Had to take a bit of time out from the abyssal base to upgrade my IC2 power. Specially since I intend to send some of it over to the abyssal base, use it to power the Quantum Network bridges and possibly move my entire ME network over to it in the future(it is atm running on RF).
Made a nice little spot for my Dragon Egg Energy Syphon:
It is basically just one block with an egg on top setup, but thought that was a bit cheap. So made it a bit more special and gave it a location where it can be seen.
I have now built up a decent stockpile of plutonium from the Uranium reactors so thought it was about time to make some MOX-fuel reactors:
Made 4 of them using the second 4 chamber setup from this source:
It gives a decent output at a good efficiency.
I am only running them at a temperature of 6960 (just under 70% max hull temperature) to avoid radiation damage. Gets a little hairy being near with 4 of them otherwise.
Small side note: apparently carpenter's blocks applied with stone is still flammable

They burned in near proximity of the reactors.
As usual I prefer to have control of my power production and transmission:
The reactors(Uranium and MOX) are toggled by Range Triggers(not shown) to keep each their set of MFSU to the right charged. The Range Triggers to the right will then trigger the output of the MFSUs when either the Main base supply or the IDSU drops below set thresholds. Atm I have it set to that the Uranium reactors will output power first and only if they cannot keep up will the MOX reactors kick in. The purple cable is the input from the Dragon Egg Syphon.
I am contemplating setting up some Lightning Rods to give some further passive power production(it seems to rain and thunder a lot) and maybe also do a bit of Hybrid solars(though it always seems a bit boring, it is very PC friendly I guess).
Back at the Abyssal base I have now managed to get the basic necessities set up:
In this "Land lines" room there is now connection to both EU, RF and ME network back at main base. It is of course all wireless, but I might dress it up later both inside and outside to make it appear like there is actual cables/pipes connecting the base with the mainland.