Regarding Private Modpacks

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Clarifying: To send a request for a private mod pack code, do you submit your request after you receive confirmation of approval for use?
Your pack submission should include a text file with modlist/permissions, just include it there. The actual code can really be anything. Obviously it shouldn't conflict with another private packs code, but the chances of that are slim.
So I'm working on a mod pack for a small private server I'm starting up soon, and I want to get the mod pack into the FTB launcher, but I'm incredibly lost as to what to do.

I have all but one of the permissions (SeNtiMeL has yet to respond to my request, but it's only been three days. He's only human, and I shouldn't expect an answer five minutes after sending the request.) so I'm starting to put everything together to send once I receive confirmation, but I am completely lost as to what I need to include and how to get it added to the launcher.

I have read through these threads multiple times, and honestly, they don't really clarify much. If anything, they make things more difficult.

So I figured I'd post here for help and see what I get.

First off, I'll list what i think I need (using information from the second link) to make sure I don't miss anything or send unnecessary junk for the FTB team to sift through.

-Permissions for all mods included in the mod pack
I have been using this document someone put together to make this process easier, and in fact, this document cut out permissions for about 35 mods in my pack. If you are making a FTB private mod pack, I highly recommend using this.
Should I copy the links to individual permissions and provide those, plus the mods not listed/require authors' consent? Would a simple quote suffice, or would a screenshot be necessary? or would I need to link to the page to prove it wasn't Photoshopped?

-Splash Image and Icon
I assume I need this, and that it doesn't need to be terribly fancy. am I wrong? Any specific file type (.jpg .png etc.)?

-Text document including mod list, my name, mod pack name
Seems fairly straightforward. .txt file I assume?

"Short description of the mod pack. HTML code can be used after the first 60 characters"
what exactly does she mean by that last part about HTML code?

"A location where all relevant permissions for the mod pack are displayed."
Does this mean a URL for a document of some sort containing all the permissions, like in the above-mentioned Google Doc?

-"The mod pack download should be a clean MultiMC instance with the relevant mods included. The ONLY folders this should contain is "Instmods" and the "Minecraft" folder, which contains "Mods", "Coremods" and "Config", unless other files are required to make the mod pack work. (Please include a short comment explaining any extra required files.) YOU SHOULD NOT INCLUDE ANY COPY OF THE MINECRAFT JAR."

I haven't used MultiMC much, but does this mean a config pack or an actual instance with the minecraft.jar file deleted from it?

I am a bit confused by this, since it seems more for the public packs. Allowing the general public to access the above-mentioned files would go against the concept of a Private Pack, so do I PM a relevant moderator or go through with posting an entire thread for my private mod pack?
Some of the questions I had for the requirements are definitely nit-picky, but i do hope this all gets cleared up soon. I love the launcher, and I'm impressed with what you guys do. Keep it up!
So is there any saying on how updating the modpack goes? Because I sent mine in for review and realized a couple of new updates were pushed from Thaumcraft and greg tech. :L
Nuclear Control has given open permission for private modpacks
Shedar said:
Actually New BSD license allows to redistribute Nuclear Control without asking

But if you want a confirmation, then yes, you may use it in your modpack.
Im in the same boat as delicateglow and wondering how updating the already implemented pack is going to be managed?

I have got almost all permissions for mods I would like to implement in a pack and im in the testing stages to make sure it works on the server.

I would like to be able to keep my server updated but would like to know how to do so with the private pack code feature.

Thanks in advance.
Likewise, SeNtiMeL has given open permission for private modpacks for all his mods, including Gravitation Suite and Advanced Solar Panels.
Oh god yes. Thank you! This is one of the mods I wanted to include but decided to send my pack without it.
Anyways, I don't want to continuously re-pm the Mod Pack team things like this "Oh I forgot to include the updated thaumcraft, here's the new pack"
-few hours later-
"Oh I can put Advanced Solar Panels and Gravi Suite now. Here's a new link to the pack"
Simple because I'd feel like I'm pestering the hell out of you guys, which I don't intend to do
having some non-technical persons on our server, any mods not included in the dw20 pack will be shared on our dropbox and then they are asked to add them via the FTBlauncher.
From what i can read, that's "not allowed" but i cant see what it would hurt to do it this way?
having some non-technical persons on our server, any mods not included in the dw20 pack will be shared on our dropbox and then they are asked to add them via the FTBlauncher.
From what i can read, that's "not allowed" but i cant see what it would hurt to do it this way?
What is actually "allowed" and what is not is not very clear. For the most part the mod authors really don't care.
However, for packs in our launcher, we require documented permissions for each mod.

