ReactorCraft - clever reactor setups?

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Hence the original question about whether you have tried. :p
I haven't touched RoC in many months. I tried to integrate it into a GT pack and failed and moved on.

(Don't get worked up about that: The failure is purely to my hardcore techmod tastes, there were no bugs or anything)
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
You want hardcore yet complain about needing to farm. o_O
Did it come across as a complaint? I thought it was pretty clearly an expression of personal preference.

For my own tastes I worry about constantly farming and processing canola. For whatever reason. I'm weird.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
The grinder is always the bottleneck, not the farming.
I disagree. It's not as if one grinder more presents anything of a problem. The farming itself is the problem. It's seriously the biggest putoff at the moment for me about Reactorcraft.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I disagree. It's not as if one grinder more presents anything of a problem. The farming itself is the problem. It's seriously the biggest putoff at the moment for me about Reactorcraft.
ok but ultimately how big a deal is it? Can I theoretically get by with a 4x10 farm and some RoC sprinklers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The big differences in breeder reactors, aside from the fuel/heat cycle differences, are that breeder reactors generate more heat and more waste per fission event, and that the void coefficient (i.e. the proportionality between temperature and fission rate) is positive, unlike most reactors in ReC (and any well-designed real-world reactor). Meltdowns are also at a lower temperature, 900C.

The relevant class:

Okay that explains, my current disaster. So keeping them cool, is far more important to prevent run away nuclear disasters.

There's a couple videos on youtube, but they're outdated. There's also a schematic on page 15 of this thread. But its also probably outdated.

During the time I was particularly involved in this thread, breeders were my favorite type of reactor to play with. They're a lot of fun.
The short version of how it'll work is you're going to use fission to heat up molten salt, and then use that hot molten salt in heat exchangers to create water-steam. You'll create power from your depleted fuel as well as new fuel as a result.
Lastly for any conversation involving ReC, I always recommend getting @Demosthenex's input.

I read alot of @Demosthenex's thread but what I read was all on Fission and not Breeder reactors. I would love to know if he has experiement with Breeder Reactor setups to the same extent, as he did go quite indepth.

SentinelMH (Spelling???) had some Youtube videos on Reactorcraft, but they are somewhat out of date, and well his Breeder Reactor blew up at some point, as the Radiation was killing of Squids in his next video, and that design was rather small.

Eitherway, I got some time on my hands, as my void age will be glowing green for a while.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
The impression I get is that I'm terribly misinformed about the amounts required in the first place.
You can count the amount in buckets per second. I don't recall exactly what it was in my case, might've been around four. I needed a farm of 75 spaces to make it, which wouldn't seem that much if not for the fact that they were liberally sprinkled with lilypads of fertility and AM2 sigils of....whatever it was, I don't recall the name. Canola grew in these farms in a matter of seconds, and that's what puts me off. That was for three HP turbines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay that explains, my current disaster. So keeping them cool, is far more important to prevent run away nuclear disasters.

I read alot of @Demosthenex's thread but what I read was all on Fission and not Breeder reactors. I would love to know if he has experiement with Breeder Reactor setups to the same extent, as he did go quite indepth.

SentinelMH (Spelling???) had some Youtube videos on Reactorcraft, but they are somewhat out of date, and well his Breeder Reactor blew up at some point, as the Radiation was killing of Squids in his next video, and that design was rather small.

Eitherway, I got some time on my hands, as my void age will be glowing green for a while.

Well, I'd like to share my latest breeder reactor that I have been using in a survival world for quite a long time. Please note that this is v3d, but I do not believe much has changed. The design should still work the same.


I built it to serve many purposes: it breeds plutonium, creates tritium, and generates power. In my experiments, I have found out that 8 cores around 1 sodium heater is about as far as you can push. Replacing the HSLA steel walls with reflectors causes the reactor to overheat, so I just let stray neutrons get absorbed. There may be better designs out there, but this has served me very well for as long as I have used it. You'll notice that the right half is cut off and that is simply because I have no need for that type of power and amount of tritium + plutonium yet. My favorite part about this is that you can copy the same formation as many times as you'd like.

The hot sodium goes to a heat exchanger surrounded by 3 water boilers. I know that it can certainly keep up with 16 cores, but I cannot say whether or not that 1 heat exchanger could handle the full 32 I have. My bet is that it probably can.

Oh yeah, and this was built in a 'hot' biome and is completely safe to leave unattended while in the hottest natural conditions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'd like to share my latest breeder reactor that I have been using in a survival world for quite a long time. Please note that this is v3d, but I do not believe much has changed. The design should still work the same.


I built it to serve many purposes: it breeds plutonium, creates tritium, and generates power. In my experiments, I have found out that 8 cores around 1 sodium heater is about as far as you can push. Replacing the HSLA steel walls with reflectors causes the reactor to overheat, so I just let stray neutrons get absorbed. There may be better designs out there, but this has served me very well for as long as I have used it. You'll notice that the right half is cut off and that is simply because I have no need for that type of power and amount of tritium + plutonium yet. My favorite part about this is that you can copy the same formation as many times as you'd like.

The hot sodium goes to a heat exchanger surrounded by 3 water boilers. I know that it can certainly keep up with 16 cores, but I cannot say whether or not that 1 heat exchanger could handle the full 32 I have. My bet is that it probably can.

Oh yeah, and this was built in a 'hot' biome and is completely safe to leave unattended while in the hottest natural conditions.

Thanks for that, I think that adding the reflectors to my latest design is what caused the very very very very quick meldown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The impression I get is that I'm terribly misinformed about the amounts required in the first place.

It depends on what you are doing. You probably saw my and some others posts about this, but I was speaking WRT the fusion reactor. So, 1 is pretty easy. It's when you try to do 17 that it gets pretty crazy:)

Thanks for that, I think that adding the reflectors to my latest design is what caused the very very very very quick meldown.

You do need to be quite careful with reflectors. They can be an excellent boon, or a massive problem ( as you saw. )

One thing you can try to do is make your design bigger, then put 3 or 4 reflectors in a row on the INSIDE. This can help even out spikes. ( This is a trick I recently used for my mega Tokamak. I was melting absorbers in line with the injectors almost instantly. That was with them in the middle of a 5x5x5 cube. The heat just doesn't get moved around fast enough. Added in the reflectors to even out the spikes, and it worked perfectly. )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its actually the farming rather than the grinding i'm concerned about, but nm. Its not a particularly interesting request in any event.

So my single chunk reactor runs intermittently, and I have a very small canola farm for it. I have vertically stacked 4x7x4 canola with fans to collect via vacuum hopper to a barrel. Combined with a maxed grinder and maxed centrifuge I create more lube than I ever use. I have no growth acceleration.

The lube requirements scale based on the difficulty level. On hard it's significant, if you are on normal or easy it should be less.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Using difficulty level for resource requirements. That's something I've never encountered before. Would be really cool to see other mods do that. Good job Reika, that's really clever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Little warning on the difficulty levels: It affects quite a lot of things. Bedrock dusts produced, whether or not the ghast tear can be consumed in the fractionator, how many belts you get per craft, and quite a few more.