RFTools - Support and Suggestions

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I really like the gloominess of this dimension. The red flowers don't help to cheer it up at all :-)

Custom Skybox textures (I assumed)? Sweet

Or is it a procedurally generated texture? If so, any options to change resolution? (I use 64x textures, so that sort of effect would really look out of place)
Custom Skybox textures (I assumed)? Sweet

Or is it a procedurally generated texture? If so, any options to change resolution? (I use 64x textures, so that sort of effect would really look out of place)

I'm hoping to find a way to actually generate it dynamically using OpenGL so that it even animates but I haven't found an algorithm for that yet.

For now it is just a 128x128 skybox texture.
I'm hoping to find a way to actually generate it dynamically using OpenGL so that it even animates but I haven't found an algorithm for that yet.

For now it is just a 128x128 skybox texture.
Ambitious, but given that this is Minecraft, might be bit of a performance hog?
Ambitious, but given that this is Minecraft, might be bit of a performance hog?

OpenGL is OpenGL. Doesn't matter that it is done in Minecraft. An animated skybox using OpenGL should not be that impacting on performance provided the OpenGL isn't excessive.
Just what.

I think it would be neat of the skybox textures depended on where the player is in the world, such that it animates as you move. If you could make the color of any given pixel in the skybox depend only on where that pixel is actually located when rendered (figure that location out somehow, and plug it into a 3D Perlin noise generator (ideally, the very one that Minecraft uses for terrain gen, if it still even exists after the Beta 1.8 terrain gen changes)), then it would sort of look like you were moving through some substance as you move. If you walked Northward, say, the top, bottom, east, and west textures would appear to slide southward, right along with all the terrain around you.

Also, Mystcraft somehow manages to get world-specific grass and foliage colors to work. No clue how, but it certainly can be done.
If you end up with skybox textures, are they designed for a different image for each side of the box, or just the same texture texture on each face?
If you end up with skybox textures, are they designed for a different image for each side of the box, or just the same texture texture on each face?

At the moment it is a single image but I can use different images too. There are lots of possibilities. Including different skyboxes with several transparent layers where they rotate independently from each other (that's how one can do celestial bodies for example, which is on my todo).
Huh. So the skybox is actually a box. I... just never knew.

If you do make celestial bodies, any plans for ones that aren't suns, moons, or stars? I suddenly want to make a dimension that's a moon orbiting around a much larger planet. Since it's a moon, it's probably tidally locket to the planet, meaning that the planet wouldn't actually appear to move (but would have phases), and the day/night cycle would be a month long. With occasional blackouts due to eclipses, of course.

And then I would make another dimension with sky and fog the same color as the planet seen from the moon dimension and a moon the same color as the ground cover in the other dimension.

Hmm... Would it be possible to change the density of the fog, similar to how the really short rendering distances do it? Also, really high/low gravity (which could be approximated in a pinch by giving all entities a jump boost buff or an anti-jump boost debuff in a pinch, although it wouldn't be quite realistic, since you'd still fall at the same rate... hmm... maybe add your own slowfall buff? But the potion particles would still be annoying. Hmm.) would be cool.

I now suddenly want to create another dimension with a glacial biome, low gravity, lakes of Gelid Cryotheum (because it's the closest I'll get to liquid methane), and orange sky and fog, and call it Titan. I guess actually having it be permanently −179.2 °C with an atmosphere made of nitrogen, methane, and some other gases might be a little beyond the scope of your mod, but still.
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I'm just starting to work on celestial bodies and I can basically add anything I want. So yes, I'm going to see if I can find nice things to add here.

One of the things I'm dreaming about is to make an RFTools dimension representing space. Where you orbit around the earth or another planet, no gravity, bright stars, ... It will be done :-)
Wait a second... Would it be possible to have a dimension filled with asteroids or something that actually have (quasi-)realistic gravity? Maybe there's some sort of block at the center that attracts entities to it (with a force proportional to the distance to the entity if that entity is inside the asteroid, and decreasing proportional to the square of the distance if the entities are outside- so the force is strongest at the surface), so if you got a running start and jumped off a ramp, you could actually orbit around the asteroid.

Might be impossible to code, though. For it to look/work right, mobs and players would need to rotate so that their feet face toward the center block. I'm not sure if Minecraft entities can even do that.
Sounds complicated yes.

Anyway I have a question. When adding multiple celestial bodies to RFTools, should I make them as blocky as the default Minecraft sun and moon or try to find better textures?
I'd say have the pixels in the celestial bodies be the same size as the pixels. Therefore, extra mundane suns and moons would look like (if not be identical to) the vanilla ones, but something like Jupiter as seen from Io would be much bigger, and therefore higher-res.
I feel that all of you are still depressed from the gloomy pictures yesterday. So here are colors to cheer you up. Works well doesn't it? Right? No?


Summary: I added support for colored stained glass and colored clay. Wasn't as easy as I had hoped though.
Sounds complicated yes.

Anyway I have a question. When adding multiple celestial bodies to RFTools, should I make them as blocky as the default Minecraft sun and moon or try to find better textures?
I'd say make them blocky, as it is minecraft. If people want different, then that's down to texture packs. (I know I'd replace the textures anyway in my personal texturepack).

Some amazing developments taking place here, and at a very fast rate!
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Any way to stop the stars shining through the textures?

With all these recent additons, a random dim is going to be really interesting.
Any way to stop the stars shining through the textures?

With all these recent additons, a random dim is going to be really interesting.

Well apparently they shine through the MC textures too. I can't avoid that the way the celestial bodies are currently blended with the sky as these textures don't have transparency. But perhaps with other textures it might be possible.
Well apparently they shine through the MC textures too. I can't avoid that the way the celestial bodies are currently blended with the sky as these textures don't have transparency. But perhaps with other textures it might be possible.
Ah, ok. I've never noticed, might be due to the texture pack i'm using making it unnoticable (plus, I'm usually indoors at night, and not sky gazing in a swarm of zombies/skeletons/creepers)