So you aren't going to get in trouble handing out a few mods to you members through a dropbox.
Any word on how mods in private packs will be update ? Will we have to message someone every time our server switches a version of the mod or will there be a way we can edit our private packs personally ?
with the updating question in mind. How and where are the packs stored for distribution, do I host the files myself and the launcher just uses my urls or do you host the files and configs? I am near to submitting a pack but would like to know what is required for updating and distribution.
So, I've been browsing the forums for quite some time in order to make the switch from Tekkit to FTB or a custom server and finally felt it time to make the move. I've decided I'd like to support a custom (private) modpack for my community, however the information on how to do so with the FTB launcher isn't very clear or publicized.

So far, from what I've gleaned:
A private pack is a modpack intended to be distributed to a limited number of people. Normally this is for the purpose of allowing people to play together on a custom server. While in theory you could bundle it with a map, unless you were only planning to give it to a small, select group of people, it would be hard to keep it private.

You build the modpack as a multiMC instance, get and document permissions for all the mods, then pm to the modpack team. If it gets in the launcher, the actual download will be hosted by us, but you need to keep up whatever method you used to document permissions. ie. if you have a website that shows all the permissions, then you have to keep that up.

If it is anywhere on the internet that someone can access it without first registering somehow, then it is not private.
If it was a forum where only registered people could see it, that would be fine.

If it is anywhere on the internet that someone can access it without first registering somehow, then it is not private.
If it was a forum where only registered people could see it, that would be fine.

Oh, I completely forgot to mention that. You can just include what code you want in the text file. If you don't care, we can randomly generate one.

Your pack submission should include a text file with modlist/permissions, just include it there. The actual code can really be anything. Obviously it shouldn't conflict with another private packs code, but the chances of that are slim.

If you start a conversation please invite at least 2 into it
Lathanael, Watchfull11, CWW256, 2roots

I do have some additional questions which I PM'd one of the Mod Pack Team members, but after second thought, I think it'd be better served with a public answer:

How is FML installation handled on the client side with Private Modpacks? From what I understand from the forge site is that components from the have to be added to the default minecraft.jar and the META-INF folder needs to be deleted. From what I understand with typical FTB/Tekkit installations, the minecraft.jar is downloaded from and FML is installed automatically through the launcher. Is this how it works for private pack installations as well? I've been succeeding in obtaining most of the permissions I require to get my modpack going and am currently testing and tweaking phase, however this FML question keeps bugging me.

Also, a question that hasn't bothered me too much at this point: How will updating private modpacks be handled (MC versions, individual mods, etc)?

I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find an answer thus far.
So, I've been browsing the forums for quite some time in order to make the switch from Tekkit to FTB or a custom server and finally felt it time to make the move. I've decided I'd like to support a custom (private) modpack for my community, however the information on how to do so with the FTB launcher isn't very clear or publicized.

So far, from what I've gleaned:

Lathanael, Watchfull11, CWW256, 2roots

I do have some additional questions which I PM'd one of the Mod Pack Team members, but after second thought, I think it'd be better served with a public answer:

How is FML installation handled on the client side with Private Modpacks? From what I understand from the forge site is that components from the have to be added to the default minecraft.jar and the META-INF folder needs to be deleted. From what I understand with typical FTB/Tekkit installations, the minecraft.jar is downloaded from and FML is installed automatically through the launcher. Is this how it works for private pack installations as well? I've been succeeding in obtaining most of the permissions I require to get my modpack going and am currently testing and tweaking phase, however this FML question keeps bugging me.

Also, a question that hasn't bothered me too much at this point: How will updating private modpacks be handled (MC versions, individual mods, etc)?

I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find an answer thus far.

No, you make your pack with MultiMC. Remember, distributing minecraft.jar is against the ToS
MultiMC pretty much handles it all.

When I talked to the Mod Pack Team they told me this:
Also, private pack capability is not completed ready yet, so it could still be some time before the pack is available.
So yes, it is expected that it's not clear as of yet.

Just follow this when creating a modpack
And you should have no problems, I didn't. No FML problems, nothing.
Just a heads up, looks like private pack capability is now ready. We will start processing all the submissions and get back to each individual submitter.

