Minecraft username :simon19932
Age :21
Location and GMT :Vancouver,BC,Canada, -0007
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : NO
Why would you like to join? : it lonely to play SSP

Why should we accept you? : me and my friend likes to play in a community ,we are friendly and like to talk,and help if we can.
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? :start from the very beginning of tekkit,still playing modded MC now.
How often will you be online? :not stable,some times a whole day sometimes a few hour
Do you agree to our rules?: 100% agreed rules are good for humans
Minecraft username : Feedfinger
Age : 25
Location and GMT : Australia UTC+10
Have you been banned from other Minecraft servers, if yes, why? : No
Why would you like to join? : play with my friend
Why should we accept you? : friendly and experienced player
What kind of experience do you have in FTB Monster or any other modpacks/mods? : TE, Rotarycraft, IC, etc..
How often will you be online? : daily
Do you agree to our rules?: sure