I read some of the mean anti-Reika comments and reposted to this thread and its very terrible and childish behavior and I am certain people are going out of their way to annoy him intentionally. And I am certain that these new rules are only going to further fuel these attacks. This is just a symptom of an enormous social problem with young people that I dont see any hope of ever being solved by any means. The only thing you can do is try to is not get anyone angry enough to go after me personally.
If this were just a bunch of idiot kids, I would not care about them as much as I do. The problem is, many of them are not. Many of the most vitriolic and hostile people towards me are adults - some will explicitly mention spouses, children, and jobs - and many are mod developers, streamers, pack makers, and so on. The problem is that
even adults, and often ones supposed to positively represent the community at that, act the same way. Often times they will be a little more careful with word choice to avoid post removal or getting banned, but the connotations remain the same and, as before, when it comes to private conversation, or conversation with less moderation, things often get rather more strongly phrased.
And then we get this from less than 6 hours ago:
RotaryCraft: The new GregTech. A mod everyone hates and no one uses.
And liked by
@SynfulChaot, meaning
two people, at least one of which is an adult (and I strongly suspect both are), and both with good standing, share the sentiment and feel safe openly saying it.
More often, however, people with some standing do not come to me directly. They start using their power to influence their followers, to get
them to mob me and drown me in a torrent of abuse. I know of three mod developers, two streamers, and five pack devs - all but one of which (one of the streamers) are well-respected members here - who have done - and in some cases
still continue to do - that. Case in point: The former RR leads (in particular Velocitan) used to do this, and the rumors they deliberately started
still persist two years later to the point where
it forms the foundation of roughly half of the vitriol I currently get. Go to any reddit thread, including the currently active ones about this policy change, "why no RotaryCraft", or RotaryFlux, and you will find dozens of often-aggressive posts all going back to rumors about crashing with Minetweaker, rumors about my rationale for the rules I have, rumors about the performance my mods get, and so on. And then look at all those people
using those as a basis to say things like "good thing I won't touch RotaryCraft and tell everyone on my server to do the same" or "no wonder noone likes Reika" or "can we get Reika permanently barred from the community?".
The tools and abilities offered by Rotary/ChromatiCraft eclipse most other mods in terms of how powerful - or, if misused, how destructive - they are. No pack, short of removing the items entirely, can change that, meaning that the mods
will be among the most powerful, and thus why breaking them is more dangerous than something like making endgame ThaumCraft available.
And why do you think that is? Take other equally complex mods (and they do exist) and ask yourself why those modders get less flak.
Few other mods are as complex; GT is the example everyone always goes to, and TC sort of compares, but is largely exempt from the "taking changes as native behavior" issue. Also, again, because of the power level disparity, breaking RC/CC/etc have much more severe consequences, often world-killing.
My understanding is that the individual could have represented his case under the new rules and possibly earned an allowance to make the changes he wanted provided he was able to give a sufficiently compelling argument.
Under the new rules, that user could have come to me and requested "I want to replace bedrock ingots with compressed cobble in all recipes, because bedrock is too easy". Whereupon I would say two things. One, "have you tried?" - because most people who phrase things like that have not - and two "that will actually make things easier, not harder", and explain why. If he is reasonable, he will then back off from wanting to make that change, realizing that he is not going to get the result he wants. If he is not, and that guy certainly was not, he would probably make the change anyway and then whine at me when his server implodes.
I wish I could give more than one like.