RFTools - Support and Suggestions

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I just found out there is a reason the nether only goes to 128. I already found that my cavern world is rather slow. Apparently MC is not optimized well for chunks that go from the absolute bottom to the absolute top. I also discovered in the grid world you see above. I initially generated that grid from 0 to 256 and it was very very slow. Now I limited it to 128 and it is much better.

I'm hesitating on what to do with the cavern world. In the current 2.12 version is also generates up to 256 which makes for a relatively slow chunk generation. It is doable but on slower computers it might be a bit laggy generating new chunks.

If I change this now it will break compatibility with already generated worlds where caverns were used. i.e. there will be weird chunk borders where old and new generation touches.

I can make this optional and let 256 be the default. That way people can set it to 128 if they have problems with performance?

Well, we already know with 1.7 performance stinks compared to previous versions, and you need a good computer for a modpack (so that will eliminate the worst of the low spec PCs out there).
If you can have a config file to limit the more intensive world types to 128 instead of 256, that would work. You'll have to ensure that a warning is placed clearly on the mod description and that there is a config that will help.

Maybe limit these world types to be disabled by default, so only people who actually edit the configs will be aware of the potential issues and that testing is required to check they perform suitably.

Just trying to think from the perspective of the average joe minecraft player (and it's painful)
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Perhaps the best solution would be, in addition to the 128/256 config option, to classify the caveworld and gridworld dimlets as "heavy" in the same way you already do with glass- i.e. they won't show up in random dimensions, but you can still get the dimlets from the scrambler/researcher/dungeons.
I'd much rather they be possible random generation that defaults to 128 high, with an option for 256 in the configs. The discovery of strange worlds is one of the things I really like about the dimensions this mod generates, so I'd prefer more variety always.
Why can't I resist adding new features. Orbs filled with liquid redstone!

Ok, I think I have a solution for the too-high cavern problem.

First I'm going to make the current cavern worldtype private. That means it can no longer be gotten during any means but existing worlds that use it will keep on working at full 256 height. If you show the dimension information you will see something like 'Terrain: Old Cavern'.

Then I'm going to add a new 'Cavern' type which will replace the current one. This will be configurable. The default height will be 128 but if you want you can get full 256 height caverns by changing the config. I'm also checking if I can allow variable height (i.e. 192, whatever).

So I think that's the best of both worlds: existing worlds will work as they do now, by default new worlds will have good performance and if people want they can go back to the full glorious caverns.

Edit: btw. An interesting thing with the half-height caverns is that I didn't fill the top with bedrock so you can easily go above the 128. In fact, mobs spawn there. Dimlet dungeons are there so you probably want to go there :-)
Well that will happen automatically if they are made out of stone. But yes, having orbs filled with other types of stuff is an interesting idea. I'll see what I can do.
I know I'm being a pain in the ass, but would it be possible to add an asteroid field?
I just added support for filtered biome controllers. With these dimlets you be able to control what kind of biomes your world will have. This works by just using the standard biome generation and then applying a filter on the generated biomes. This filter tries to be as smart as possible as finding a replacement. An example:

Say you have a dimension using the 'Cold' biome controller. The biome selection code from MC returns a 'River' biome which isn't cold enough. RFTools will find a biome that fits this biome best but with a cold temperature. So you will get 'Frozen River' instead.

This works also with biomes added from mods that add new biomes (BoP and so on). The nice thing about this approach is that the generated world looks very natural (i.e. the biomes are not just randomly selected but follow the same pattern as they do in the overworld).

Here is a small gallery with four examples of this:
