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Like a true Vegan you can't hurt anything. Unless you use machines because one can't prove you did it if all you did was press a button, much like how Vegans ignore the obvious and say they are better because they don't harm nature while they power their houses with Photovoltaic Cells instead of Geothermal Vents, use Electric Cars instead of walk, and wear clothes instead of run around naked.

I'm of the opinion that Vegan's are as big of murderers as us meat eating folks. I mean dear bobs think of the plants those pore innocent plants. Just because plants aren't cute and cuddly they think it's all right to kill them.
Stick to animals. You ever get attacked by chickens or charged at by a bull. Animals can at least defend themselves.
I'm of the opinion that Vegan's are as big of murderers as us meat eating folks. I mean dear bobs think of the plants those pore innocent plants. Just because plants aren't cute and cuddly they think it's all right to kill them.
Stick to animals. You ever get attacked by chickens or charged at by a bull. Animals can at least defend themselves.
They may not be able to defend themselves against humans, but so what? Humans have trouble defending themselves against humans. We're pretty damn deadly, and I don't just mean we're killers. One can make weaponized stupidity from us. And dear gods, that's a way to end realities.
I'm of the opinion that Vegan's are as big of murderers as us meat eating folks. I mean dear bobs think of the plants those pore innocent plants. Just because plants aren't cute and cuddly they think it's all right to kill them.
Stick to animals. You ever get attacked by chickens or charged at by a bull. Animals can at least defend themselves.
Harvesting =/= killing

Animals can't protect or defend themselves if they are born into a factory farm, and unable to escape.

Plants have none to very few basic senses, meaning it isn't even unethical to kill them.
Harvesting =/= killing

Animals can't protect or defend themselves if they are born into a factory farm, and unable to escape.

Plants have none to very few basic senses, meaning it isn't even unethical to kill them.

Something is a live then it is not and you are responsible. How is that not killing.
Is it alright to kill if they can't feel it?
Death is death. No mater the magnitude. A single germ has as mush right to life as a human being. If, and that's only if mind you, you look at things from a purely rational way. There is no real difference between trying to quantify the difference of life between any to entities. So it maters not what species, race, or ideology.
You can not quantify life therefor all life must be equal.
One could even go so far as to suggest that to do other wise makes you the same as even the worst of men. Men who started and lost wars.
But that's only the result of one line of purely rational thinking.

There are other ways to quantify entities. From emotional ways to the way they impact others. To even the effect there death's have on there own species.
But they are all subjective ways. And it's up to each individual to make up there own rules.

My only problem with vegans is that they tend to ignore even the possibility of other lines of though.

I'm waiting for them to literally declare war of the rest of the world. Or try to form the peoples republic of green poopers.

Note: The preceding in it's entierty is more or less a joke, even if it is true. Don't take it to seriously.
I'm of the opinion that Vegan's are as big of murderers as us meat eating folks. I mean dear bobs think of the plants those pore innocent plants. Just because plants aren't cute and cuddly they think it's all right to kill them.
Stick to animals. You ever get attacked by chickens or charged at by a bull. Animals can at least defend themselves.
Sounds like you'd be on board with ethical fruitarianism or Jainism. :)

The fun part about the 'but vegans kill plants' argument is that even if plants were sentient, it'd still make sense to be vegan (or starve if you're real hardcore), as it would take more plant death in order to feed livestock than it would for us to eat the plants directly.
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So I assume you've heard the one about dead Rugrats?
Yep, heard that one too

And on the... Vegan Topic o_o

I often find I don't buy clothes unless I know a cow was punched in the process of making it.

Hey, remember minecraft? It's a pretty cool game.

