RedPower news, and thaumcraft

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lol Could well be ;p[DOUBLEPOST=1355134786][/DOUBLEPOST]
Read again, StarLiner said that Red Power 2 is just 24 hours closer to it's release, he didn't say when the release is.
He just used common sense and optimism to make the post :)
I know that I'm messing too :)
Big news everybody.

As of 2 AM Pacific Standard Time, I am pleased to announce that Red Power 2 is officially Twenty-four hours closer to it's release than it was this time yesterday.


seriously though. RP is the only thing I'm waiting on for my pack. Who would've thought I would miss tubes and logic so much?
It took her 2 weeks get the last bug she was working on out. So just come back here in 2 weeks and the last bug should be gone.
Don't get too excited yet guys.. You don't know how big this bug is, chances that this bug is quite big and difficult to solve still exist.
actually theres a big reason to get excited it means Elo hasn't just shoved it under the desk any news is exciting at least for me
Well this kind of news is indeed exciting, but when news like this comes to the man. People tend to get over excited. Even though it is "just" one bug to solve, it may take a long time to do so.
It is after all programming we're talking about.
Aye, the last 4 bugs haven't taken her an extensive period of time to fix though, so hopefully this one won't either.
Also, I'm not entirely sure how Eloraam works, she might have left the biggest bug until last, or got it over with quickly. I'm assuming that the lengthy delay between "X bugs left" and "X-1 bugs left" is because she's making sure the code actually works, and stomping on the bugs that arise from fixing the previous lot.
Don't blame Shadowquinn, he probably lives in a fast time world with accelerations too. My little private server is so neglected while waiting for RP2b6, lonely thing. ~pets~ soon my pretty.
I have to say this. Just because there is only one bug left does not mean the mod will be released bug free. It could mean that there is one bug left that is not a game ending bug. I know for sure that everyone will find a minor bug or even a major bug and start screaming, "but I was forced to wait for it to be bug free." Bug free by eloraam standards could simply mean not game ending bug.

I just want to point out to people right now. Sit your expectations of what the release will be very low. Expect it to be buggy.

EDIT: Happy birthday to Ada Lovelace, thank you for making everything we are doing now possible!!!!
1 bug left according to sciguyryan on the #redpower irc :D
Op updated.
I have to say this. Just because there is only one bug left does not mean the mod will be released bug free. It could me that there is one bug left that is not a game ending bug. I know for sure that everyone will find a minor bug or even a major bug and start screaming, "but I was forced to wait for it to be bug free." Bug free by eloraam standards could simply mean not game ending bug.

I just want to point out to people right now. Sit your expectations of what the release will be very low. Expect it to be buggy.

EDIT: Happy birthday to Ada Lovelace, thank you for making everything we are doing now possible!!!!
While of course nothing is bug free, eloraam is a very very good coder, when it is released it will not be "buggy". I can guarantee it.
The 5b1 release was supposedly buggy, which is why she put out 5b2. But I never found any bugs in 5b1 anyway. RedPower will not be buggy.