Alright I pretty much never enter this thread because the very concept of it somewhat grinds my gears (the though of unknowingly being bashed for something I said wigs me out)... however I have some advice:
@SadGhoster87 I started modding when I knew absolutely nothing about programming at all. I started watching a massive slew of tutorials based around making a forge mod in an IDE writing my own code in Java. I was horrible at this and copied each and every line the person writing the tutorial typed and then raging and starting over when I tried re-factoring and borked everything. So I picked someone elses tutorial series and followed it, again basically following word for word (I thought I would be cool and change variable names and whatnot and then could never keep the references right and had to restart because I borked it again) But I can honestly say that it was all completely worth it, I now make some kinda neat things, and the sky is the limit from here on in.
can make a mod with MCCreator or whatever alternative and you will get a mod out of it, it can also be a cool mod that becomes popular. You are stuck there, if you are content with that, that's ok, I say go right ahead

However, the tools are there to do greater things. There are plenty of good tutorials for forge modding, there are plenty of good tutorials for learning java, there is much support for people who run across issues, there is an absolute ton of source code out there to use as reference.
@Strikingwolf is not trying to berate you, I know him, he's a nice dude.... but: we want to see cool mods, we want to see people bring their cool ideas to life, we want to see people be proud of what they have done, and we want people to grow, and the best way to encourage this is to encourage people to start in the right place.
Anyhow, cheers in whatever you do m8