Sent from my angry toaster to distract him from destroying the planet. Some appliances just want to watch the world burn.
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I dislike most vegetarians who regard it as a religion- talking about how vegetarianism is the most spiritually fulfilling, healthiest*, way of life and how non-vegetarians are evil, cruel and/or stupid, and how disgusting meat eating is. (essentially, regarding it as meat=sin, vegetarian diet=salvation, rather than the saner "killing animals is cruel")

(Personally, I eat meat, I'd like it if animals would be treated better (which is where i agree with vegetarians), and anti-cruelty laws are important, but until the future come when artificial protein construction is advance enough to just produce animal-related products instead, animal farms will stay, so vegetarianism just isn't effective (As well as the fact that a lot of products are produced with suffering and cruelty to people due to far pettier reasons and without nearly as much outrage). This isn't actually related to my point in the argument- not all, but way too many vegetarians are smug believers of vegisus shouting against meat-sinners and setting the tone as vegetarian against meat-eaters, despite none of the side agreeing with animal cruelty.)

*Most vegetarian diets are generally healthier than regular diets, since they measure planned diets of people who care about their body against "eating what i like" diets.
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Wow, so back on topic (wasn't this tried a few times already....I sense a disturbance in the moderator force...they are watching). I too agree that the difference between magic and tech mods is quickly becoming blurred. The only real difference being the mechanics behind the process. However, have to hand it to guys like azanor and mithion for the great shiny that is their to love the sparkle and models!
There's a blurry line between magic and technology- It's use of the mechanics of the universe for personal advantage. Sufficiently advanced/analyzed Clarkism stuff.

The difference between magical and technological mods is that the latter pretend to use real-world or close-to-real-world mechanics, so ultimately It's a matter of style.
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Wow, so back on topic (wasn't this tried a few times already....I sense a disturbance in the moderator force...they are watching). I too agree that the difference between magic and tech mods is quickly becoming blurred. The only real difference being the mechanics behind the process. However, have to hand it to guys like azanor and mithion for the great shiny that is their to love the sparkle and models!

That blur has always been there. The only real difference is the presentation. When you opt to look beyond the "magical" and "technical" presentation, you'll find there's very little difference between the two types. All that's happening now is the presentation is starting to cross over into each others style.
There's a blurry line between magic and technology- It's use of the mechanics of the universe for personal advantage. Sufficiently advanced/analyzed Clarkism stuff.

The difference between magical and technological mods is that the latter pretend to use real-world or close-to-real-world mechanics, so ultimately It's a matter of style.
Do I really need to invoke Clarke's Law here?

Personally, I'm not really all that much a fan of how Ars2 implemented magic. Now granted, it was an innovative system, amazingly complex spell creation system that at least tries to keep it reigned in, but I just... I dunno. I've tried it. It got a huge shrug and a box of 'meh', then I removed it from my personal gameplay.

Botania looks to be interesting, although I haven't had a chance to play with it much lately, due to time constraints and RL blowing up in my face. It is certainly something I'd want to experiment with before rendering a final judgement.
Do I really need to invoke Clarke's Law here?

Personally, I'm not really all that much a fan of how Ars2 implemented magic. Now granted, it was an innovative system, amazingly complex spell creation system that at least tries to keep it reigned in, but I just... I dunno. I've tried it. It got a huge shrug and a box of 'meh', then I removed it from my personal gameplay.

Botania looks to be interesting, although I haven't had a chance to play with it much lately, due to time constraints and RL blowing up in my face. It is certainly something I'd want to experiment with before rendering a final judgement.
As the local AM2 Junky... what actually is "Meh"? I sorta dislike the whole "Every spell is yours to invent!" idea because it relies on the player to be creative and not just fall into the trap of "this works fine, why bother making a better spell if this one is just fine?". But it does allow for countless semi-unique spells. I guess I'd enjoy a addon for it that adds spells to dungeon loot, artifacts style.
Do I really need to invoke Clarke's Law here?

Personally, I'm not really all that much a fan of how Ars2 implemented magic. Now granted, it was an innovative system, amazingly complex spell creation system that at least tries to keep it reigned in, but I just... I dunno. I've tried it. It got a huge shrug and a box of 'meh', then I removed it from my personal gameplay.

