I completely get you points and agree with them Dorque, I just wish that there was something out there that was really cool actual game content instead of being something simply born out of convenience.
One of the things that possibly follows this is the request pipe/remote requester/ender chest that logistics pipes and ender storage can put together. This in my mind is really cool gameplay, it takes some effort to set up, and isn't just 6 bags in your inventory.
I do try to force myself to be "on my game" in terms of keeping my inventory from getting cluttered.
Unfortunately at the end of the day, most people still want the convenience of a simple bag to open in their hotbar (which is reasonable), and anything that would be more realistic would need to override important player inventory things to be worthwhile/cool or still remain really powerful/convenient to compete with magic bags.
I think part of it is that while yeah, the LP/ender chest setup is awesome and totally gets props, at the end of the day there are only so many mods and so much learning that I can handle - and I tend to think of myself as a pretty bright guy. Some people I know play almost exclusively with one or two core mods and sprinkle in stuff from other packs; the most automation they've ever created is putting a pressure plate in front of a door.
Everyone plays for their own reasons and has their own skill set. To some, building even simple systems is wildly tedious and uninteresting; and that's what is great about MineCraft. It has something for every style of play.
I've said it before, but I think in the long run, challenge is entirely up to you, the player. I never wiki or NEI bee or tree breeding (although in the latest server I've FINALLY started using Gendustry, because after the last five servers, bee breeding finally got kinda tedious). I don't use wikis for Thaumcraft research either. But I don't begrudge those resources being available to anyone who does want them.
My friend Ryan is a real life electronics technician, and he wants to build big, complex systems in game. That's cool. My friend Mike wants to cast magic spells and make really incredibly pretty buildings. That's cool too. I want to achieve unlimited power and play with all the cool toys. Mike's wife just wants to play with him and runs around gathering stuff for him. So on and so forth.
I know I'm way overdoing this post, but I hope the general theme is clear

I won't deny that it's possible for a mod to overdo ease-of-access, but for the most part I'm thrilled that everyone I know can play the same game together and have fun together.
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