Hi, I'm looking for some people to play on my Direwolf20 server. It'll be using version 5.3.2. It will be on 24 Hours a day, unless maintenance is needed (which will be scheduled ahead of time). It will be a survival server on normal difficulty. The server has 8 GB of Ram, We're only using four at the moment though, we'll up it if we need to. The Processor is a 3.4GHz quad-core, and we're using a 60 Gb SSD.
We're looking for people who are proficient in the game, as in, you know the basics of thaum, ic2, redpower, buildcraft, and what not. We plan to run a more technical server, so to speak, where the focus is on making awesome stuff with complicated machinery (and computers).
There isn't anything banned on the server at the moment. However, that is subject to change if we have any problems.. Which I sincerely hope we don't, hence this being a white-listed server. Also, we have a teamspeak, and we will tell anyone that makes it in the ip, because it is the same ip as the server.. anyhow, here are the rules:
1. No Griefing
2. Try Not To Be A Dick
3. No Spamming Chat
4. Don't Ask For Items
5. Don't Ask To Be Admin
6. I'm Not Saying We Won't Help You, But If You Don't Know How Something Works, Try The Wiki First, It Looks Better For You..
So, applications. We don't really care what time zone you're from(though, we are looking for a few people in different time zones than us(Don't feel like saying what time zone we're in)), so long as you can speak English. We, the Admins, will not be on at all times, and we hope to find people we can trust when we're offline. Eventually, we may ask someone on the server to Admin as well, Who knows. So, To apply:
1. Your IGN.
2. How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft.
3. How Long Have You Been Playing Direwolf20.
4. Favorite Mod And Why.
5. How Often Do You Play?
6. What Time Zone Are You In?
7. Age (16+ Preferable, But Not Mandatory).
8. Why Should We Whitelist You?
-Bonus Points-
9. What Is The Air Speed Velocity Of A Swallow(Or IS It An African Swallow)?
10 How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?
The last two were just for fun, but feel free to answer them, they will probably make me like you better. Anyway, Just fill that out, post it below, and we'll get back to you. If you sound like a cool cucumber, I'll message you . Thanks For Playing
Hi, I'm looking for some people to play on my Direwolf20 server. It'll be using version 5.3.2. It will be on 24 Hours a day, unless maintenance is needed (which will be scheduled ahead of time). It will be a survival server on normal difficulty. The server has 8 GB of Ram, We're only using four at the moment though, we'll up it if we need to. The Processor is a 3.4GHz quad-core, and we're using a 60 Gb SSD.
We're looking for people who are proficient in the game, as in, you know the basics of thaum, ic2, redpower, buildcraft, and what not. We plan to run a more technical server, so to speak, where the focus is on making awesome stuff with complicated machinery (and computers).
There isn't anything banned on the server at the moment. However, that is subject to change if we have any problems.. Which I sincerely hope we don't, hence this being a white-listed server. Also, we have a teamspeak, and we will tell anyone that makes it in the ip, because it is the same ip as the server.. anyhow, here are the rules:
1. No Griefing
2. Try Not To Be A Dick
3. No Spamming Chat
4. Don't Ask For Items
5. Don't Ask To Be Admin
6. I'm Not Saying We Won't Help You, But If You Don't Know How Something Works, Try The Wiki First, It Looks Better For You..
So, applications. We don't really care what time zone you're from(though, we are looking for a few people in different time zones than us(Don't feel like saying what time zone we're in)), so long as you can speak English. We, the Admins, will not be on at all times, and we hope to find people we can trust when we're offline. Eventually, we may ask someone on the server to Admin as well, Who knows. So, To apply:
1. Your IGN.
2. How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft.
3. How Long Have You Been Playing Direwolf20.
4. Favorite Mod And Why.
5. How Often Do You Play?
6. What Time Zone Are You In?
7. Age (16+ Preferable, But Not Mandatory).
8. Why Should We Whitelist You?
-Bonus Points-
9. What Is The Air Speed Velocity Of A Swallow(Or IS It An African Swallow)?
10 How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?
The last two were just for fun, but feel free to answer them, they will probably make me like you better. Anyway, Just fill that out, post it below, and we'll get back to you. If you sound like a cool cucumber, I'll message you . Thanks For Playing