Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: MrGeorge547
Age: 15
Banned Before: N/A
Experience with modded MC: N/A
Goals On Server: To make advance machines and get to build big buildings
Unique Skills?:
How Active are you?: Really Active
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder, Tech
will i record - Yes
preferred Voice - Teamspeak 3
JOHNDOE27 added to the whitelist. Welcome =)

[DOUBLEPOST=1375925269][/DOUBLEPOST] MrGeorge547 denied thank you for applying
In Game Name: JoOsepstein
Age: 19
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing Tekkit for 2 years and FTB 1 year. But last 6 months I havent been able to play any Minecraft at all, so if i would be whitelisted it would be pretty much a new start for me and I am very looking forward to it. :)
Goals On Server: At the moment I have no other goals but to get whitelisted.
Unique Skills?: I am unique
How Active are you?: I will try to play atleast once a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder, Tech and Social-Butterfly
In Game Name: MrGeorge547
Age: 15
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I've been Playing Feed the Beast for 1 year now and enjoyed it
Goals On Server: I don't have no goals at the moment
Unique Skills?: I am unique
How Active are you?: I will play everyday when i have the time
Which sums you up?
IGN: WildStarOrion
Age: 39
Reason for wanting to join: Looking to try an Unleashed server to start fresh on again.
Plans/Goals(just curious) I will be looking for a Red Wood Forest to setup home in this time. Looking to Make a cool Large tree home.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Been playing FTB Since it came out. MC about 8 months before that. I read out MC so i finally tried it out and have been hooked.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) I have used them all. Have a headset with a mic from my Wow raiding days
Will you record(if so youtube channel) . I do not plan on recording.
Squirrels cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) They are kindof chewy when you eat them.
In Game Name: geantadoru
Age: 23
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: I never played modded minecraft until I saw Avydia and Coestar on youtube playing FTB way back in november 2012 and also watching Direwolf20. I personally started with the Mindcrack pack but then moved onto FTB ultimate when it was released.
Goals On Server: Create, share my creations and most of all: have fun with everyone!
Unique Skills?: I love automating various machinery
How Active are you?: Almost always online during the day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A bit of everything
In Game Name: choy17
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing MindCrack pack since release.
Goals On Server: Build with the community, have friends and enjoy.
Unique Skills?: well, in Minecraft... I don't have any. But IRL I can pronounce letter "P" while sticking my tongue out.
How Active are you?: I'll be playing Minecraft most of my free time.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder and Tech.
Preffered Voice Chat:
Reason for Joining:
Never played moded Minecraft in a server before, wanna experience playing it with other people.
Not planning of doing any.​
In Game Name: Tohclan
Age: 23
Banned Before: yes, from some vanilla server like 5 years ago, I don't even remember what server or why.
Experience with modded MC: Master level. I've done everything except bee's, railcraft, and tree breeding.
Goals On Server: A fully automated AE system that will do whatever I want, whenever I want. If Gregtech was installed it would be to have the AE system able to automatically produce enough blocks/resources for fusion reactors.
Unique Skills?: Making overly complex machines, or sometimes super efficient machines.
How Active are you?: Mid -Very active. I tend to stream during weekdays, so depending on what I stream I may only play for several hours a week.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech/Adventurer
In Game Name: Leassus
Age: 23
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Ive played with mods for almost 2 years now so ive quite a bit of exp with them
Goals On Server:To Build , Mine , Have Fun , Making Friends.
Unique Skills?:Headchop for killing zombies :)
How Active are you?:Hour of 4/5 a day i guess.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Good question though im kinda all of them but im gonna say adventurer and social-butterfly
IGN: ilyrael
Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join: I have a lot of friends playing on this server.
Plans/Goals: Build my paradise and help Zantag get work done.
Prior exp with MC, Tekkit, FTB: none, but I'll have supervision by my posse.
Preferred voice chat: Skype
Will you record: no
Squirrels are cute or a pest? CUTE! I tried to start a collegiate squirrel watching club....