Havent been updating a lot lately because I have been pulling my hairs out trying to do some CC Thaumcraft automation. What I wanted was like so many others an easy way of getting an overview of your Essentia and ordering more to be cooked up.
I have been looking for inspiration/stealing code from other successful attempts at this, but kept running into the same damn problem. They all rely on the TT Aspectalyzer, which for some reason simply will not work for me(doesnt seem to have any of the openperipheral methods that it is supposed to). So ended up giving up on that completely after days of trying to fix it, and instead purely use CC to monitor my Essentia storage(list what is in Warded Jars). I have another plan in mind on how to order Essentia from Mana beans using a ME subnetwork.
So here is some of the work that I have done so far:
Made the Infusion altar stand on its own little pillar(watch your step!):
I want to decorate the chasm below somehow, just not sure how yet. The Fire shards is just a trial, but if I can incorporate them somehow, then all the better.
Little crafting area with a view:
CC monitor displaying Essentia status:
I stole the code snippet partly from DW20's script, then modified it to actually make it work on the newer mod versions, updated it to allow for <64 of each essentia, incorporate the extra essentias from addons and made it count empty jars as well. It is not touch screen anymore, simply an information screen(really didnt need to be Advanced monitors now, but made them before I discovered the bugged Aspectalyzer).
The ME access terminal, which is connected to a subnetwork, I plan to use to order Essentia. I will do this by making Patterns for each type of Mana bean and use ME interfaces to export them as crafting jobs. I can then easily search for specific essentia, see how many beans I have and queue as many beans/essentia I want, all with the ME Access terminal GUI. It is not perfect but it will do.
View of the Essentia storage room:
I relocated the jars further away from the Infusion Alter and completely encased it. This will hopefully allow for better golem pathing with minimum clutter around. Just hope the golems will understand the Carpenter's blocks(still untested

I will use Essentia Mirrors to bring the Essentia from the jars to the Infusion altar(and any other places that needs it).
Right now I am a bit at a standstill. All this is practically still untested due to the fact that I don't have a Mana Bean farm yet

I simply cannot decide where to place it. And due to the fact that I don't have access to a magical biome, I am going to have to create it with Silverwood saplings, so I want to get the location right the first time!
So I think I am actually having to divert for a while to do some landscaping down below the foot of the mountain to see if I can create some nice looking farm plots:
Also probably demolish the starter home and make it into a proper bunker entrance(heavy doors etc.) to the complex in the hills.[DOUBLEPOST=1414784723][/DOUBLEPOST]Making some golems with the new setup:
Golems deployed:
If you are wondering about the small holes, they kept jumping and spinning when coming back to the furnace. Turned out all they wanted was a small hole to hide in.
Pathing over the Carpenter's blocks seems perfectly fine, if a bit rigid. Might want to increase the Carpenter's smoothness config factor a bit for smoother slopes(default is same as normal stairs).
Also set up the ME subnetwork to automatically distribute any items other than Mana Beans into the furnaces(beans need crafting queue). So I can burn up items into essentia from the outside just by dumping them into the ME subnetwork.