
I just woke up. I'm not in my cell. I'm in an airplane and there are 10 guys around me. I don't know where I'm heading. I can barely see a window. And there, I just see the sea. I think I'm heading to america...(OOC:Yup, I just made up we're in England)I've never been there. I hope it's c o o l . . .

I waking up again. I'm tired of fading. It's just not cool! I can now see land. I see big buildings, sky-scrappers, farms arounddthe city and even a bit of sea or a river, I can't tell. I think I'm in Chicago, in the south of America(OOC:I know where chicago is). I'm about to land, I think.

-"Please prepare yoyrself, we are about to land in New York city JFK Airport."

So after all we are comming to Hawai...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2004's containment procedure:
2004 is to be kept in 2003 in the cell adjacent to the heart of the prison so that there will be no dead bodies for resurrection. He is only to be removed during testing or if his behavior is of a manageable level.

2005's containment procedure:
2005 is to kept in a rubber coated cell to prevent conduction. Past the rubber will be inch thick tungsten walls, and is to have no electronic devices brought near him with the exception of experiments or class 5 personal.

2006's containment procedure:
A cell made of pure Osmium precisely 1 mile below the ground. The dimensions of the cell are to be fifty feet by fifty feet by twelve feet. The cell should then weigh enough that 2006 cannot telepathically move any part of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 39987
Applicants: 2006 and a decommissioned anomaly of it's choosing.
Experiment: 2006 is to attempt to raise a decommissioned anomaly from the dead, and then kill it again.
Status: Approved.

Experiment 39989:
Applicants: 2005
Experiment: 2005 is going to be subject to a test to determine if his positive and negative personalities are just that, or two seperate individuals. This will be done by asking questions of the positive half, waiting for the negative half to come out, and then asking the same questions of it.
Status: Approved

Decommissioned anomalies:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 39989:
Applicants: 2005
Experiment: 2005 is going to be subject to a test to determine if his positive and negative personalities are just that, or two seperate individuals. This will be done by asking questions of the positive half, waiting for the negative half to come out, and then asking the same questions of it.
Status: Approved

Where am i? *he is i a dark room full of rubber*
Whats going on!
Let me out!
*a voice from a sealed box of rubber comes down*
How do you feel? (ooc to establish how he is)
Angry annoyed! I want out of here!!!
*"what do you want to do?"*
Hurt whoever you are and make sure you let me out of this place!
(dont know what questions to ask)
"take him to his holding cell make sure you stay away from sockets"
what i wont go an- whats that purple stuff comin- zzz


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 39987
Applicants: 2006 and a decommissioned anomaly of it's choosing.
Experiment: 2006 is to attempt to raise a decommissioned anomaly from the dead, and then kill it again.
Status: Approved.

OOC: In 39987, are you sure you don't mean me? 2004?

Experiment 39989:
Applicants: 2005
Experiment: 2005 is going to be subject to a test to determine if his positive and negative personalities are just that, or two seperate individuals. This will be done by asking questions of the positive half, waiting for the negative half to come out, and then asking the same questions of it.
Status: Approved

Decommissioned anomalies: