Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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and yet here we are, waiting for modpacks to drop that do exactly this.

Yes I'm still on about excluding non-RF mods in official ftb modpacks. If you want fresh, get fresh.

This... I think this is why people are wanting an RF version.
Has nothing to do with "ermahgurdRFizWinnarz" but more of "man, i want to use those machines in 1.7 FTB packs"
Hey I agree. But I'm just saying this should be pinned.
Agreed. This would be a logical thing to do. Especially if you're demanding that people use this thread instead of another for discussion.

But the new "delete everything" approach in the news thread is just adding more moderator work. It eliminates any of the good discourse that can happen with a news posting (devs and testers comment in that thread). It also pisses new people off and makes them not come back. They won't complain, they'll just leave. Its a bad way of handling things.
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armor status, potion status, minimap, waypoints, inventory information, perhaps other player information aswell, any tool information you're carrying
but the thing is, there's already mods who add things like this, but they're all seperate and each have their own style. what I really want to see if one mod that adds all of this which can be completely customized. with that I mean the option of changing themes, being able to choose what you want to see on your HUD at what time and the location of the parts
Coordinates and FPS would be cool too. And like you said, there are already mods that do this :p
This... I think this is why people are wanting an RF version.
Has nothing to do with "ermahgurdRFizWinnarz" but more of "man, i want to use those machines in 1.7 FTB packs"
Uh, add them yourself?
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or, along that same vein

"You want to give your new mod a chance to be used by FTB? It better support RF."

forcing modders to think inside a box if they want exposure by a mainstream pack provider sucks.

Am I the only one confident that there will always be room for Horizons-type packs?
I have to believe that if a mod is interesting enough, it will find its way into an exploratory pack such as that, regardless of its power system (See: RotaryCraft, etc)

And if it really catches on, the obvious route would be to see it in more packs.

I think the major problem is that there just aren't any other widely-accepted energy systems that are "as good" as RF, but FTB won't constrain itself from connecting to exciting new energy systems if/when they crop up.
Am I the only one confident that there will always be room for Horizons-type packs?
I have to believe that if a mod is interesting enough, it will find its way into an exploratory pack such as that, regardless of its power system (See: RotaryCraft, etc)
I personally would LOVE to see another one of these Horizons-type packs. My short playthrough of Horizons was a lot of fun, and learning all the "new" mods to document was also tons of fun. Of course, now I have a lot more work on my hands, it's still fun! :P
Am I the only one confident that there will always be room for Horizons-type packs?
I have to believe that if a mod is interesting enough, it will find its way into an exploratory pack such as that, regardless of its power system (See: RotaryCraft, etc)

And if it really catches on, the obvious route would be to see it in more packs.

I think the major problem is that there just aren't any other widely-accepted energy systems that are "as good" as RF, but FTB won't constrain itself from connecting to exciting new energy systems if/when they crop up.
I guess this ended up being a semi-rant. my bad, but it's not directed towards you.

There is room for those type of the 3rd party section. If blanket statements had not been made by the FTB team, I'd be hopeful for a Horizon's type pack. From what I've read, 3rd party is where non-FTB team, non-focused, non-theme packs will be going.

Is this change of tack what the majority of people want, though? That is the big question that should be asked from the FTB team that I have not yet seen. So far I've just seen blanket statements about what will be released, akin to "Hey, this is what we're putting out. If you don't like it, kick rocks, homie."

I played Agrarian Skies. I played Crash Landing. They're cool packs, but personally they lose my interest at right about the time the quests are complete, because after that point it becomes modded Minecraft but with a bunch of ridiculous hoops to hop through because no world (in the case of AS). Sorry, but I personally have zero interest in pigeon holing myself into another pack where progression is flipping linear on a quest book in a sandbox game. There is something that feels wrong about that, and I can't be the only person that feels this way.

inb4 it's-a-free-service...Maybe, but have you bought any merch?
I guess this ended up being a semi-rant. my bad, but it's not directed towards you.

There is room for those type of the 3rd party section. If blanket statements had not been made by the FTB team, I'd be hopeful for a Horizon's type pack. From what I've read, 3rd party is where non-FTB team, non-focused, non-theme packs will be going.

Is this change of tack what the majority of people want, though? That is the big question that should be asked from the FTB team that I have not yet seen. So far I've just seen blanket statements about what will be released, akin to "Hey, this is what we're putting out. If you don't like it, kick rocks, homie."

I played Agrarian Skies. I played Crash Landing. They're cool packs, but personally they lose my interest at right about the time the quests are complete, because after that point it becomes modded Minecraft but with a bunch of ridiculous hoops to hop through because no world (in the case of AS). Sorry, but I personally have zero interest in pigeon holing myself into another pack where progression is flipping linear on a quest book in a sandbox game. There is something that feels wrong about that, and I can't be the only person that feels this way.

inb4 it's-a-free-service...Maybe, but have you bought any merch?

Guess I'm just an optimist :)

I think if there's a reasonable market for a thing, they'll pursue it. There are FTB-competitors, and overly constraining themselves would just risk letting them get left behind.

Also, they want to put a focus on "themed" packs (which I approve.) New, peripheral mods are just an easy and fun theme to work with.
I honestly don't see the issue with centralizing a pack around a single power system. Even with multiple power systems in play, everyone always centralizes their base around one as best they can. Even back in 1.4.7 on the large servers I played on, whenever you went to anyone's base you only really saw one main network with converters to the devices that weren't native to it. I, myself, used IC2 for everything I could, using Forestry's electrical engines when I was 'forced' to use MJ for something. In 1.5.2 I did the same, only with MJ. Again in 1.6.4, only TE took over as the system. All centralizing the pack does is get rid of the headache of managing said subnetworks. Lets things be cleaner.
I honestly don't see the issue with centralizing a pack around a single power system. Even with multiple power systems in play, everyone always centralizes their base around one as best they can. Even back in 1.4.7 on the large servers I played on, whenever you went to anyone's base you only really saw one main network with converters to the devices that weren't native to it. I, myself, used IC2 for everything I could, using Forestry's electrical engines when I was 'forced' to use MJ for something. In 1.5.2 I did the same, only with MJ. Again in 1.6.4, only TE took over as the system. All centralizing the pack does is get rid of the headache of managing said subnetworks. Lets things be cleaner.
I don't think anyone has an issue with that.

The concern is centralizing all packs around one specific energy system. See the difference?
I don't think anyone has an issue with that.

The concern is centralizing all packs around one specific energy system. See the difference?

Negatory. That's precisely what I'm referring to. The custom pack I, myself, am assembling *is* pretty much exclusively RF. The only exceptions are Forestry and Railcraft. And for that I'll probably disable Railcraft's engines and run RForestry instead of Forestry proper.
Negatory. That's precisely what I'm referring to. The custom pack I, myself, am assembling *is* pretty much exclusively RF. The only exceptions are Forestry and Railcraft. And for that I'll probably disable Railcraft's engines and run RForestry instead of Forestry proper.
Are you sure we're talking about the same thing?

I fully support your pack. That's how it should be. I dislike a bunch of energy systems in one pack, particularly when they don't interface harmoniously.

But, (since we're pretending we're each hypothetical FTB Pack makers here), do you feel that if you make a beautiful, streamlined RF pack, I shouldn't be encouraged to make a beautiful, streamlined UE or ElectriCraft modpack? Even if those packs have nothing to do with each other?
Both of these hypothetical packs would fall into the realm of the 3rd party packs. You're allowed to experiment with whatever you want there. The mainstream FTB packs are the ones that will be RF or RF accessories only.

My main concern is about servers. The majority of them do not run custom packs, they run the mainstream, main page packs that they can point their end user to "download X-launcher, load this pack, press launch"

So, it's either swallow the theme packs, migrate to Direwolf20 (20, because that's how many versions it's been exactly the same), or go SSP custom.

edit: I forgot the main point I was making at the beginning of all this; This still goes back to my point about FTB putting constraints on packs that will have the highest visibility to the community. If you want the highest visibility, your mod will have RF support. or else.
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Just my two cents....

All the hype of a forestry version that runs on RF, why is it a big deal? RF easily converts to mj using (for now) EU energy pipes and ultimately TE conduits when they return, why would there need to be a whole separate version of forestry based solely on RF when you can more easily just hook up some pipes/conduit to power everything?

What am I missing?
I was actually hypothetically saying we're each official FTB pack makers, since that was the premise (his pack) by which Synful said all packs could/should use a single energy system.
Are you sure we're talking about the same thing?

I fully support your pack. That's how it should be. I dislike a bunch of energy systems in one pack, particularly when they don't interface harmoniously.

But, (since we're pretending we're each hypothetical FTB Pack makers here), do you feel that if you make a beautiful, streamlined RF pack, I shouldn't be encouraged to make a beautiful, streamlined UE or ElectriCraft modpack? Even if those packs have nothing to do with each other?

Got no problem with that at all. RF is great for 'low/mid tech' systems. I don't see that it fits 'high/futuristic tech' half as well. Were I to make a pack where that kind of technology was the focus, it'd definitely use IC2/Gregtech or some other one I could get to work well with all the mods. "One size fits all" may be true for a single pack, but I don't think it rings true for all packs period.

As for FTB's decision to stick with RF? I don't see it as a bad thing as the general theme of their packs hasn't really *been* the 'high/futuristic' tech. It's been more 'low/mid' tech and magic.
Just my two cents....

All the hype of a forestry version that runs on RF, why is it a big deal? RF easily converts to mj using (for now) EU energy pipes and ultimately TE conduits when they return, why would there need to be a whole separate version of forestry based solely on RF when you can more easily just hook up some pipes/conduit to power everything?

What am I missing?
Dunno, streamlining I guess? What about energy outputs from current forestry generators, are they also 100% compatible?[DOUBLEPOST=1409081372][/DOUBLEPOST]
Got no problem with that at all. RF is great for 'low/mid tech' systems. I don't see that it fits 'high/futuristic tech' half as well. Were I to make a pack where that kind of technology was the focus, it'd definitely use IC2/Gregtech or some other one I could get to work well with all the mods. "One size fits all" may be true for a single pack, but I don't think it rings true for all packs period.

As for FTB's decision to stick with RF? I don't see it as a bad thing as the general theme of their packs hasn't really *been* the 'high/futuristic' tech. It's been more 'low/mid' tech and magic.
Right, that was my point. I was fairly sure we were on the same page.

I also don't care if FTB says they'll stick with RF for all their packs. Its not a commandment from the spirit gods. If something awesome comes along and they want to change their minds, they will.
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Got no problem with that at all. RF is great for 'low/mid tech' systems. I don't see that it fits 'high/futuristic tech' half as well. Were I to make a pack where that kind of technology was the focus, it'd definitely use IC2/Gregtech or some other one I could get to work well with all the mods. "One size fits all" may be true for a single pack, but I don't think it rings true for all packs period.

As for FTB's decision to stick with RF? I don't see it as a bad thing as the general theme of their packs hasn't really *been* the 'high/futuristic' tech. It's been more 'low/mid' tech and magic.

I don't even think the debate is "high tech vs. low tech" or one power system being superior or inferior to the rest, or even that having one power system simplifies things... all of that should be besides the point.

I think the debate should be more about the mainstream FTB packs not even attempting to use something new. If it doesn't conform to old conventions it's not even considered.