Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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90% of tech mods don't require much thinking and infrastructure either.
Actually quite a few tech mods don't even require time and effort.​
Most tech mods actually do require quite a bit of thinking when you first experience the mod, or even modding in general.
It only gets that way when you've been around a long time and already know how to do everything.
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I can only recall 4 tech mods requiring any kinda thinking, infrastructure, time or effort. Gregtech, RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft and ElectriCraft.
vanilla IC2 [try overclocking/UUM without compact generators/power converters]
Reika's mods [3 tech 1 magic]
Mek/UE mod family? {citation needed- haven't played them enough} ok thanks @ljfa
Calclavia's Resonant Induction and MFFS
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Mekanism's ore processing (3x and more) requires significant infracstructure as well. Other then that not really for Mekanism.
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Mek requires thinking if you want compact builds. And the 5x ore processing isnt something anyone would ever need. Its recipes are even cheaper than the others. Not a contender for most complicated tech mod.
True, but even back when it used to be a plain mod, it tried it's damndest to make sure other stuff wouldn't work well with it, unless you count fan-made companion add-ons
What happened?
Oh boy not this again
Long story short
FlowerChild, SpaceToad and Eloraam originally built the forge API
FC and Elo fell out over a couple of issues and combined with the technic pack redistributing his mod illegally; FC quit working on forge, and dropped the API from his mod (rendering it incompatible with other forge mods, as BTW and forge modified the same minecraft class files)

The way FlowerChild got treated by the Forge/FTB community was terrible.
The way FC still gets treated by Forge/[some]FTB ect is terrible and completely unacceptable.
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Better then wolves, = BTW

Thank you mewtwo for asking about FC no I solved something that has always confused me when people say BTW forums

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Then some leading community members such as LexManos teamed up with someone called "FlowerAdult", and started "Better With Forge". BWF was supposed to be a Better Than Wolves clone, but was never released. Under the 7 hour long stream where BWF was planned, LexManos constantly harassed FlowerChild. This is another reason I don't like Lex too much. FlowerAdult was probably some FTB/Forge community member hiding behind an alias.
Wow! That's low. I mean I know lexmanos was an ass but wow.
And I didn't mean to say FlowerChild's choices were bad or anything, just stating how it was. BTW is quite an experience and though it's been forever since I've touched it, I might give it a try once more in the future. Sorry if I started this discussion and any problems related to it.
The way FC still gets treated by Forge/[some]FTB ect is terrible and completely unacceptable.

While some take it way too far, you have to realize that those 'some' are the ones who act ill towards *most* modders that don't do exactly what they want them to. So the question there is why are you acknowledging them?

On the other side, I don't think the way he's treated is entirely unwarranted. He let his dislike of a few modders isolate his *very* interesting mod from practically every other mod in existence. Just to spite them. But he's affecting the wrong people. His choices don't affect other modders. They affect the end user who can't use both his mods and others. *That* is why people treat him ill. Because he treats *them* ill, even if that wasn't his original intent.

Lex tried to copy his mod, used 7 hours on harassing him, and later claimed to be innocent. And you think he doesn't have the right to be angry at the Forge team? And FlowerChild isn't constantly using Forge as an example for everything bad, but the Forge community is always saying that someone "is like FlowerChild".

To be fair, Lex is sorta a jerk to everyone who doesn't bow to him.