Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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WarlordGorgutz whitelisted

curscascis erm, you forgot your IGN, but whitelisted once you post it :p

Sombersleep denied

My IGN Is curscascis, and thank you! Now sombersleep is a friend of ours. May he reapply in the future, or possibly provide a more detailed application?
hey there.
kiwi showed me the app and i also went eww
by all means something which has erm.. content would be more appealing
fyi whitelisted you.
and ill get fay and kiwi to keep eye out for your friends app
have fun
hey there.
kiwi showed me the app and i also went eww
by all means something which has erm.. content would be more appealing
fyi whitelisted you.
and ill get fay and kiwi to keep eye out for your friends app
have fun

Alright, hahaha I just read his application. Thanks for the reply I appreciate it, and don't worry fun we will have.
Hope to hear from your friend soon curscascis. I will watch for his app. Welcome to SQUirrellcraft. Your gonna have lots of fun. =)
In Game Name: Oldenmw
Age: 18
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I can't remember a time when I didn't use mods! I've run a small server for me and a few friends before.
Goals On Server: I plan to work on a steady progression up the tech trees, and join friends in building a town from scratch.
Unique Skills?: I have grand visions for projects, and I can easily pick up any mod that's thrown at me. I'm good at making systems work together.
How Active are you?: I'm heading to college soon, but I'll probably log on at least once a day.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm a combination of them all, whichever I feel like doing on that particular day. Some days I like to build things, other days I enjoy working on any number of tech trees, and others I just want to mine and mine and mine.
Oldenmw added to the whitelist. Welcome and have fun.

Application Version 2: This Time, With Description!

In Game Name: Sombersleep
Prior Modded MC Experience: About 3 hours
Goals On Server:Learn about the mods and help my compatriots
Unique Skills: I research anything I don't know so I can quickly pick up games, or in this case mods.
How Active am I: I dislike playing Minecraft by myself so that depends on how active my friends are.
Which Sums You Up? Builder, Adventure, Tech, Social-Butterfly: Generally I like going around finding resources and exploring the most so adventure. Also Social-Butterfly I suppose since I like to play with my friends so I can help them and make fun of them.

PS: I admit my previous application was pretty bad. In my defense it was done at 12AM my time and I thought it would be good way to troll Gorgutz and Curscascis. Apologies.
-In Game Name: InsertVodkaHere
-Age: 20
-Banned Before: Banned on a modded server like 3 years ago for saying that the server was full of kids (actually was full of kids -.-)
-Experience with modded MC: I'm an entusiast of all tech mods, i have experience with all the mods on FTB ultimate, im only low in bees and in some new mods. I have been srsly playing minecraft moding servers first on 1.2.5. i think
-Goals On Server: Experience and learn with the new mods in the new FTB packs
-Unique Skills?: Well, unique is pretty strange in minecraft modding but i know how to make some CC lua programs and i love to build crazy-complicated comtraptions using various mods
-How Active are you?: It depends, like 2 hours per day but if i have a goal i can be 8 hours in a row (for example, building some GT machines or so)
-Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech, i love tech mods and automation

Hope i have luck, and sorry for my bad english! :)
Sombersleep added to the whitelist. It is a better application. Not the best mind you, lol. But better. Welcome in and have fun.

[DOUBLEPOST=1375831273][/DOUBLEPOST]InsertVodkaHere added to the whitelist. have fun. =)
In Game Name: kz201
Prior Modded MC Experience: around 1000 hours or so.
Goals On Server:Mine everything i can find and make it into awesome stuff.
Unique Skills: i specialize in gregtech and IC2, as well as Buildcraft piping systems.
How Active am I: every goddamn day. trust me.
Which Sums You Up? Builder, Adventure, Tech, Social-Butterfly: Tech/Miner. i'm not much for building fancy stuff, but i love to explore and amass resources and upgrades.
In Game Name: Zaolon
Age: 18
Banned: Never
Prior Modded MC Experience: I've hosted modded servers and have played many hours of MC.
Goals on Server: Playing FTB with my friends while exploring some of the FTB mods that I have not used before.
Unique Skills: I know a pretty decent amount of Thaumcraft and I can pick up on new mods fairly quick.
How Active am I: I play mostly every day.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventure, Tech, Social-Butterfly: I like to mine, build, adventure and play with my friends so I guess I like to do everything.
In Game Name: thorn1986
Age: 27
Banned Before: No, not too my knowledge
Experience with modded MC: Very Experienced. I have played minecraft modded since i got it (1.0 release)
Goals On Server: Have fun, make some new cyber friends. speed my way through the mod tech i know, and slowly plod my way through and learn the ones i dont know
Unique Skills?: Simple and effective automated machinery
How Active are you?: I usualy play daily, but ofc not all days can be played due to other life commitments
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech
In Game Name: ocheo
Age 21
Reason for Joining: Been looking for a modded server to play on for a while now, since the last one I played on became inactive. Warlord and Curscascis suggested this server and the community looks great.
Plans/Goals: Become more familiar with FTB unleashes while having a fun server to play with my friends on. I have built a 200m x 200m reconstruction of Herlach Castle.
Prior Experience: I have been playing MC for over 3 years, playing on various mod packs such as Yogbox, Technic Pack, and various versions of FTB.
Proffered Voice Chat: Teamspeak
Skills: Efficiency mining, Interior decorating, and building planning.
How Active am I: Atleast 4x a week.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventure, Tech, Social-Butterfly: My favorite activity in the game is efficiency mining, with the end result of giving mined materials to others to use.
In Game Name: JOHNDOE27
Age: 27
Banned Before:no
Experience with modded MC: ive played on a few ftb servers and before i baught the game months on the cracked with mods
Goals On Server: have fun and make pals
Unique Skills?: well i dont think i would call my skills unique but there good lol
How Active are you?: unless im asleep ill no doubt be online lol
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: dont think any 1 fits perfectly i tend do be all 4 lol but since its limited to one ill go to builder
now for the unasked questions ive seen in prev posts
Proffered Voice Chat
: no real pref ill dl which ever one every one is using​
Reason for Joining: addicted to minecraft and my old computer died bought a new one but old server i was on is shut down​
:have the ability if needed but dont think i will​