Minecraft username: Evilek, Demolka, 6ixpack, Kocyk_
Age: 22, 20, 19, 18 respectively
Location and GMT: Poland
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why?: No, we have not
Why would you like to join?: We are looking for a stable, european server to play on after a long break (Unleashed 1.5.2)
Why should we accept you?: We are a bunch of experienced, mature and friendly players looking for a server to stay and spend a lot of time on. I personally used to run an Unleashed 1.5.2 Server called EvilCraft, if you search the forums, you might find it.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any othermodpacks/mods?: We remember Equivalent Exchange times, so, it's like since 1.2.5 version of modded minecraft
How often will you be online?: 3-5 hours a day.
Do you agree to our rules?: Yes, we do.