Botania looks to be interesting, although I haven't had a chance to play with it much lately, due to time constraints and RL blowing up in my face. It is certainly something I'd want to experiment with before rendering a final judgement.
I have to say Botania is easily on of my favorite mods by farrrrrrrrrrr. When I finally got into it I really loved it. The main constraint is "power generation" as once you have good enough power generation everything else kinda follows. It's a very fun simple, yet complex mod that doesn't try to be "hey look at my op gear" but more as a "if you can make it work and be functionally op, good for you!". It's a very creativity reliant mod. That said pairing it with Blood magic can be.. Fun =P
Wow, so back on topic (wasn't this tried a few times already....I sense a disturbance in the moderator force...they are watching). I too agree that the difference between magic and tech mods is quickly becoming blurred. The only real difference being the mechanics behind the process. However, have to hand it to guys like azanor and mithion for the great shiny that is their to love the sparkle and models!

I've bin of the mind lately that the only difference between science and magic is perspective. Science looks at the universe from the foundation on mater. Where as magic looks at the universe from the foundation of energy.
And that seems true of tech and magic based mods.
It is also true that at the highest points of both you can no longer tell witch is which.
The much longed for xycraft is a good example of something that is both and nether magic and science. So get it done already Soaryn.
I've bin of the mind lately that the only difference between science and magic is perspective. Science looks at the universe from the foundation on mater. Where as magic looks at the universe from the foundation of energy.
And that seems true of tech and magic based mods.
It is also true that at the highest points of both you can no longer tell witch is which.
The much longed for xycraft is a good example of something that is both and nether magic and science. So get it done already Soaryn.
So magic = science ^ science? Cool

(I'm so embarrassed, I made this attempt at a joke very late where I was and I got the equation wrong. So embarrassed given that I was aping such a familiar equation (e = mc^2, or magic = science*speed of light^2). Later on I was going to make a sarcy response to your reply @YX33A but instead I am going to find a corner to hang my head in shame in).
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As the local AM2 Junky... what actually is "Meh"? I sorta dislike the whole "Every spell is yours to invent!" idea because it relies on the player to be creative and not just fall into the trap of "this works fine, why bother making a better spell if this one is just fine?". But it does allow for countless semi-unique spells. I guess I'd enjoy a addon for it that adds spells to dungeon loot, artifacts style.
I thought Thaumcraft was grindy. Then I tried making AM2 spells. Grinding components is one thing, grinding bosses is a whole 'nother level of annoyance. Spamming spells for levels so you can spam more spells to get more points to make more spells then go spam bosses to kill repeatedly to be able to get the spells that are actually relevant.

I like the idea of some spells being gated behind boss drops. Having to grind the same boss a few dozen times, however, palls rapidly.
So magic = science ^ science? Cool
Magic isn't really science to the power of science, though... Thaumaturgy is the most "real" form of magic, in my eyes, since alchemy was magic insofar as everyone thought one could turn lead into gold via some magical stone, but alchemy because herbal remedies and those because what we know as drugs.
So Thaumaturgy could be explained as not having a grasp of how it works(a core component of miracles, which are based on faith), and seeing cool things one can do via unusual tricks. Rarely is it overtly magic, but often somewhere in between. Hence why I enjoy Thaumcraft, because Thaumaturgy is my favorite field of magical thought aside from symbol magic.
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I thought Thaumcraft was grindy. Then I tried making AM2 spells. Grinding components is one thing, grinding bosses is a whole 'nother level of annoyance. Spamming spells for levels so you can spam more spells to get more points to make more spells then go spam bosses to kill repeatedly to be able to get the spells that are actually relevant.

I like the idea of some spells being gated behind boss drops. Having to grind the same boss a few dozen times, however, palls rapidly.
AM2 allows for dungeon loot of the orbs so you could always explore your world looking for dungeons to get them from if you don't like the grindy aspect of it...