Whitelist Server RaptorousCraft 1.5.2 FTB Ultimate Beta without Gregtech *Whitelist*

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IGN: bigtwisty
Age: 35
Reason we should let you join: You want people to play on your server. I want to play on your server. Seems like a win-win situation, unless I turn out to be a foul mouthed griefer with an attitude... but at 35 I hope I've outgrown that stuff by now! :)

A reasonable facsimile of intelligence...
Hey mind adding me to list? wanting to play with others to get used to new mods since i am considering trying to start streaming.
IGN: xCouzchat7
Age: 16
Reason we should let you join: I would like to test out the new feature that the mod have in 1.5.2 with a group of people instead of by myself.
Welcome to the server getting the chunk claiming added to night and hopefully be up in the next 30 minutes
IGN: WolfTiger
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 16, 17 shortly.
Reason we should let you join: I have been searching for a modded server for quite some time now. This seems like a legit, no plugins, banned items and such server. It also looks fairly new, and it would be nice to play with new people.
IGN: Boemer234
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17 (almost 18)
Reason we should let you join: i have a decent amount of experience with all the mods in ftb, and i have a lot of time to play on your server
IGN: dafuzz160
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 17
Reason we should let you join: I have wanted to play on an FTB 1.5.2 ultimate server for awhile. I think I have found a great server to play. I am fairly experienced with most of the mods in the pack.
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED):21
Reason we should let you join:I'm a mature community player that will add a to to the server, such a shared machine room and a void age (if i can find the page)
IGN: Beastinator123
Age: 16
Reason we should let you join: I have had bad experiences with other FTB communities not paying attention to their players, Looking for a good FTB w/o GT.
I have two questions. Will this server be updated to 1.6 ftb and by that time will you stop accepting applications?
Also I would Prefer that chunk loaders be enabled but to have their size limited if that is possible.
IGN: Darkmatter35
Age: 15(16 in a month)
Reason we should let you join: I love playing FTB. I have been playing since 1.0 ftb mods came out. I am a good player and a kind and generous person. I can guarantee that you will never have any problems with me because I have never been banned before.
IGN: Pernicion
Age: 37
Reasons you should let me join: I'm a mature player... I 'haz skillz'... and the rules you've set forth seem to pretty much sum up how I feel an MC community should treat one another. I jump in it.
Just double tapped a few of the names on the list i saw a couple of you said you hadn't been whitelisted yet. Sorry if we missed you, but please speak up if we have.
IGN: commandergeneral
Age (Over 16 REQUIRED): 21
Reason we should let you join: looking for a group of people to have fun with playing ftb