I have been waiting to get word on this, so I haven't been keeping up on this thread, I'll look back over it and post again answering any questions that have been asked.
No, you make your pack with MultiMC. Remember, distributing minecraft.jar is against the ToS
MultiMC pretty much handles it all.

When I talked to the Mod Pack Team they told me this:

So yes, it is expected that it's not clear as of yet.

Just follow this when creating a modpack
And you should have no problems, I didn't. No FML problems, nothing.

Thanks for the reply. I haven't used MultiMC until recently, so I wasn't aware how this was handled. Yes, I know the minecraft.jar cannot be distributed, hence the concerned question. I've been awaiting the feature to be fully implemented, merely ensuring I'm completing all the prerequisites so my community can switch ASAP.

Again, thanks for the reply.
So I'm working on a mod pack for a small private server I'm starting up soon, and I want to get the mod pack into the FTB launcher, but I'm incredibly lost as to what to do.

I have all but one of the permissions (SeNtiMeL has yet to respond to my request, but it's only been three days. He's only human, and I shouldn't expect an answer five minutes after sending the request.) so I'm starting to put everything together to send once I receive confirmation, but I am completely lost as to what I need to include and how to get it added to the launcher.

I have read through these threads multiple times, and honestly, they don't really clarify much. If anything, they make things more difficult.

So I figured I'd post here for help and see what I get.

First off, I'll list what i think I need (using information from the second link) to make sure I don't miss anything or send unnecessary junk for the FTB team to sift through.

-Permissions for all mods included in the mod pack
I have been using this document someone put together to make this process easier, and in fact, this document cut out permissions for about 35 mods in my pack. If you are making a FTB private mod pack, I highly recommend using this.
Should I copy the links to individual permissions and provide those, plus the mods not listed/require authors' consent? Would a simple quote suffice, or would a screenshot be necessary? or would I need to link to the page to prove it wasn't Photoshopped?

-Splash Image and Icon
I assume I need this, and that it doesn't need to be terribly fancy. am I wrong? Any specific file type (.jpg .png etc.)?

-Text document including mod list, my name, mod pack name
Seems fairly straightforward. .txt file I assume?

"Short description of the mod pack. HTML code can be used after the first 60 characters"
what exactly does she mean by that last part about HTML code?

"A location where all relevant permissions for the mod pack are displayed."
Does this mean a URL for a document of some sort containing all the permissions, like in the above-mentioned Google Doc?

-"The mod pack download should be a clean MultiMC instance with the relevant mods included. The ONLY folders this should contain is "Instmods" and the "Minecraft" folder, which contains "Mods", "Coremods" and "Config", unless other files are required to make the mod pack work. (Please include a short comment explaining any extra required files.) YOU SHOULD NOT INCLUDE ANY COPY OF THE MINECRAFT JAR."

I haven't used MultiMC much, but does this mean a config pack or an actual instance with the minecraft.jar file deleted from it?

I am a bit confused by this, since it seems more for the public packs. Allowing the general public to access the above-mentioned files would go against the concept of a Private Pack, so do I PM a relevant moderator or go through with posting an entire thread for my private mod pack?
Some of the questions I had for the requirements are definitely nit-picky, but i do hope this all gets cleared up soon. I love the launcher, and I'm impressed with what you guys do. Keep it up!

I have merged a thread regarding questions for private packs with this one. The post in the spoiler can be found on the same page as this one.
Basicly all answers can be found here in this thread.
from what I can see there isn't an answer as to how updating goes on. I would not Like to put my pack on ftb and then have a battle each time it updates to have it updated,
I get that part and then it is given a code and made dowloadable from the launcher but how do I go about updating the pack say all the users of my server want a mod and I get permissions and decide to make a version 2 of the pack to add this mod. What is the process to do that? do I simply update the existing files I already submitted or do I send in a totally new request for you to process?

sorry if it sounds like I am just repeating the same question but I would like to know and I believe it should be known before we get to the stage of everyone wanting to update and it is this whole process again. also may I suggest a wiki page detailing the process of gaining permissions, a sample layout of what you want in terms of modlists etc and the processes to go about getting your pack on ftb and keeping it updated.
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I think I understand how it is going to work.

The mod pack link that you give to be reviewed will be where the download will come from.
The link will be linked to the code that will be given to you.
When placing the code in the launcher the launcher will check the FTB database and forward to the link you uploaded and download from there.

So for updating you just got to update the pack and re-upload to the same link.

I hope that made sense.

Thats what I think will happen.

Please correct me if im wrong.
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